to Dr. Elzeiny Islamic Studies Class
1. This is a
site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.
2. This is a site for Meaning of Quran in
3. Books about the Names
of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]
Choose for yourself. Where would you like to
Table of Contents
Lesson [2]:
The Knowledge of Allah.
Lesson [3]:
The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part 1
Lesson [4]:
The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part II
Lesson [5]:
Sweet and Sour Mercy
Lesson [6]:
Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah - Part I.
Lesson [7]:
Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah - Part II.
Lesson [8]:
Pillars of Faith - Believe in Angels.
Lesson [9]:
Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Books, the Prophets the Day of Judgment and
the Qadar
Lesson [9B]: Pillars
of Islam – Salah, Zakah, Fasting and Haj.
Lesson [11]: Reply to "Muslims are
terrorists and Islam is the religion of terror"
Lesson [12]: Reply to Islam
Spread by the Sword
Lesson [13]: Reply
to Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Harsh
Lesson [14]: Reply to “Sharia
(Islamic Law) is too old”
Lesson [15] Reply to Hijab
Lesson [17]:
Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.
Lesson [20]:
Reply to: “Islam Allows Men to have four wives - Women can’t be leaders”.
Lesson [21]:
Reply to “Islam Allows Slavery”
Lesson [22]:
Reply to: Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name
Lesson [25]: Hadeeth of
Intentions Part II.
Lesson [23]:
Sunah and Bida’a (Inovations) - Legal and Illegal Changes.
Lesson [24]:
The Hadeeth Collections: Hadeeth of
Intentions Part I:
Lesson [26]:
Doing Business with Allah
Lesson [27] Lessons from
COVID-19 Crisis – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [28] The American
Dream – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [31]:
Modern Challenges – Speech to the Muslim Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Lesson [32]:
7 Wisdoms of pain and suffering – Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Lesson [33]: –
The Day of Judgment [1] (Lecture No. 1). By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Click here to listen to the class.
Part I: If you have not done this already,
send me an email to hw@zeiny.net telling me
about yourself. What you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I
will not share it with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may
print it out and give to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in
the email. You can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.
Part II: Listen
to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the
following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send
me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Why did Allah create?
Why didn’t he create just angels
and trees that will cause no corruption?
Who are our four enemies (evil
motives). Give examples.
Why did Allah create the Shytan
and his other enemies?
If there is no meanness, would
kindness exist? Explain why?
Can we have a free will if we
don’t have evil motives? Give an example of a creation of Allah that has no
evil motives at all. Are they being tested?
What are the tests of
submission? Explain and give examples.
Temptations are evil motives.
Give five examples of evil temptations.
After the Shytan starts the
temptations, would he be able to make it grow? Explain.
10. If
no one can avoid the startup of temptations in his/her heart, how can we fight
temptations then?
11. Mention
the story of the man who was transformed to a monster due to temptations.
12. What
are the good motives? Give couple of illustrative examples of each.
13. Why
does Allah allow evil, pain and suffering?
14. Why
did people worship middle Gods? Explain how worshiping middle Gods would cause
you to be taking disadvantage of.
15. When
Allah said to the bad guys to pay charity, what did they say? How can you
16. If
you make a mistake, is there a way out of it? What is the story of the person
who killed 100 people?
17. What
are the mistakes that can’t be forgiven with repentance?
18. What
are the mistakes that can’t be forgiven without repentance?
19. If
you made a mistake and Allah forgave you and you made the mistake again, would
he forgive you? When would Allah stop forgiving you?
20. If
you made a mistake and Allah forgave you and you made the mistake again, would
Allah cancel his previous forgiveness?
21. When
bad people are asked to give charity to the poor and needy, they reply and say
that we are not going to feed them. Allah is the one that should feed them not
us. How would you reply to this
Click here to listen to the class.
Listen to the audio recording of the class, read
the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers
are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
knows everything that happen and would happen in the future. Allah guides whom
so ever he wills and misguides whom so ever he wills. Allah seals the ears of
the bad guys so that they can’t hear the truth. Allah blinds their eyes so that
they can’t see the truth. Allah locked their hearts from understanding the
truth. Allah already wrote everything that will happen in a book.
1. If this is the case, then how come we have freedom of choice.
2. He already wrote our deeds. We have no choice. How come he is
punishing the wrong doers.
3. Allah doesn’t want to guide me. It is not my fault. How do
you reply to that ridiculous argument?
4. How can I know your answer ahead of time without forcing you to
follow my answer?
5. What is the opposite of the statement "Allah guides whom so
ever he wants and misguides whomsoever he wants". Prove that the opposite
doesn't make any sense.
6. The names of Allah (الأول) means the first without start and the twin name of this name
is (الآخر) which means the last without end. Explain this in terms of
time. Use the example of the story board.
7. Explain how Allah controls the time and he does not change or age
with time.
8. On the other hand, he made the time able to age everything else.
Elaborate on the previous statement and use that to explain how Allah contains
time and everything else is contained in time.
9. Mention the story of Omer RA with the guy who was arguing that he
stole because it is the decree of Allah and it is not his fault. What was the
reply of Omer RA?
10. Is our will superior to Allah's will? The following Ayat in Surat
Al-Takweer [29:28-29] have the answer.
Explain them.
11. The knowledge of Allah is surrounding knowledge. What does that
Click here to listen to the class.
Listen to the audio recording of the class, read
the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers
are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel
we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do
you depend on Allah in both of these tasks?
do you reply to the one who says "If I do my part, then there is nothing
left for Allah to do".
the word "Tawfeeq توفيق". Who does control Tawfeeq?
the probability of failure?
the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?
do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah
to do"?
How do I
depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses?
did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid
claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?
10. The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink
it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail.
11. Depending on Allah is the job of the heart. Doing your part is the
job of the brain and muscles. Explain this sentence with examples.
12. Explain
in details the plan of immigration of the Prophet SAW from Macca to Medina.
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Listen to the audio recording of the class, read
the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers
are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What
is the law of be and it will be? Did Allah create and has been ruling the
universe using this law? Explain in details.
2. If
Allah will excuse anyone from using the laws of nature, who would be exempted.
3. If
you study, you pass. Muslim did not study and non-Muslim studied
4. Who was the woman of the two belts? Why did she get this name?
What was her relationship to the Prophet and Abo Bakr? What was her role during
the Prophet migration to Madina?
5. Who was the companion of the Prophet during his immigration?
6. Who was the person who was spying on the Arab Lords? How? What was
his relationship to Abo Baker Al-Sidiq?
7. Who was the guy that was trying to capture the Prophet SAW for a
prize? What was his name? And what was the prize? The Prophet promised his
something. What was it? Why did the Prophet promise him? When did this promise
become true, i.e. after what battle?
8. What is the meaning of the word desperate? How is it related to
this subject, which is how to depend on Allah?
9. When does Allah help you with unseen soldiers? How do you qualify
for them?
10. How many times the Prophet SAW plan of Higra failed and what were
the unseen soldier that Allah helped him with? Explain in details.
11. Why did Allah make the Prophet follow the laws of nature in his
immigration to Madian but in the night journey he gave him the miraculous
animal called Al-Borak? Why? What is the difference between both the night
journey and the Higra?
12. Allah sent fruit basket from Jannah to Mariam when she was in her
room worshiping Allah. After giving birth to Prophet Isa, why did Allah ask her
to shake the palm tree to get dates to eat and did not provide her with a fruit
basket from Jannah?
13. What happened to the 40 guys that were surrounding the house of
the Prophet SAW? What did the Prophet do to them before he leaves? Why?
14. What is the name of the cave where is the Prophet was hiding in?
Why did he hide and did not go straight to Makah?
15. Why did the Prophet saw hire a guide man? When did he meet with
this man?
16. Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Explain this statement and how
is it related to the subject of how to depend on Allah?
Click here to listen to the
Listen to the
audio recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following
questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the
homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Mention the story of Prophet Mosa and the Righteous slave of Allah. Hint use Quran 18:60-82
What are the two
types of knowledge? Explain.
What are the two
types of mercy?
In the first event,
which was damaging the boat, who was the one who made the decision? Which type
is this mercy?
In the second event,
which was killing the boy, who was the one who made the decision? Which type is
this mercy?
In the third event,
which was fixing the wall of a ruined house, who was the one who made the
decision? Which type is this mercy?
Explain how is that
you may pray for something, which is bad for you, or hate something, which is
good for you. Give few examples.
Mention few lessons
that you learned from the story.
When something bad
happens to you, are you allowed to feel sad and cry? You should change your
sadness to what?
10. When something good happens to you, are you allowed
to feel joy and happiness? You should change your Happiness to what?
11. When you are worried, you should change your worry to what?
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Listen to the
audio recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following
questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the
homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. About the example of the people who live in 2D, can we see them? Can they see all of us? What would they see if you place your finger in their 2D plane? Use the metaphor of the people who live in 2D to show that we are being seen and accessed from higher dimensions.
2. Do we see everything in existence? Mention few examples of things
that exit but we don’t see them.
3. Mention the Hadith where Angle Gabriel came to the Prophet and
mentioned to him the pillars of Islam, Pillars of Faith and Ihsan. Write only
the part that mentions the pillars of faith.
4. What did Allah give us so that we can see him by our brains? What
do we have to understand the nature of Allah? Explain.
How many names Allah has given
us? How many names Allah has overall? Write the Hadeeth that proves your statement?
6. What are the two worlds that we have? To which one Allah, his
angels and life after? What world that we live in now? To which world
belong the things that we can feel using any of the five senses?
7. From an Islamic perspective, what is the difference between to
know and to believe? Use the example of the furnace.
8. When the angels ask you the three questions right after death, how
come you can't lie and give the correct answers?
9. Is lying more difficult or saying the truth?
10. Lying takes a lot of brain work and good memory. Mention the
joke of the teacher who quizzed the four students about the flat tire.
11. Compare the punishment in the grave with nightmares.
12. Compare the joy in the grave with sweet dreams.
13. If you want to torture someone in this life, which part (Body or
Soul) you can apply the torture non? How about in the grave? How about in Hell
Notes from
Previous Years:
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Listen to the
audio recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following
questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the
homework via email hw@zeiny.net
How much of the
earth population deny the exitance of Allah?
Brief describe
trinity and how does it relate to the Islamic realization of Allah?
is monotheism in Quantity and Quality? Explain.
4. Allah is One and is a Unit. Explain/
5. How does Surat Al-Ikhlas present the image of Allah? In other
words, how is Allah described himself in the Surat Al-Ikhlas?
6. Does the Arabic bible use the name Allah to describe God? What is
the significance of this?
7. What is the meaning of that if there is someone up there, let him
touch my back?
8. Why do atheist people go to the extreme of denying the presence of
9. The example of the ship that leaves India and reach New York. How
does this example affirm the presence of God?
10. What is the meaning of the statement “God did not create man. Man
created God”?
11. Explain how is the Christian religion was used as a slave mind
management system? What was the response of the smart slaves?
12. Why does Allah allow evil to happen?
13. Tell the joke about selling parts of the paradise by the church in
the old days.
14. Explain the Islamic views of the theory of evolution. Does Islam
reject the entire theory?
15. Why the racist people draw monkeys to describe black people? How
does this relate to the theory of evolution?
16. Explain how theory of evolution (Darwin’s theory) would justify
the killing of humans.
17. What is the Arian race? Who promoted its superiority over all
other races? Explain the disaster that resulted from that.
18. In the incident of the woman who forgot her children in the garage
where the door is closed and the engine is running, what is the first lesson
she was taught in the grief management classes? How is this lesson related to
the existence of Allah?
19. When we see beautiful painting of nature, how does this make us
feel about the artist and Allah?
20. If every company has a president and every country has a chief,
how is this fact related to the presence of Allah?
21. What is the name of the people who just ignore the presence of
Allah? Briefly describe the religion of Buddhism.
22. Explain logically why does the fact that has faith would do more
charity than the society that doesn’t have faith.
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to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. Why is it not appropriate to Allah to do all
tasks by himself? Give examples of tasks that it is not appropriate for Him to
2. What is the Royal way of getting something
3. Body of energy made of what? Can they take
the form of humans? Did Gibril came to the Prophet in a form of a man? What was
the man look like?
4. In the Hadith of Pillars of faith, the Hadith
that we are studying now, who was talking to the Prophet?
5. Angels don’t ever disobey Allah? Why?
6. Do angels go to hell or heaven?
7. Because of the coupling between our bodies
and souls, the body is limiting the soul. Explain that statement in details.
8. What happen when we die, are we going to be
limited to the five senses? Are we going to be able to see the world of unseen?
Explain in details.
9. Give an example of how Jinn and angels can go
through walls.
10. Complete: In order for Jinn to be seen by us,
they have to ............, and they will be controlled by our laws of
11. What is the interface between the body and
the soul? How can the soul control the body? How can you split them apart so
that you don't feel the pain during surgery?
12. Mention the names and the role of 11 angels.
of different angels doing different tasks.
13. The wandering angels. Don’t enter a house
that has a dog or picture. Don’t attend a lecture or a talk where a woman is
not wearing proper hijab.
14. What is the job of the Guardian Angels? Do
they do their job with both good and bad guys or only good guys?
15. Describe the Shytan’s access to us? Can he
have physical access to us?
16. Regarding he angels on the right and left,
who is in charge of the other? Why?
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the class.
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework
Faith in Books and Prophets:
is the difference between a Prophet and Messenger? Explain how that the
messenger is sent to non-believers but the Prophet is sent to believers.
Explain in details.
no more Prophets will be sent, Allah substituted the Prophet with what? Explain
how and why?
each Prophet teach the same faith about Allah? Why? Explain.
Messenger came with different Sharia laws. Give three examples of differences
between the Sharia laws of the Messengers.
why the three heavenly religions teach that the only acceptable religion and
way of life is their version of religion. What would happen if they don’t teach
are the people of the book? Explain do we consider them the best Non-Muslims.
Prophets are teachers, what do they need to teach from?
are the benefits of having books (scriptures) while the Prophets are alive?
What is the use of these books after the Prophets die?
books now have been changed due to translations and manipulations except the
Quran. Why did Allah declare that he will be guard the Quran from being lost,
manipulate it or changed until the Day of Judgment?
10. Explain the telephone game and how
it affected the authenticity of previous scriptures?
Belief in the Day
of Judgment:
there is no day of judgment, then good guys and bad guys end up equal. Explain
how they are the same. Is it fair?
there is no day of judgment, then it will make no sense for us to fight our
temptations and lower desires. Explain why.
would you say about a judge who makes good guys equal to bad guys? How this is
related to belief in the Day of Judgment?
are the three spiritual motivations that will motivate someone wake up very
early in the morning and go to Fajr?
many rounds we have? The true winner is the one who wins which one of them?
logically that the society that has faith gives more charity than the society
that doesn’t have faith.
Belief in the Qadar:
1. Who
has been writing our books when we were children? What happens as you grow
2. Allah
knows about what we will be written in our books. How do you reconcile this
with the fact that we are writing our own books and that we have the freedom to
write them?
3. What
are the decisions that have been made by Allah and we have no choice over? Can
we question Allah, reject or change any of these decisions?
4. What
is the story of the parents who accidently left their children to die in the
garage due to carbon dioxide coming out of their running car? What did they do
after the accident to be able to handle with the harsh reality?
5. In
the grief management classes, what is the first thing they teach? How is that
related to the sixth pillar of faith in Islam?
6. Why
bad things may happen to good people? Isn’t it cruel to make good people
suffer? Relate to the story of Musa (AS) and the righteous slave, ruining the
boat and killing the boy.
7. The
righteous slave represents the Qadar of Allah. Explain.
8. What
is the wisdom behind Muslims getting defeated in the second round of the battle
of Uhud? What would happen if the defeat didn’t take place?
9. Some
people are born with all the fame and wealth they need, while others are
deprived? Are we born to equal rights? Are we born to equal opportunities? Who controls the distribution of wealth?
10. If
our share of wealth, health and whatnot, were pre- assigned. Then what is our
role in obtaining them? Explain and mention the story of the camel of Ali Ibn
Abi Talib (RAA).
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to the class.
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework.
What is the difference between the 6 pillars of faith and the 5
pillars of worship? Which one must come first?
Prophet Mohamed was the most loved and respected by his people. He
was Al-Amin (the most trust worth) and then he became the most despised and the
most liar who lies about God himself. Why? What happened?
Why did the Arab lords reject La Ilah Ila Allah and Mohamed is
Rasol Allah?
How many years the Prophet SAW lived? How many years was he a
Prophet? How many years in Makkah? How many years in Al-Madina? What was the
purpose of the Makkah era and what was the purpose of Al-Madina period?
What is the difference between the Ayat of the Quran that was
revealed in Makkah and the ones that was revealed in Al-Madina?
Using the metaphor of building a foundation, which one comes first
removal of the dirt or establishment of foundation? How is this related to the
Did La Ila Allah come first or the moral values, or the rules of
Halal and Haram? What did Aisha RA said about obeying the rules of dos and
don'ts? Were these rules come first or last? Why?
How many easier ways the Prophet SAW could have used to establish
Islam? Summarize all of them. Explain how the intended objective
of each way was achieved after the establishment of {La Ilaha Ila Allah.
Mohamed Rasool Allah}.
Click here
for the written notes.
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1. What
are the tests of Islam (tests of submission)? Why are we being given these
tests? Explain how Ramadan is a test to us.
2. Using
the example of a father who sent his son to study in a faraway college, explain
the following:
a. Concept
of Salah? What is the phone number you need to call on Allah?
b. Concept
of laws of nature? Who to thank for the check? How is that relevant to the law
of nature?
c. Evolution?
hint I have no father or mother.
3. Describe
the remembrance of Allah curve with time to show the relationship between
prayers and the remembrance of Allah.
4. Focusing
in the prayer as a problem. In what case it would be forgiven and in what case
it will not?
5. What
is the name of the Shytan who’s job is to make people unable to focus during
the prayer?
6. Mention
he joke about the guy who insisted that the Imam prayed Duhur two Raka instead
four Raka?
7. What
do we mean by the spiritual muscles? How is this related to Ramadan?
8. Why
Ramadan is a training camp? Mention four of the most important benefits of
fasting Ramadan (the ones mentioned in class).
9. What
is the Hadith Qudsy and how is it different than regular Hadith or Quran?
10. (Optional)
In the Hadith Qudsy, Allah said that all the worship of the children of Adam to
him except fasting it is to me and I am the one who would reward for it.
Explain the meaning of this Hadith.
11. If
people convert their cash money into other forms (like diamond for example) for
the purpose of evading Zakah. Would they be exempted from this Zahah or what?
12. Mention
the rules of Zahat of cash, gold and other valuable things.
13. Mention
the rule of Zakah for farming for both cases of irrigation (by rain or by
14. Mention
the rules of the Zahah for oil and other mines.
15. Regarding
paying Zakah on jewelry, boats, cars and homes. In what situation do we have to
pay Zakah on them and in what situation we don’t have to pay Zakah on them.
16. If
you loan someone money, do you have to pay Zakah on the loan?
17. What
are the lifelong loans, such as mortgage, is it allowed to deduct the loan
amount from the Zakatable money?
18. In
Yasin 36:47, Allah mentioned that bad people argue that they shouldn’t feed
the poor and needy because if Allah wants them to be fed, then he should feed
them himself. How do you reply to this argument?
19. Does
Allah provide the share of wealth of the poor people directly to them? Explain.
20. Fill
the blanks. People travel and go to crowded places for
......................................... Muslims travel to Haj for
21. How
come that Allah would let the Masjids, his houses on earth, burn and would let
the people doing Haj to his house die?
22. Explain
the following diagram
Islam against Stereotypes.
Click here to
listen to the class.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about modern Jihadist.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about the Reality of ISIS: Modern Muslim Fundamentalism.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about Muslims Condemn Terrorism.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about American Foreign Policy and the Rise of ISIS.
(Optional) See Reply of the Muslim Scholars to the arguments
raised by ISIS:
Letter in Arabic, Letter
in English and Letter in Other Languages.
1. Regarding the
expressions “infidels” and “holy war”. Do they exist in Islam? What were the
unbelievers called in .
Surat Al-Kafiron [109].
2. See
Surat Al-Kafiron [109] gives a message of tolerance. How? Explain?
3. Write Ayat Quran (2:190 to 192) that include the
statement "Kill them where ever you find them". Explain the Ayat and
then explain the deception of those who quoted this part of Ayah to stereotype
4. What were the
instructions given by the Prophet saw to the armies before they left to battle?
5. Quran (5:5) Proves that Islam is very
tolerant with other religions. Explain in details.
6. If Muslim men can marry
non-Muslim women, then why Muslim women can't marry non-Muslim men?
7. Explain the rule in (Quran 60:8-9). Show the tolerance in these
8. Why 911 is considered to
be an evil act in Islam? Explain how the name of Islam was hijacked in 911?
9. Do radicals kill
non-Muslims only? Explain. Why do they kill Muslims?
10. Vigilantism is
prohibited in Islam. Explain why and relate to 911.
11. We and the people of the
book worship the
same God Quran [29:46]. How do we reach to God and how do Christians
reach to God?
12. How do we Muslim view
13. Do Muslims honor Jesus?
How is Jesus viewed in religions other than Islam and Christianity?
14. Bin Laden said, it is
either with us or you are a hypocrite. George W. Bush said, you are either with
us or with the terrorists. Do you agree with these statements? What is your
position from these statements?
Defending Islam against Stereotypes.
here to listen to the class.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about modern Jihadist.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir Qadhi
lecture about the Reality of ISIS: Modern Muslim Fundamentalism.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about Muslims Condemn Terrorism.
(Optional) See Dr. Yasir
Qadhi lecture about American Foreign Policy and the Rise of ISIS.
(Optional) See Reply of the Muslim Scholars to the arguments
raised by ISIS:
Letter in Arabic, Letter
in English and Letter in Other Languages.
example of Hitler
How do you reply
to the ones who say Bin Laden shares the same religion as yours?
What religion was
Hitler? How many people did he killed?
Is it right to
blame Hitler’s acts on his religion?
Do we need to
tell the Cristian people that Hitler doesn’t represent Christianity or they
already know that?
Do we need to
tell the Cristian people that Bin Laden doesn’t represent Islam or they already
know that?
The example of Anti-Abortion Terror
What is the
Christian Army of God?
What was its
How many kinds and counts of violence it did?
Was the Christian
Army of God motivated by Christianity?
Is it okay to
blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?
The example
of IRA
What is the IRA?
What was its religion?
What did it do to
be considered an Army of terror?
What was its
How many kinds and
counts of violence it did?
Was the Christian
Army of God motivated by Christianity?
Is it okay to
blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?
The example of Timothy McVeigh
1. Who is Timothy McVeigh? What religion he was?
2. What did McVeigh do? How many were his victims?
3. What was the motive behind McVeigh acts?
4. Can we say that McVeigh acts represent America? Why or Why not?
5. What was the end of McVeigh?
The example of Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Use information from this
link to answer the questions below
What is the KKK?
What was its religion?
What was its
How many kinds
and counts of violence it did?
Was the KKK
motivated by Christianity?
Is it okay to
blame Christianity for it? Why or why not?
Other Arguments:
1. What is the point of mentioning these examples?
2. All American citizens were hurt once, but we American Muslims were
hurt twice. Why? Explain.
3. When a Muslim commits a crime, the media says a Muslim committed a
crime. But when a Christian commit a crime, the media mention the name of the
criminal only and no mention of his religion. Why and what have been the
motives of the media for doing this?
4. Mention the joke about the Muslim who saved a little girl from
being killed by a dog.
5. Was the intent of 911 just to damage the building and kill people?
What is the other reason, which related to unity? Did the terrorist achieve
these objectives?
6. Who was Saddam Husain? Was it appropriate for the media to go to
the Masjid inquire about Sadam Husain and Bin Laden? What is the right place to
inquire about them? Why?
7. Use math to prove that the Al-Qaeda is an extreme radical
exception? Would the exception prove the rule to be true or false? Can you have
an exception if you don’t have a rule?
6. Do people who take Islam seriously be considered radicals? Why?
7. Watch this video about
interview of the news to me and my family right after 911 and mention my
arguments and concerns, and if you agree or disagree.
8. Visit this
site and write what do you think about what is mentioned. Are all
terrorists are Muslims?
9. (Optional) Who are the ones who carried the largest number of acts
of terrorism in US?
10. (Optional) What was the the deadliest act of terrorism within the
United States prior to the September 11 attacks?
11. (Optional) Summarize the arguments by President Obama regarding
Islam in this video clip.
12. (Optional) In Islam, do we build coalitions based on justice or
religion? Do you prefer to have a bad Muslim friend or a good non-Muslim
Reply to stereotypes:
1. Islam is a religion that
spread with the sword.
2. Islam is a religion that
doesn’t tolerate other religions.
In a Muslim state, you have to either give up your religion or get
Click here to listen
to the class
Click here to see a presentation about the subject
Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer
the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must
email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
A. What made people say that about Islam?
B. Summarize the following replies to the
Stereotypes that Islam spread by the sword (violence).
1. Muslims made the invaded county better than it
2. When the British occupied Egypt, did they make
Cairo better than London? When the French occupied Algeria, did they make
Algeria better than Paris. When Gorge Bush occupied Iraq, did he make Bagdad
better than Washington or worse than Tijuana?
3. Indonesia.
4. The sword opens a land not a heart.
5. Did the Islamic law accommodate non-Muslim
minorities living in Muslim countries?
6. Non-Muslim worship places are preserved intact.
7. Quran said that "No compulsion in
religion" Quran (2:256).
C. What is the difference between liberation and
D. (optional) What is the story of the Coptic
guy and the son of Amro Ibn Al-As عمرو بي العاص.
E. What is the inquisition? What religion was
the one who did the inquisition? where and when did it start? What was the
purpose? How long did it last? Did Muslims do any inquisition?
1) From the Quran: The following verses from the Quran forbid
imposing the religion on people. See Quran 2:256 [There is no compulsion in
religion], 50:45 [Can’t force them to believe]
and 10:99 [Your Lord could have made all
people on earth believe. Who are you (Mohamed) to compel them against the will
of God].
2) The sword opens a land and doesn’t open a heart.
In other words, the sword was used to expand the empire not to expand the
3) In Islamic law (Sharia), any declarations,
consent, marriage, divorce, contractual agreement, decision, testimony imposed
by force is invalid.
4) Using force to compel religion produces nothing
but hypocrisy. The person who is under the threat of the sword will not love or
practice Islam nor will teach it to his/her children.
5) Unlike the history of Christianity that has 400
years of inquisition; the history of Islam doesn’t have
any form of inquisition.