Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class


1. This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.

2. This is a site for Meaning of Quran in Pictures.

3. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1[Book 2[Brief Meanings]


Choose for yourself. Where would you like to live?

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Table of Contents

Lesson [0]: Preparation: Prepare Quran Explorer, Learn How to do the Homework and Learn about the Quran Class Website.. 1

Lesson [1]: Introduction to The Majestic Names of Allah .. 1

Lesson [2]: Viewing Life Through the Glasses of Iqra’a: Using the Names of Allah to Perceive, Understand and Explain Life.. 1

Lesson [3]: The Trust - How Allah is Trusting Us. Khalifa on Earth.. 1

Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part I (The Source of the Ultimate Peace and Security). 1

Lesson [5]: The Second Meaning of The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part II: The Flawless.. 1

Lesson [6]: The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy) – Part I. 1

Lesson [7]: Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.. 1

Lesson [8]: The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy) - Part II. 1

Lesson [9]: The Names of Allah Related to Forgiveness. Al-Ghafor (The Forgiving of sins), Al-Ghafar (The Supreme Forgiving of sins) and Al-Affow (The Eraser of sins) (الغفور، الغفار العفو،). 1

Lesson [10]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part I. 1

Lesson [11]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II. 1

Lesson [12]: The Name of Allah Al-Hakim. Part I - The Most Wise - The Wisdom Behind Halal and Haram... 1

Lesson [13]: The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem II - The Most Wise – The Wisdom in our inability to see Allah , his angel or the life after death.. 1

Lesson [14]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part I: Concept of Rizq in Islam... 1

Lesson [15]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part II: Distribution of Wealth.. 1

Lesson [16a]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part III: The test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.. 1

Lesson [16b]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Continue Part III: The test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.  1

Lesson [17]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part IV: How to Increase our Pre-assigned Shares of Wealth.. 1

Lesson [18]: The Name of Allah Al-Wasi3 الْوَاسِعْ - The Unlimited, the Vast  1

Lesson [19]: The Name of Allah Al-Qudos. The Pure, The Holy.. 1

Lesson [20]: The Names of Allah Al-Hady & Al-Model - The Guidance Provider and the Misguiding. 1

Lesson [21]: The Name of Allah Al-Adel – The Just; The Balance Maker; The Balance Provider – Part I – Balance in the laws of Nature and the Laws of Islam    1

Lesson [22]: The Name of Allah Al-Adel – The Just; The Balance Maker; The Balance Provider – Part II – Balance Between the Body and the Soul 1

Lesson [23]: The Name of Allah : (Al-Fatah - The Opener or the Reliever). 1

Lesson [24]: The Name of Allah – Al-Wadud, the Loving, the Full of Love, the Maker of Love and the Source of Love.. 1

Lesson [25]: The Names of Allah Al-Jubbar (The Mighty and the Mender). 1

Lesson [26]: The Name of Allah Al-Jamil (The One Full of Beauty; The Most Beautiful; The Most Pretty; The Pinnacle of Beauty; The Creator of Beauty; The One Who Deals in the Most Beautiful Manners). 1

Lesson [27]: The Name of Allah Al-Aziz – The Most Powerful - the Most Rare.  1

Lesson [28]: The Names of Allah related to creation: Al-Khalaq, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari'a and Al-Moer (The Continuously Creator, The Creator, The Maker and the Fashiorer).. 1

Lesson [29]: The Names of Allah Al-Majeed and Al-Majid. (The Ultimate Glory and Perfection, and the Endless Giving). 1

Lesson [30]: The Names of Allah related to Originating the creation and then bringing it back to life.. 1

Lesson [31]: The Names of Allah Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz (The Preserver of people, deeds, knowledge and everything He wills to preserve).. 1

Lesson [32]: The Three Names of Allah Related to Ability and Planning. Al-Qadeer, Al-Qadir and Al-Moqtadir. 1

Lesson [33]: The Three Names of Allah Related to Gifting. Al-Karim, Al-Akram and Al-Wahab.. 1

Lesson [34]: The Name of Allah Al-Sittir (The Coverer of Shame). 1

Lesson [35]: The Name of Allah Al-Latif (The Gentle, the Knower of Hidden Things). and Al-Shufa3a الشفاعة.. 1

Lesson [36]: Multiple Names of Allah ; Latif, Halim, Shakur, Hafiz, Hasib, Karim, Mojib, Mobi, Moied, Hai and Qayom .. 1

Lesson [37]: Names of Allah that come in Pairs; Rafi3-Khafid,. 1

Lesson [38]: Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (the Iron) --> Al-Awal (The First); Al-Akhir (The Last); Al-Zahir (The Outward); Al-Batin (The Inward).. 1

Lesson [39]: Tafsir Ayah of the Royal Chair of Allah --> Shafa'a.. 1

Lesson [40]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part I. 1

Lesson [41]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part II. 1

Lesson [42]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part III. 1

Lesson [43]: Surat Al-Baqara (The Cow 2:246-251) --> Story of Taloot and Galoot.  1

Lesson [44]: Tafsir Surat The Spider (سورة العنكبوت). 1

Lesson [45]: Tafsir of the beginning of Surat Taha.. 1

Lesson [46]: Keeping Faith During Faithless Times – Message to Muslim Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.. 1

Lesson [47]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha by Dr. Yasir Qadhi – Part I. 1

Lesson [48]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha by Dr. Yasir Qadhi – Part II. 1

Lesson [49]: Surat Al-Kahf (1) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.. 1

Lesson [50]: Surat Al-Kahf (2) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.. 1

Lesson [51]: Surat Al-Kahf (3) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.. 1


Lesson [0]: Preparation: Prepare Quran Explorer, Learn How to do the Homework and Learn about the Quran Class Website.


1.   Click here to learn how to do the homework.

2.   The program Quran Explorer https://read.quranexplorer.com MUST BE USED FOR MEMORIZATION. Don’t memorize on your own because you may memorize it wrong. Click here to watch the Tutorial on how to use Quran Explorer.

Lesson [1]: Introduction to The Majestic Names of Allah .



Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Read the Notes of the Class


(Optional) Click here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part I.

(Optional) Click here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.


[Part 1] If you have not done this already, send me an email to hw@zeiny.net telling me about yourself. What you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I will not share it with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may print it out and give to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in the email. You can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.

[Part 2] Memorize Quranic Homework

[Part 3] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Answer no less than fifteen questions. You get extra credit if you answer more than fifteen questions. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net. I prefer that the body of the email contains each question followed by its answers. I require that the subject line to show Qxx, where xx is the homework number. For example, Q04 is Quranic Homework number 4.

1)   How many Names Allah has? How many primary Names he has? Mention ten of them.

2)   What are the two kinds of names of Allah ? Which kind represent the manners of Allah ?

3)   Why does Allah have so many Names?

4)   Which names that Allah want us to imitate and which kind of names that we are forbidden from imitating? Give five examples of each kind with explanation of the meaning.

5)   What are the Tawhid (monotheism) of Quantity and the Tawhid of Quality?

6)   What is Shirk? What is the meaning of Mushrik (مشرك)? How is this meaning related to the names of Allah ?

7)   What did the Prophet  not like about the Christian faith in terms of quantity and/or quality? How does the Christian faith violate Tawhid of quantity?

8)   What did the Prophet  not like about the Jewish faith in terms of quantity and/or quality? How does the Hewish faith violate Tawhid of quality?

9)   What are the illegal names in the following? Underline or highlight them.

جبار، الجبار، عبد الجبار، كريم، الكريم، عبد الكريم، أمة الكريم، عبد النبي، عبد رب النبي، سعيد، السعيد، عبد السعيد

10)       Can we swear in the name of other than Allah ? Can Allah swear in the name other than himself? Explain.

11)       What are the middle Gods? Why did people worship them? Why is it offensive to Allah to believe in middle Gods?

12)       People are taken advantage of if they worship middle Gods. Explain and give examples.

13)       Who was the first person who brought idols as middle Gods to Ka3ba'a? What is his punishment?

14)        Among the reasons for which we need to learn about the Names of Allah are:

i)     Go to Jannah. Mention the Hadith about the Names of Allah .

ii)   Use them in D3a’a. Give examples.

Additional Notes:

Read the Notes of the Class

How do you select which Names of Allah ’s to use when making Du3a, i.e. to call Allah with?

It is based on the needs. For example,


Increase you provision, seek increase in income, ...

Al-Raziq, Al-Razaq, Al-Basit, Al-Wahab, ….

Seeking Mercy

Al-Rahman (الرحمن), Al-Rahim (الرحيم), Khairo Al-Rahmin (خير الراحمين), Arham Al-Rahmine (أرحم الراحمين), Thu Al-Rahma (ذو الرحمة).

Healing from diseases or grudges

Al-Shafi, Al-3Afi, Al-Mo3afi, …

الشافي، العافي

Seek forgiveness and repentance.

الغفار، الغفور، الغافر، العفو، التواب، ....

Pray for revenge from a tyrant or a criminal.

المنتقم، الجبار، عزيز ذو إنتقام، الواحد القهار

 Pictures of the board:






Pictures of the board from previous years







Lesson [2]: Viewing Life Through the Glasses of Iqra’a: Using the Names of Allah to Perceive, Understand and Explain Life.




Click here to watch the video recording of the class.


Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.


Click here for the written notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.    Why did the Prophet  isolate himself in the cave of Hira’a? Mention two reasons.

2.     What are the basic questions of life that the Prophet  looking for answers to? Watch this video clip https://youtu.be/RF5-On9kcU8

3.     What happened to the Prophet  in the cave?

4.     What was the first Ayat that were revealed to the Prophet ?

5.    How did the Prophet  know that the man that came to the cave was not a traveler?

6.    Explain the curve shown below about the communications between the heavens and the earth.

7.    What is the symbolic meaning of the hug between the Prophet  and angel Jibriel?

8.    What is the symbolic meaning of the pain of the hug and how is the pain of the hug related to the importance of the message? Explain.

9.    Why did Allah select a cave for this first meeting instead of a fancy place?

10. Explain the views regarding the issue of creation using the glasses of Iqra'a and without.

11. What is the theory of evolution? Does Islam reject the entire theory of evolution? One of the major principles of the theory of evolution directly conflicted with Islam and the people of the book. What is it and what is the conflict?

12. Are the stories of cave men and women true? Why or why not? Were Prophet Adam and Eve cave people? Explain.

13. How many rounds do we have? Which one is more important? The true winners are the ones who win which round?

14. If you see a criminal thug was successful in killing a Prophet, without using the glasses of Iqra'a , who is the winner and who is the loser? How about when you wear the glasses of Iqra'a? Explain in details.

15. Give more examples of how people things differently through the glasses of Iqra'a such as the widow that had five children and the belief in the Day of Judgment.

16. What is the difference between the knowledge acquired by Iqra’a (reading in the Name of Allah ) and the knowledge acquired by other than reading in the name of Allah ? Explain how is that related to the use of science and technology? Relate to using the examples of the technology of death, such as the atomic bombs and weapons of mass destruction.

17. Regarding moral values versus technology, which one should control the other? Explain why.







Lesson [3]: The Trust - How Allah is Trusting Us. Khalifa on Earth






Watch the video recording of the class.


Listen to the audio recording of the class.


Read the Notes


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

 [Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1)       Allah trusted us. Explain what is the trust? Use the metaphor of the two slaves given in class.

2)       List things that Allah trusted us with.

3)       Is everything around us ruled by the laws of nature?

4)       Allah created a gap for us, how? And what is it?

5)       Explain the laws of nature and compare them to the laws of Islam.

6)       Why didn’t Allah trust us to control the laws of nature?

7)       Explain the gap, and the circle of influence. Give examples of the ones who have small circle of influence and the one who have big ones. How big is yours?

8)       Ayah 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] talks about us accepting the trust. Do we remember that? Where did this took place and if it is not stored in our memories, where is it stored?

9)       Ayah 172, 173 from Surat Al-Araf [7:172-173] says that Allah took an oath from us that he is our Lord. Do we remember that? Where did this take place? If it is not stored in our memories, where is it stored?

10)    Prove that we want to be given the trust and tested. Hint freedom, long life, wealth, power and insanity.

11)    Prove that we desire to be given longer and harder tests.

12)    How is the driving license related to the topic?

13)    What happens with slaves who don't have a way out? Hint: [Nisa’a 4:98].

14)    Allah created a Khalifa (representation on earth) [Baqara 2:30].

a.   What does it mean?

b.   What was the response of the angels?

c.    How did the angels know that we will be shedding blood and spreading corruption?

d.   What happened to the Jinn when they became all corrupt? What happen to Iblis?

e.   Allah replied to the angels that I know that you don’t know. What is it in the context of the Ayah (Baqara 2:30).

15)    Using the metaphor of the substitute teacher, how many types of substitution we have? Which one is appropriate for Allah ?


The concepts of Khalifa (خليفة), Gap, writing your own book, Free Will, Laws of Nature, Laws of Islam, Trust, Being Tested, Tests of Submission.





Notes from previous years:


Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part I (The Source of the Ultimate Peace and Security)

Two Meanings:

(1) The Source of the Ultimate Peace and Security.

(2) The Flawless. سلم من العيوب والنقائص



Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the written notes.


(Optional) Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the Name of Allah Al-Salam.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

First meaning of the Name Al-Salam

1.        If one greets you by the phrase "Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم", what is the meaning of this greeting?

2.        When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what do you mean?

3.        Can we give Salam to Allah , i.e. say Asalamo Alykom

4.        How did the Prophet greet Allah when he met him during the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to this greeting?

5.        When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija? and why did she reply that way?

6.        One of the names of Janah is related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?

7.        One of the names of the city of Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and how did it change with time to Jerusalem?

Fake Salam:

8.        Give an example of how to apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life in relation to tyrants and dictators. (See the Ayat below).

9.        What the difference between Salam offered by Allah and Salam offered by tyrants?

10.    Are people who follow orders from tyrants in hell or in heaven? Would they be excused because they were just following orders? Explain the reasons.

11.    If a tyrant asked you to cut the hands of an innocent person and the tyrant threatens you that he is going to cut his hand and your hand if you don’t obey him. What is the right thing to do at this situation

12.    From Quran, mention and explain four arguments between tyrants and their followers. Hint: Explain the following Ayat 2:165-167, 14:21, 34:31-33, 40:47-49, 7:38, 38:61, 41:29, 33:67-68. What is your understanding of these Ayat?

13.    Mention the story of the magicians who were competing with Prophet Mosa ? How is that related to the name Al-Salam?

14.    Does the Shytan believe in Allah ? Explain why or why not.

15.    Mention and explain the speech of Iblis given in hell fire to the people of hell. Hint Quran (14:22). What is your understanding of his speech?

16.    Was Ammar bin Yasir wrong when he was forced to curse the Prophet  and to curse Islam? What did the Prophet  said to him?

17.    We were ordered by Allah in the Quran to send Salah and Salam to Prophet Muhammad. Mention the Ayah.

18.    Meaning of . What is the accurate translation and meaning of (Salla Allah Alyh Wa Sallam , صلى الله عليه وسلم) that we say when the name of the Prophet  is mentioned .

Board Pictures:







Lesson [5]: The Second Meaning of The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part II: The Flawless.

Two Meanings:

(1) The Source of the Ultimate Peace and Security.

(2) The Flawless. سلم من العيوب والنقائص


Image result for flawless

Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class


Click here to read the Written Notes



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

The second meaning - The Flawless

1. What is the second meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Salam? What does it mean?

2. What do we mean by saying that Allah is perfect in Quantity and Quality? Unique in quantity and unique in qualities. Perfect in quantity and perfect in qualities?

3. Explain how the Name Al-Salam (Flawless) protected us from myth and superstitious belief. Protected us from accusing Allah of derogatory descriptions.

4. What is wrong about drawing a picture of God? Explain how this is going to lead to racism.

5. In Christianity, the picture of Jesus has been reflecting the superiority of what race? See the picture in the notes.

6. Explain what is wrong with the following statements about Allah . How does these statement conflict with the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam (The Flawless)? What is the Islamic phrase you would use to reply to these accusations to Allah ?

a. He created us and let us be.

b. He is not a loving and caring god.

c. Allah is too busy to care about us. We are too small and too insignificant for him to worry about us.

d. We need middle Gods to hear us and then give him the message.

e. The powers of God are too many to belong to one God. We need to divide theses powers among multiple Gods.

7. Explain the Greek’s mythology and superstitious beliefs? What is wrong with this

8. How come Allah knowns about the leaf falling down from a tree in the middle of the Jungle in the middle of the night? Why does these details matter? Why did Allah need to know about little tiny minute very hidden details?

9. Who are the people of the book and why they were called this way? Who are the best non-Muslims?

10.In what way due we argue with the people of the book. Do Muslims and the people of the book all worship the same God? Explain your answers and quote the applicable verse of the Quran. (hint: Quran 29-46).

11.How do Muslims connect to God? How do Christians connection to God? How do Jews connect with God?

12.Were the Jews the chosen people by Allah ? How about now? What happened?

13.Are we allowed to marry from the women of the people of the Book? What is the Ayah from the Quran that would prove your answer?

14.What is the trinity and how does it conflict with the Name of Allah Al-Salam (The Flawless)?

15.Who was Crucified instead of Jesus? What is his name and why did Allah punish him that way?

16.What the conflict between Christianity and the Name of Allah Al-Salam

17.Look at the highlighted text in the Bible at pages 3, 5, 6, 23 and 42, and explain what is wrong with them.

18.How is the Name of Al-Salam conflict with the perception (realization) of God in Judaism in terms of Qualities? Use the stigmatism as an illustrative example?


Related Material:

To draw the picture of God, is he going to look like white, Indian, Arabian, Chines, African, Black or Mongolian.

Pictures show Jesus as a white man. This leads to racism. It indicates the superiority of the white race over all other races because God is white.

JESUS OF NAZARETHhttp://wischool.net/2021_WIS/Quran/Quran_files/image056.jpg


Board Pictures: 




Board Pictures from Previous Years:






Lesson [6]: The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy) – Part I




Click here to watch the video


click here to listen to the Audio.


Click here to read the notes.


(Optional) Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 1.

(Optional) Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 2.



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


About Names of Rahma (Mercy)

1.     Define or explain Rahma.

2.     What are the five names driven from the Rahma of Allah ? Which ones belong to the primary 99 Names?

3.     What is the difference between Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim in terms of:

a.   in meaning.

b.   Which one belongs to the Names of Greatness and which Name belongs to the Names of Beauty?

c.    Which one represents the actions of Allah and which one represents the nature of Allah ?

d.   Which one represents the self-mercy of Allah and which one represents the created mercy?

e.   How much is the self-mercy of Allah ? How much is the created mercy?

4.     What is so special about The Name of Allah Al-Rahman (الرحمن)?

5.     Can I call someone Rahim (رحيم)? Can I call someone Al-Rahim (الرحيم)? Can I call someone Rahman (رحمن)? Can I call someone Arhamo Al-Rahmin (أرحم الراحمين)?

6.     What are the names of men most loved by Allah ? Why? Explain.

7.     How many times Allah ascribed the attribute of Rahma to himself in the Quran?

8.     The Bissm Allah , which is Bism Allah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, is said in the Quran many times. Mention the case where it is part of the Surah at the beginning and part of the Surah in the middle, and mention the case where it is not allowed?

9.     How are the names of Rahma related to the name Al-Ghafor and Al-Wadud (الغفور الودود) and Al-Ghafor Al-Rahim (الغفور الرحيم).

About How Much Rahma (Mercy) Allah Has.

10. Does Allah follow rules? Who makes these rules? Where is the location of the book of rules that Allah follows?

11. Allah has a book of rules on the top of his throne. The first rule is that His Mercy will prevail over his anger. Explain this statement using the metaphor of the child who broke his father’s precious laptop.

12. In the Hadith, there was a woman looking for her child, .... continue the Hadith. And what was the comment of the Prophet  about the act of the woman?

13. Allah divided his Rahma to how many pieces? How many of them is being used in this life and how many are dedicated to the next life?

14. Would the Shytan and the enemies of Allah hope for his Rahma in the Day of Judgment? Would they get it? What is the meaning of the word “curse”?

15. Which mercy you trust in the Day of Judgment, Allah or your loving mother? Explain.

16. Mention four stories About Rahma of Allah in the Day of Judgment.

17. What is the story of the righteous slave that told Allah I go to Jannah due to my acts of worship? What is the significance of this story?

About the Applications of Allah ’s Rahma

18. What happens to the one who despairs the mercy of Allah ? Why is it a low image of Allah ? Hint: Explain the Ayat that supports your answer. Quran (15:56, 39:53, 39:54).

19. What is the difference between having good hopes in the mercy of Allah as compared to passive deceiving wishes?

20. Explain the meaning of Allah gives and forgives. Man gets and forgets.

21. Why did Allah call the Prophet Rahma (Anbia’a 21:107)?

22. Why did Allah called the Quran Rahma (Isra’a 17:82)? What did the revelation of Quran do to believers and the non-believers?

Pictures of the Board:







Lesson [7]: Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.



You should use this Lesson instead.


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to download the book The Bible, The Quran and Science by Maurice Bucaille.

Click here for the Scientific Miracles of the Quran Web Site.

Click here to watch the presentation.

Click here to view and download the presentation



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Explain the Miracles of the mountain shape and role. Write the English translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this and highlight the part that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape and role. The Ayat are (13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7)

2. Explain the barrier between the two seas and the barrier between the river and sea. Write the English translation of the Ayat that speak about these miracles and highlight the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran (55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)

3. Explain the positions of the star. After how many minutes we see the position of the sun. Is it possible to see the actual sun and stars now? Explain. Explain how is it possible that we can still see a star that has expired or exploded millions of years ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the positions of the stars and highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks about the miracle Quran 56:75-76.

4. Explain the stages of the development of the baby inside his mother's womb. Write the English translation of the Ayat and highlight the parts that talk about the miracle. Quran, (23:12-14)

5. Explain the miracle about the formation of Iron.

6. Explain the miracle about the darkness in the deep oceans.

7. Explain the miracle about the relationship between darkness and conception of babies. How many layers of darkness are provided and what are they?

8. Explain the miracles about the light of the sun and the light of the moon.


Click here to view and download the presentation

Click here for the scientific miracles of the Quran web site.

Lesson [8]: The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy) - Part II

Image result for rahman  rahim



Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes.


(Optional) Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 1.

(Optional) Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 2.



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. How is punishment being a kind of Rahma? Do parents have Rahma to their children? Why do they punish them? What if they don’t punish them?

2. What is sour mercy and sweet mercy?

3. Tell the story of the Rahma of Allah towards Prophet Ayob.

4. Tell the story of the Rahma of Allah towards Prophet Yunus?

5. Explain the Rahma of Allah in:

a. About the counting of good deeds and bad deeds.

b. About the two angels that record our deeds.

c. The one who would “remind” Allah with his bad deeds in the day of Judgement.

6. About the ways to obtain Allah ’s Rahma of Allah by showing Rahma to others. Mention five related examples or stories.

7. About Rahma in the Sharia’a of Allah regarding Salah

a. Mention the Rahma in performing prayers during times of rare water, cold weather, going to the Majid if it is muddy and slippery, traveling, shorting in the prayers, combining prayers…etc.

b. Perform prayers for people who can’t stand, can’t set and can’t move.

c. Making Wudu when it is very cold, during times of rare water.

d. Eating or drinking prohibited items.

8. About Rahma in the Sharia’a of Allah regarding divorce. Which religion prohibits divorce? What are the exceptions? What would unhappy wives claim to get divorce?

9. About Rahma in the Sharia’a of Allah regarding the fasting of the nursing children, pregnant women, fasting to the travelers, fasting to the ones who can make it up, fasting to the ones who can’t make it up.

10.Performing Haj and doing the difficult rituals.

11.Give three examples of Rahma in Allah ’s creation.


Lesson [9]: The Names of Allah Related to Forgiveness. Al-Ghafor (The Forgiving of sins), Al-Ghafar (The Supreme Forgiving of sins) and Al-Affow (The Eraser of sins) (الغفور، الغفار العفو،)

Image result for mercy


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes.



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. What is the difference between Al-Ghafoor and Al-Ghafar? Which one represents the actions of Allah and which one represent the nature of Allah ? Which one is a name of beauty and which one is a name of greatness?

2. What is the meaning of Al-Afoo? How is it different from Al-Ghafoor and Al-Ghafar? Is it a name of beauty or name of greatness?

3. What is the difference between Mercy and forgiveness?

4. What is the meaning of the following Ayah Surat Al-Zomor (38:53-58)

5. Regarding to the story of the one who killed 99.

المجرم الذي تشاجرت عليه الملائكة!! قتل 99 شخصاً ثم قرر أن يتوب انظر ماذا  فعل الله به !!! - YouTube

a. Why did he kill one more person to make them 100? Who was this person? Was he a dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar?

b. Who advised him to pursue the forgiveness of Allah Was he a dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar? What was his advice?

c. Describe his ending and why did Allah choose to end it that way? Why didn’t Allah just forgive him and chose to make it happen in such a dramatic way?

d. Which one is better, the dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar? Mention the Hadith that supports your answer.

6. What would happen to the world if the door of forgiveness is always closed? Why? Mention the part of the story of the one who killed one more after the 99 that supports your answer.

7. Allah is extremely happy when one of us repents. The Prophet  gave a specific example to describe the happiness of Allah . What is this example?

8. What is The Istigfar (الإستغفار). How many Istigfar times the Prophet  used to do every day?

9. What are the sins that Allah will never forgive even with a repentance?

10.What is the sin that Allah will never forgives unless the sinner repents? What would happen to other sins lower than this one?

11.What is Shirk? Is it only worshiping idols or more than that? Give examples.

12.Regarding the people who make Dua’a to the dead in their graves asking them for their needs, i.e., calling their names and then ask for needs.

a. Is this Shirk or just a regular sin?

b. Who promotes this practice? What are their gains?

c. How many graves Imam Al-Husain have?

مظاهر الشرك بالله - موضوع

13.What would happen to the bad deeds of a person who makes sincere TawbaAl-Forqan (25:68-70)

14.Regarding the situation that if you sin once and repent, and Allah accepts your repentance and erases your sins.

a. What happens when you repeat the sin again and seek forgiveness?

b. At what point Allah would stop forgiving you?

c. If you repeat a sin again after you repent, would Allah take back the forgiveness that he granted in the past, i.e. would Allah un erase the previous repentance?

15.Regarding trying to abuse Allah ’s forgiveness.

a. Is forgiveness intended to encourage people to do sins?

b. Is forgiveness intended for the sinners who already made sins, or to the ones who plan for sins?

c. Can one trick Allah and repent in the last minute? (MM)

d. What are the possible scenarios that could happen that will prevent a person from repenting in the last-minute, i.e. right before death?

e. How do you reply to someone who says “I am not going to start prayers until I am old and near death”?

f. What did Allah say about the last-minute repentance? Nisa Ayat 4:18

g. What did the Prophet  said about the ones who try to pay charity at their death bed?

16.In the Example of the Pharaoh. What did he tried to do and what was the response of Allah Yunus [10:90-92].

17.Allah said in Yunus [10:90-92] that he will preserve the body of the Pharaoh to be a sign of wrath and an example of the tyrants who come after him. How was this body preserved?

18. What are the two times where Allah will not accept any further repentances, i.e. door of repentance would be completely closed?

19.What is the story of the one who locked a cat till it died? Tell the story.

20.Who is the bankrupt according to the Hadith of the Prophet?

21.Would Allah let go the rights of the victims who were wronged by others? If not, then who must forgive these rights.


Additional Notes:

The pharaoh and similar tyrants would spend millenniums in the bottom of the hell fire. Worst punishment ever. Every time their skin and flesh burn, they will be given new skin and flesh to burn, and so forth. Endless cycles of torture. Each cycle is worse than the cycle before. A mountain of burning rock will appear to them in the bottom of the hell. They will be made to believe that if they would climb this mountain, their pain is going to be less. So, they spend millenniums climbing the mountain. When they reach to the top, the mountain collapses and another one is raised. They will try the next one and so forth. Cycles of climbing a fire fueled by stone. It will be much worse than the fire that is fueled by wood. The size of their body will be so large that their teeth in hell is larger than a mountain for the purpose of maximizing the surface area of their body to feel the pain. In each cycle, his body will be larger than the body before. The hell fire feeds on them and it gets nothing but worse. He would have no chance of any kind of parole. He and tyrants like him along with the Shytan. It is a fair punishment for what they did. I believe that In Sha’a Allah tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and north Korean tyrants would join the Pharaoh in the seventh layer of hell, which has the worst torture.

أين جثة فرعون الآن

جثة فرعون في المتحف المصري

منك تعلمت عشر حكم بليغة يافرعون ( دال ومعبر ) | السبق الإخباري

The one who gave water to a thirsty dog.


The one who detained a cat in a cage.


Lesson [10]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part I

The One Whom You Repent To, The One Who Makes You Repent and The One Who Accepts Repentance. The One Who Makes You Keep the Repentance.



Image result for repent


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes



Battle of Uhud Video YouTube



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. What are the meanings of the Name of Allah Al-Tawab? Mention the five meanings.

2. What happens to your bad deed when you make Tawba (repentance)? Hint: Surah Hud [11:114] and Surah Al-Forqan [25:68-70]

3. What are the conditions of Tawba (repentance)?

4. If Allah dislikes a person, would he guide him/her to repentance? Mention the reasons.

5. Allah dedicated two adults to love you and care for you. Who are they and how they are related to the Name of Allah Al-Tawab?

6. What would happen if the parents did not punish the child for mistakes? Is this good for the child? How this related to the Name of Allah Al-Tawab? Tell the story of the man he was caught stealing and he asked for his mother.

7. What happened to Prophet Musa? What was the story? How Allah make him do Tawba? Hint Al-A3rat [7:143 - 144].

8. How does Allah make you repent? Write the Ayah in the Quran that proves your answer. Hint Sajda [32:21]

9. Is the punishment by Allah in this life really a punishment? What is it? What is the purpose of it?

10. Is the reward by Allah in this life really a reward? What is it? What is the purpose of it?

11. Using the example of the teachers we used in class, compare both kinds and what is good and bad about them. Hint: Tawab teacher versus a fair teacher.

12.If someone is making sins and Allah is not punching him/her to stop, does this mean that they are good people? How come Allah lets them get away with their bad deeds?

13.Mention seven examples of how Allah can punish wrong doers.

14.Tell the story of the disobedient man from the children of Israel who said to Allah how many times I disobeyed you and you are not punishing me. How did Allah send him the answer and what was it?

15.Tell the Hadith of the Prophet about the Prophet linking punishment to sins.

16.Harmful things could happen for two reasons. Either raise your rank or punish you. How can you tell which one it is?

17.Was COVID-19 a blessing or a curse? Explain.

18.Briefly write the story of the battle of Uhud relevant to the subject. When was it? How were the arrangements? The importance of the role of the archers, results of round one, the reason of defeat in round two. Watch this on YouTube at 2:08:00, or this at 10:00

19.In the battle of Uhud, Allah likes believers and dislikes the bad Arab lords. How come then Allah made the believers lose and Arab lords win? What would happen if Allah made the Muslims win after they have disobeyed the Prophet?

20.Does the punishment of Allah fall only on the wrong doers? Hint: Explain the Ayah Al-Anfal [8:25] and the Hadith of the ship.

21.Does Allah give you time to repent on your own before punishing you? Mention the story of the bird who stole meat.


Pictures of the Board:






A map of a battle

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Battle of Uhud Video YouTube


Lesson [11]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II

The One Whom You Repent To, The One Who Makes You Repent and The One Who Accepts Repentance. The One Who Makes You Keep the Repentance.

Image result for repent


 Image result for jonah

Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Mention the story of the Prophet who quit doing his job and left his people without the permission of Allah , as follows:

a. What was his punishment?

b. Did Allah accept his repentance?

c. What was the relief he got?

d. Why did Allah cover him with a squash tree?

e. What happened to him at the end?

2. Mention the Story of the battle of Hardship, as follows:

a. Why was it called the battle of Hardship?

b. The battle divided people to four groups. What are they?

c. Who were the three people that left behind? why didn’t they make it?

d. What happened to them when the Prophet returned from the battle? Did they lie and make false excuses?

e. How did Allah punish them?

f. What happened to them at the end?

g. Mention the Ayah in the Quran that speaks about them. Hint Tawba 9:118

3. What is the story of the brothers who inherited a farm from their father, as follows

a. What was their father used to do?

b. After he died, what did his sons decide? Why?

c. What did Allah do to them?

d. What happened to them at the end.

e. Mention the Ayat that talks about their story. Hint Qalam 68:17-33

4. Mention the story of the Jewish fishermen who were ordered not to fish on Saturday, as follows

a. How did Allah test them?

b. Did they pass the test?

c. Why did Allah do this to them, i.e., give them such a hard test?

d. Mention the Ayat that talks about their story. Hint A3raf (7:163)

5. If Allah would test you with something bad that happen to you, how could you tell whether it is a punishment from Allah or a blessing intended to raise your rank? Give examples.





Lesson [12]: The Name of Allah Al-Hakim. Part I - The Most Wise - The Wisdom Behind Halal and Haram

Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes.


If this video is true, then this might be the wisdom behind Allah making eating pork Haram.


(Optional) Click here to download/read the book “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam”



[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework..

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.        Define wisdom. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Do we need knowledge to achieve wisdom? Give examples.

2.        Complete the sentence: If something already happened and you believe someone else can come up with a better scenario, then ……………….

3.        Complete the sentence: If you don’t have enough knowledge, then your choices would be ……………..

4.        Complete the sentence: If you don’t have any knowledge, then your choices would be ……………..

5.        Allah sent the Prophet to us to teach us the book and the wisdom. The book is the Quran, but what is wisdom?

6.        Allah didn’t send us the Quran to be written by cheap ink on cheap paper. What was the purpose of sending the Quran?

7.        What are the reasons for which Haram and Hallal exist? Could we have Hallal without Haram? Can we get tested without Halal and Haram? Give examples.

8.        What is the basis for which Allah decides Haram and Halal for the Muslims? Did he intend to cause us hardships? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 7:157 and 5:6.

9.        What is the basis for which Allah decides Haram and Halal for the Jews? Did he intend to cause us hardships? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 4:160.

10.     Allah made working on Saturday Haram for the Jews. Did they obey? Tell the story of the fishing on Saturday. Explain the relevant part of Ayat 7:163

11.     Allah sent a Prophet to relief the children of Israel from the hardships imposed on them. Who was this Prophet? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 3:45-50

12.     Did Allah mention in the Quran the wisdom behind making eating pork is Haram?

13.     If someone asked you why eating pork is Haram, what is the ideal answer?

14.     Allah gave a royal answer when the bad guys said that Riba is just like business. What was this answer? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 2:275.

15.     Explain the equations of Riba and business.

16.     Is it appropriate for Allah to include the Riba and business equations in the Quran? Explain how that is related to his royal answer.

17.     Explain the difference between wise and unwise versus Haram and Hallal? Give a few examples.

Board Pictures:





Lesson [13]: The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem II - The Most Wise – The Wisdom in our inability to see Allah , his angel or the life after death.



Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here to read the notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, or read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. Instead of having people who deny the existence of Allah and the unseen world, why doesn't Allah allow us to see him and the unseen world? How would this impact our freedom of choice? Use the example of a police officer behind you.

2. What happened to Prophet Mosa when he asked Allah to see him? Explain what happened before and after.

3. Is Allah wearing Hijab? How many layers? What would happen if Allah would lift his Hijab?

4. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a test from Allah . Explain How?

5. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a mercy from Allah . Explain How?

6. What would happen to us if we can hear the screams of the ones who are being punished in the graves? How is this going to affect our free will or freedom of choice?

7. What happened when Allah sent Angel Gabriel to look at the Jannah and the hell? What would happen to us if we see them now? What would happen to us if we do see them?

8. Is seeing miracles is good or bad? What happen if we see miracles? How would Allah judge us then?

9. Who were the people of the dining table? What happened to them?

10.When the people of Thamud the miracle, what was that miracle? Did they believe after seeing the miracles?

11.The Arab Lord asked the Prophet Mohamed for miracles (see these Ayat). What were these miracles? Were they serious?

12.The problems of the world today, were they resulting from lack of Miracles or lack of Prophet, or what?

13.Allah gave Prophet Mosa nine miracles to show to the Pharaoh and his followers. What are these nine miracles? How did the Pharaoh and his follower react after seeing each one of these miracles?

14.Is knowing the date of our death a good thing or a bad thing? What would happen to us if we know the date of our death or the death of our loved ones?


Board Pictures:




Last Year's Board Pictures:





Lesson [14]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part I: Concept of Rizq in Islam

Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti

الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي

The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People. The One who Supplies us with our Needs. The One Who Gives.



Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class.


Click here for the written notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. What is the difference between I need and I want? Give examples.

2. Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. What is it? What does it contain? Why is it big at the lowest level and small at the higher level? Give examples.

3. To what level belongs a rich, young, powerful prince or king?

4. To what level belongs the starving people?

5. Which level belongs to love and to be loved? Can every one achieves this?

6. What is the meaning of the word “secular”?

7. What is the fatal deficiency in Maslow’s pyramid? Why is it called a secular pyramid?

8. Is our nation secular? Why or why not? Give reasons and examples.

9. How is feeling of satisfaction is more important than the amount of wealth you have? Explain

10.What do we mean that things are a matter of perception? Give examples of the Saudi princess and the poor lady.

11.Mention the story about the color of a dress. How is it related to our subject?

12.Who was the richest girl in the world that committed suicide? What was the reason?

13.What is the difference between the name Al-Raziq and Al-Razzaq? What is the difference between Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti?

14.What is the real share of money that we really get? Is it the entire wealth? Why?

15.What the money that remains with us after our death?

16.Would the stingy rich live the life of poor or rich? And would be judge in the day of judgment as poor or rich?

17.What is the Concept of Rizq in Islam? See this link.



maslow's hierarchy of needs five stage pyramid



Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. (Abraham Maslow) (1908–1970) (the pyramid was proposed in 1943)


Lesson [15]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part II: Distribution of Wealth

Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti

الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي

The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People. The One who Supplies us with our Needs. The One Who Gives.


Image result for dividing of wealth

Image result for dividing of wealth

Image result for dividing of wealth


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class


 Click here for class notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework..

The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past Lessons.


[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. Does Rizq (provisions) mean wealth only? Are there any other types of Rizq? If yes, what are they? give examples.

2. Allah is accused of being unjust (ظَالِمُ) in distributing of Rizq among people. Why?

3. What are the meanings of the word Rida (رِضَا) (satisfied) and the word Sukhat (سُخْطُ) (angry) regarding the concept of Rizq? Give examples.

4. What is the message in this Ayah (Al-Fajr 89:15-17) and how is it related to the subject?

5. Do our shares of wealth depend on how smart and hardworking only? Give the example of minimum wages.

6. Are people born with equal rights? Are they born with equal opportunities?

7. Who does decide shares of wealth and talent, see (Nahl 16:71)?

a. Is it equal distribution?

b. Are people pleased with their shares of wealth?

c. Are people pleased with their shares of talent? Why? Explain.

8. What would happen if Allah made everyone rich? Why? Hint Shura (42:27) and (Zokhrof 43:32)

9. Explain the following verse and how is it related to this topic Isra (17:18-20).

10.What would happen if Allah made all believers rich and all nonbelievers poor? Why?

11.What would happen if Allah made all believers poor and all nonbelievers rich? Why? Hint (Zokhrof 43:33-35).

12.Also (Isra 17:21) shows that Allah has made us in ranks one above another in this life and will be even more in the day of judgement. Explain the following:

a. What is the purpose of differences in shares of Rizq in this life? Hint (Anaam 6:165)

b. What is the purpose of differences in shares of Rizq in the next life?

c. The purpose of the difference in shares in this life is to test us.

d. In the day of judgement, a correction of rank will take place. Explain how and why? Hint (Waq3a 56:1-3)

e. Which ranking is better, the ranking in this life or the ranking in the hereafter? Why?

13.Why is very few people believe that people’s shares are pre-assigned? What did Allah do in the following Ayat to make people believe (Tharyat 51:22-23)?

14.If our shares of pain and pleasure are preassigned, it is up to us to get them the good way or the bad way.

a. We chose how to get our preassigned shares of wealth. How? What is the significance of this?

b. We chose how to get our preassigned shares of pain? How? What is the significance of this?

c. Mention in particular the example in the story of Ali Ibn Abo Talib regarding the camel.

15.Allah has already decreed our future pain and suffering (Iron 57:22-23). What does He want from us then?

16.Does taking drugs increase our shares of happiness, i.e., make us happier? Why or why not? Explain in details the happiness against time graph below

17.How many people die due to drug overdose every year?

18.How is feeling of satisfaction is more important than the amount of wealth you have. Explain.

19.Does Allah doesn’t give entire share of the poor people directly to them? If not, then who get them and why?

20.When the disbelievers were asked to feed the poor and the hungry, what was their reply?

a. What was their reply? Hint Yasin 36:47.

b. The reply was a silly ridiculous argument? Why? How would you respond to this argument?

21.Explain the story of Prophet Soliman and the ant in the bottle? What is the significant of the story? How is it related to the subject?

22.Regarding the fact that some people get more shares in one area but less share in another area.

a. Complete the table below by providing the values of a, b, d, e, f and g, and comment on it.







Total number of Shares



Person A







Person B






Focus on … (e)

Person C






Focus on …..(f)

Person D






Focus on …..(g)


b. Who designs our package of shares? Why most of the people are not happy with their package?

c. Do people in the table above get equal packages? Why?

d. Do people in real life get equal packages or equal opportunities? Explain.

e. True richness is in the heart. Explain.

f. Tell the story of the millionaire who watch others eat his own food in a party but he himself couldn’t eat the food? Why? How is this related to the subject.


Board Pictures:





Lesson [16a]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part III: The test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.

Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti

الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي

The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People. The One who Supplies us with our Needs. The One Who Gives.


Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class


Click here for class notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework

The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past Lessons.


[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. Types of tests from Allah or Fitnahs.

a. Is Allah testing us through Hardships only.

b. Explain (Anbia | Prophets 21:35) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

c. Explain (Naml | Ant 27:40) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

d. Explain (Fajr | Dawn 89:15-16) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

2. Being rich or being poor and the love from Allah:

a. Is being rich a sign of love from Allah ? Is being poor a sign of Allah ’s anger?

b. What is the sign of Allah ’s love?

c. Explain (Almomenon | Believers 23:55-56) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

d. Which one does Allah love more, rich or poor? Why?

3. The majority of the followers of the Prophets:

a. What kind of people were the majority of the followers of the Prophets? Rich or poor? Why?

b. Explain (Hud 11:27) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

c. Explain (Shuara 26:111) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

4. The condition that the rich arrogant people give to the Prophets before they can follow them:

a. What is that condition?

b. What was the response of the Prophets?

c. Explain (Anam | Cattle 6:52) and how it is related to this question.

d. Explain (Hud 11:29-30) and how it is related to the answer of the question?

5. In making Dua’a to Allah :

a. Which one would be more desperate, the rich or the poor? Why?

b. Explain )Fussilat 41:51( and how it is related to this question.

c. Explain (Isra | Night Journey 17:83) and how it is related to this question.

d. Explain (Zumor 39:8) and how it is related to this question.

e. Explain (Zumor 39:49) and how it is related to this question.

6. About the unrighteous people when riding a ship and there is a storm.

a. What happen to the unrighteous people riding a ship and there is a storm?

b. Who would save them? Would they be thankful after being saved?

c. Explain (Ankabot | Spider 29:65) and how it is related to this question.

d. Explain (Loqman 31:32) and how it is related to this question.

7. About the ones who feel self-sufficient:

a. Which one is going to feel self-sufficient and has no need to Allah , the poor or the rich? Why?

b. Explain (Alaq 96:6-8) and how it is related to this question.

8. Association between living in luxury and being among the people of hell fire:

a. Is it true that Allah associated between living in luxury and being among the people of hell? What is the reason?

b. Explain (Muzzammil 73:11) and how it is related to this question.

c. Explain (Anbiya | Prophets 21:13) and how it is related to this question.

d. Explain (Almomenon | Believers 23:33) and how it is related to this question.

9. What is the story of Tho3aylaba (ثعيلبة). Hint Tawba [9:75-77]

a. What did he ask the Prophet Mohamed () for?

b. What was the response of the Prophet?

c. What did he promise Allah and his Prophet ()?

d. What happened after he got what he asked for?

e. What was his punishment? Tawba [9: 77]

11. Which one is easier to please, the rich or the poor? Why?

12. How is it that the more money you have the more difficult it is to pay Zakah?

13. The Prophet  said that one Dirham of charity could be much more appreciated by Allah than a charity of one thousand Dirham. How? Explain.

16. Is Islam against rich people? Why? Name some rich powerful Prophets.

17. Which one Allah loves more, the patient poor or the thankful rich?



Lesson [16b]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Continue Part III: The test of being rich is harder than the test of being poor.

Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti

الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي

The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People. The One who Supplies us with our Needs. The One Who Gives.

Powerful Visual Dichotomies Contrast Rich and Poor | Moss and Fog

Click here to Watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class


 Click here for class notes.


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework

The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past Lessons.


[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. The rich have more choices than the poor. Explain that statement and how is related to the subject.

2. Who was the Prophet that was distracted from the worship of Allah because of his horses? What did he do to fix his mistake? Hint explain [Sad 38: 30-33].

3. Why did Prophet Mohamed choose the poor lifestyle rather than being a king like Prophets Dawood and Soliman? What was the intended message resulting from his choice?

4. The corrupt spoiled rich is very busy increasing his wealth. What is the message from Allah to this rich? Hint explain [Takathur 102:1-8]

5. Why the following formula is dangerous “Youth + Rich + Free time”. How does this related to the subject?

6.  Allah holds the rich to higher standards. The judgement of the poor in the day of judgement is easier than the judgment of the rich:

a.  Why does Allah holds the rich and powerful to higher standard? Give examples.

b.  How many pillars of Islam for the rich and how many pillars of Islam for the poor?

c.  Explain the relevant part of the following Ayah [Cow 2:286], which is “Allah doesn’t burden the soul beyond its abilities” and how it is related to the subject.

d.  Why does the poor have easier judgment?

e.  How fast is the judgment of the rich compared to the judgement of the poor? Why?

f.  How many times will we be judged for our life when we were young and our life when we were old?


Lesson [17]: The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part IV: How to Increase our Pre-assigned Shares of Wealth.

Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo3ti

الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي

The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People. The One who Supplies us with our Needs. The One Who Gives.



Click here to watch the video of the class


Click here to listen to the class


Click here for the written notes


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. Concept of Barakah.

a. Explain how Barakah is more benefit for the same cost.

b. Explain how Barakah increases the worth of money. Give examples.

c. Baraka happens with other than money, such as time, health, ….…(fill the gap)…….. Explain with examples.

d. Mention the story of the slave who said Ya Allah I have been disobeying you so much and you never punished me. How is this related to the topic?

2. What does it mean that Rizq per source is fixed? What is the application of this fact? Do more children lead to poverty? Explain.

3. Allah has initial book and final book. Quran (Ra’ad 13:39)

a. Why are they different?

b. Why don’t Allah make everything according to the initial book? Give the example of assigning the 50 prayers

c. What is the initial Rizq and what is the final Rizq?

d. What does it mean that the Dua’a and the Qadar are fighting each other between the heaven and the earth?

5. Tell the story of the widow with five children when her husband died. How is that related to the subject.

6. Allah doesn’t just hand us our provisions directly?

a. Relate to the metaphor of the child who is sent to a faraway college and his father sends him a check every month, to explain that Allah is not hand us our shares by himself but he does through the laws of nature.

b. Use the same metaphor to relate to the theory of evolution.

c. Do Muslims agree with the theory of evolution? Explain.

7. Would anyone die without finishing all pre-assigned provision? Give the example of the guy who fell in the well and he still have a cup of milk left in his pre-assigned provisions.

8. About increasing our shares of Rizq? Relate to the story of the angel saying rain on the farm of one person. https://youtu.be/yAPoLDfiRBs Special rain for special garden.

9. Pain and pleasure are both preassigned Rizq. You have two ways to get your pre-assigned shares of pain and pleasure:

a. What are these two ways?

b. What is the good way of getting our pre-assigned shares of pain? Is it possible to run away from our pre-assigned shares of pain? Explain.

c.  The Haram pleasure is forgotten and what remains is the ………(fill the gap)………………

d. The pain of prayers and fasting is also forgotten, what remains is ……… (fill the gap) ……………..

e. Explain how people who try to increase their shares of happiness using drugs and alcohol would fail. Explain the following:

i.  How does it backfire on them?

ii.  Explain how if they try to borrow too much, they end up overdosing themselves and their lives end. No more shares available.

10. Mention and explain six good deeds that cause your shares of Rizq to increase? Hint 12 Ways to Increase Rizq FS.pdf

Board Pictures:



Lesson [18]: The Name of Allah Al-Wasi3 الْوَاسِعْ - The Unlimited, the Vast


(The Cow 2:115) --> (وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ)



Click here to Watch the video of the class


 Click here to listen to the class.


Click here for the written notes


(Optional) Click here to listen to Friday Khotbah about The Name of Allah Al-Wasi3


Optional Related videos:

1.   What came before the big bang. (4:57 min YouTube Video Or download)

2.   How the Universe is Way Bigger Than You Think (9:06 min YouTube Video Or download)

3.   An Epic Journey From Earth to the Edge of the Universe (10:47 min YouTube Video Or download)


[Part 1] Memorize Quranic Homework.

[Part 2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. What does the Name Al-Wasi3 mean?

2. How could we use this name to show that Allah must be one?

3. What are the two kinds of infinite do we know? Which one is real and which one is fake? Which one is offered by Allah and which one is offered by the Shytan? Explain in details.

4. Is Jannah infinity? Which kind of infinity is Jannah? Explain.

5. What is the size of the second heaven relative to the first heaven? the third relative to the second, ...etc. The seventh relative to the throne of Allah ?

6. What is best pleasure in Jannah? What would happen to the people of hell if this pleasure happens to them? Is this pleasure available to the people in lower ranks in Jannah? Explain in details.

7. How did the Shytan use the infinity to trick Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?

8. Adam got some kind of fake infinities by eating from the forbidden tree. Explain.

9. If you are told that you will live in Jannah for 50 Million years only. would that cause you to worry? Can Jannah be truly Jannah if it has a time limit?

10. Can someone who is limited provide something that unlimited (infinity)?

11. If you mention to the simple-minded Bedouin person that Allah is Al-Wasi3, what would he/she be thinking about?

12. Explain the infinity of the universe in terms of the size of our solar system, the size of our galaxy, distances between us and the nearest galaxy, the nearest star, how many galaxies are out there, how many stars in each galaxy, ...etc.



