Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class
This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.
This is a site for Meaning of Quran in Pictures.
Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]
Choose for yourself. Where would you like to live?
Table of
Lesson [0]: Preparation: Prepare Quran Explorer
and Learn about the Quran Class Website.
Lesson [1]: The Names of Allah Explain Life.
Lesson [2]: Viewing Life Through the Glasses of Iqra’a.
Lesson [3]: The Trust - How Allah is Trusting Us. Khalifa on Earth
Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part I (The Source of the Ultimate
Peace and Security)
Lesson [5]: The Second Meaning of The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part II: The
Lesson [6]: The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy) – Part I
Lesson [7]: Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.
Lesson [8]: The Names of Allah
Related to Rahma (Mercy) - Part II
Lesson [10]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part I
Lesson [11]: The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II
Lesson [12]: The Name of Allah Al-Hakim. Part I - The Most Wise - The
Wisdom Behind Halal and Haram
Lesson [18]: The Name of Allah Al-Wasi3 الْوَاسِعْ
- The Unlimited, the
Lesson [19]: The Name of Allah Al-Qudos. The Pure, The Holy
Lesson [20]: The Names of Allah Al-Hady & Al-Model - The Guidance
Provider and the Misguiding.
Lesson [23]: The Name of Allah: (Al-Fatah - The
Opener or the Reliever)
Lesson [25]: The Names of Allah Al-Jubbar (The
Mighty and the Mender)
Lesson [**]: The Name of Allah Al-Aziz – The Most
Powerful - the Most Rare.
Lesson [**]: The Three Names of Allah Related to
Gifting. Al-Karim, Al-Akram and Al-Wahab.
Lesson [**]: The Name of Allah Al-Sittir (The
Coverer of Shame)
Lesson [**]: Names of
Allah that come in Pairs; Rafi3-Khafid,
Lesson [**]: Tafsir
Ayah of the Royal Chair of Allah --> Shafa'a
Lesson [**]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part I
Lesson [**]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part II
Lesson [**]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha Part III
Lesson [35]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha by Dr. Yasir
Qadhi – Part I
Lesson [36]: Tafsir Surat Al-Fatiha by Dr. Yasir
Qadhi – Part II
Lesson [32]: Surat Al-Kahf (1) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [33]: Surat Al-Kahf (2) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [34]: Surat Al-Kahf (3) by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [**]: Surat
Al-Baqara (The Cow 2:246-251) --> Story of Taloot and Galoot.
Lesson [**]: Tafsir Surat The Spider (سورة العنكبوت)
Lesson [**]: Tafsir of the
beginning of Surat Taha.
Lesson [**]: The Speech of Shytan by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [**]: Keeping Faith During Faithless Times – Message to Muslim
Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
1. The
program Quran Explorer must be used for memorization. Don’t memorize on your
own because you may memorize it wrong. The web site is https://www.quranexplorer.com. Click here to Watch the Tutorial on how to use Quran Explorer.
2. You
should visit the YouTube channel for Quran Explorer https://www.youtube.com/c/QuranExplorerVideo/playlists
3. Dr. Yasir Qadhi has so many videos that
we would use in our classes.
Click here to watch the video recording of the class.
Click here to listen to
the audio recording of the class.
(Optional) Click here to see Dr.
Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part I.
(Optional) Click here to see Dr.
Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.
[Part 1] If you have not done
this already, send me an email to hw@zeiny.net telling me about
yourself. What you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I will
not share it with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may print
it out and give to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in the
email. You can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.
[Part 2] Memorize Ayat 22
from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by
clicking here.
[Part 3] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class and
answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You
must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net. I prefer that the body of the email contains each question
followed by its answers. I require that the subject line to show Qxx, where xx
is the homework number. For example, Q04 is Quranic Homework number 4.
1. How many Names Allah has? How many primary Names he has? Mention ten of them.
2. Why does Allah have so many Names?
3. What are the three reasons for which we need to learn about the Names of Allah? Explain in details.
4. What did the Prophet saw not like about the Christian faith in terms of quantity and quality?
5. What did the Prophet saw not like about the Jewish faith in terms of quantity and quality?
6. Why did the Prophet saw went to a cave? What was the name of the cave?
7. Why did the Prophet saw decided to observe the nature?
8. What were the basic questions of life that the Prophet saw looking for an answer for?
9. What are the questions the Prophet saw was seeking an answer for?
10. What happened to the Prophet saw in the cave?
11. What was the first Ayat that were revealed to the Prophet saw?
12. What is the theory of evolution?
13. One of the principles of the theory of evolution conflicted with Islam. What is it and what is the conflict?
14. Does Islam reject the entire theory of evolution?
15. What are the principles of the Pagan religion? Why do people pray to dead objects or statues?
16. In idol worshiping you will be taken advantage of. How? Explain in detail.
How do you select which
Names of Allah’s to use when making Du3a, i.e. to call Allah with?
It is based on the
needs. For example,
Increase you
provision, seek increase in income, ... |
Al-Raziq, Al-Razaq,
Al-Basit, Al-Wahab, …. |
Seeking Mercy |
(الرحمن), Al-Rahim (الرحيم), Khairo Al-Rahmin (خير الراحمين),
Arham Al-Rahmine (أرحم الراحمين), Thu Al-Rahma (ذو الرحمة). |
Healing from diseases
or grudges |
Al-Shafi, Al-3Afi,
Al-Mo3afi, … الشافي،
العافي |
Seek forgiveness and
repentance. |
الغفار، الغفور،
الغافر، العفو، التواب، .... |
Pray for revenge from
a tyrant or a criminal. |
الجبار، عزيز ذو إنتقام، الواحد القهار |
Notes from previous
Click here to watch the video recording of the class.
Click here to listen to
the audio recording of the class.
1] Memorize Ayat 22-23 from Surat Al-Hashir
[59:22-23] by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the
recitation so that you can memorize them right.
2] Watch the video or listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.
You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
did the Prophet saw isolated himself in the cave of Hira’a? Mention two
did the Prophet saw know that the man that came to the cave was not a traveler?
did Allah create?
he wants to create, why not just creating just angels and trees that will not
kill, commit crimes and spread corruption?
are the two kinds of names of Allah? Which kind represent the manners of Allah?
Which names that Allah want us to follow and which kind of names that we are
forbidden to follow? Give five examples of each kind with explanation of the
is the meaning of Mushrik (مشرك)? How is this meaning
related to the names of Allah?
did the Prophet saw know that the man was not a traveler?