Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class
1. This is a site for translation of the
Holy Quran using easy English.
2. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]
Choose for yourself. Where would you like to live?
Week [1]: September 9, 2017
The Names of Allah Explain Life.
here to listen to the class.
Click here to
see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah
Part I.
Click here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.
[Part 1] If you have not done this already, send me an email to
hw@zeiny.net telling me about yourself. What
you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I will not share it
with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may print it out and
give to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in the email. You
can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.
[Part 2] Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 3] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
Why did Allah create?
If he wants to create, why not creating just angels and trees that will
not kill, commit crimes and spread corruption?
What are the names of Allah applicable to the answers of the previous
What is idol worshiping? What are the middle Gods?
In idol worshiping you may be taken advantage of. How?
Why did the Prophet saw isolated himself in the cave of Hira’a? Mention two reasons.
During the first meeting between Angel Gibril
and Prophet Moahmed saw, what is the significance of
the hug and why was it so painful? Why did Allah select a cave for this first
meeting instead of a fancy place?
How many names Allah has? How many of them do we know?
Why is it so essential that we learn the Names of Allah?
Week [2]: September 16, 2017
Viewing Life Through the Glasses of Iqra’a.
Click here to listen
to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22-23 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-23] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking the following:
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
What are the two kinds of names of
Allah? Which kind represent the manners of Allah? Which names that Allah want
us to follow and which kind of names that we are forbidden to follow? Give five
examples of each kind with explanation of the meaning.
What is the meaning of Mushrik (مشرك)? How is this meaning related to the names
of Allah?
Explain the views regarding the
issue of creation using the glasses of Iqra'a and
How many rounds do we have? Which
one is more important? The true winners are the ones who win which round?
If you see a criminal thug was
successful in killing a Prophet, without using the glasses of Iqra'a ,
who is the winner and who is the loser? How about when you wear the glasses of Iqra'a ?
Explain in details.
Is the story of cave men and women
true? Why or why not? Were Prophet Adam and Eve cave people? Explain.
Give examples of how people saw
things differently through the glasses of Iqra'a such
as the example of the widow that had many children and her husband died.
Do people go to Jannah because of
their deeds or because of the mercy of Allah? Mention the story of the slave
who met Allah with lots of good deeds.
Week [3]: September 23, 2017
The Trust. How Allah is Trusting Us.
Click here to
listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking the following:
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. Allah trusted us. Explain what is the trust and give the example
of the two slaves.
Explain the laws of
nature and compare them to the laws of Islam.
Explain the gap, and
the circle of influence. Give examples of the ones who have small circle of
influence and the one who have big ones.
How many times we
were and will be dead and alive. Explain.
Ayah 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] talks
about us accepting the trust. Explain how. When and where. Hint use Ayat 172, 173 from Surat Al-Araf [7:172-173].
Do you remember this even? Where was this oath stored?
Prove that we want
to be given the trust and tested. Hint freedom, long life. power and insanity.
Prove that we want
to be given more tests.
The concepts of Khalifa (خليفة), Gap, writing your own book, Free Will,
Laws of Nature, Laws of Islam, Trust, Being Tested, Tests of Submission.
Week [4]: September 30, 2017
The Khalifa on Earth
here to listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking the following:
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. Allah created a Khalifa [representation on
earth]. What does it mean?
Is every thing around us ruled by the laws of nature?
Allah created a gap for us, how? and what is it?
many types of substitution we have? Which one is appropriate for Allah?
What was the
response of the angels when Allah announces that he will be creating a Khalifa
on earth? (hint: Baqra 2: Ayah 30)
How did the angels know that humans are going to spread corruption
and slaughter one another?
What happened to the Jinn when they became all corrupt? What
happen to Iblis?
Why did the angles were so impressed about Iblis
Usually how Allah shows the truth about someone? How did Allah
show the truth about Iblis?
Whey didn’t Allah just curse Iblis without testing him?
Week [5]: October 7, 2017
was sick. I Missed the class. You are probably saying “Yahoo, no Homework”.
Sorry to disappoint you. There is still a homework for you to do. See below.
Write a no less than 600 words essay about Medicine and Islam by
watching the following video and summarizing it.
Medicine and Islam: A
Holistic Approach to Healthcare - Hamza Yusuf
Week [6]: October
14, 2018
The Name of Allah
Al-Salam Part I (The Source of Peace and Security)
(1) The Source of Peace and Security. (2) The Flawless.
here to listen to the class.
Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about
the Name of Allah Al-Salam.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayah 1 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1]
by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of the
Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use
the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the
missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of the
class, read the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly.
Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
meaning of the Name Al-Salam
1. If one greets you by the phrase "Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم", what is the meaning of this greeting?
When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what do you mean?
How did the Prophet greet Allah when he met him during
the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to this greeting?
When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that
Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija? and why did she
reply that way?
One of the names of Janah is
related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?
One of the names of the city of Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and
how did it change with time to Jerusalem?
Fake Salam:
Give an example of how to apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life
in relation to tyrants and dictators. (See the Ayat below).
What the difference between Salam offered by Allah and Salam offered by
Are people who follow orders from tyrants in hell or in heaven? Would
they be excused because they were just following orders. Explain the reasons.
From Quran, mention and explain four arguments between tyrants and
their followers. Hint: Explain the following Ayat 2:165-167, 14:21, 34:31-33,
40:47-49, 7:38, 38:61, 41:29, 33:67-68.
Mention the story of the magicians who were competing with
Prophet Mosa SAW? How is that related to
the name Al-Salam?
Does the Shytan believe in Allah?
Explain why or why not.
Mention and explain the speech of Iblis given in hell fire to the
people of hell. Hint Quran (14:22)
Week [7]: October 21, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Salam Part II
(1) The Source of Peace and Security. (2) The
here to listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-2]
by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the
recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children
repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
Continue the Name of Allah Al-Salam
Was Ammar bin Yasir wrong when he was forced to curse the Prophet saw
and to curse Islam? What did the Prophet saw said to him?
2. Meaning of SAW. What is the
accurate translation
and meaning of saw (Salla Allah Alyh Wa Sallam).
The second meaning - The Flawless
What is the second meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Salam? What does it
What do we mean by saying that Allah is perfect in Quantity and
If someone says that Allah is too busy to care about us. How does this
statement conflict with the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What
is the Islamic phrase you would use to reply to this accusation to Allah?
Does Allah cause harm for the purpose of harm, i.e. absolute harm?
Explain. Use the surgery as an example.
To argue about religion with the people of the book. What kind of
argument we are allowed to use.
Do Muslims and the people of the book all worship the same God. Write
the Ayah in the Quran that would prove your answer.
How does Muslims connect to God? How about the Christian and the Jews?
10. Explain the two styles of Idol
worshiping that were covered in the class.
11. How is the Name of Al-Salam
conflict with the trinity?
12. How is the Name of Al-Salam
conflict with the realization of God in Judaism?
Notes from previous years:
Week [8]: October 28, 2018
The Names of Allah Related to Forgiveness. Al-Ghafoor, Al-Ghafar and Al-Affow (الغفور
الغفار العفو)
Click here to listen
to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-3]
by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the
recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children
repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.
You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the meaning of “Despairing the mercy of Allah”. Explain with examples.
2. What happens to the one who despairing the mercy of Allah? Why is it a low image of Allah? Hint: Explain the Ayah that supports your answer, see Surat Al-Hijr Ayah 56 (15:56)
3. What is the meaning of the following Ayah Surat Al-Zomor, Ayah 53. (38:53)
4. Regarding to the story of the one who killed 99.
a. Why did he kill one more person to make them 100? Who was this person? Was he a dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar?
b. Who advised him to pursue the forgiveness of Allah Was he a dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar? What was his advice?
c. Describe his ending and why did Allah choose to end it that way? Why didn’t Allah just forgive him and chose to make it happen in such a dramatic way?
d. Which one is better, the dedicated worshiper of Allah or a scholar? Mention the Hadith that supports your answer.
5. What would happen to the world if the door of forgiveness is always closed? Why? Mention the part of the story of the one who killed 100 that supports your answer.
6. Allah is extremely happy when one of us repents. The Prophet SAW gave a specific example to describe the happiness of Allah. What is this example?
What is The Istigfar (الإستغفار).
How many Istigfar times the
Prophet SAW used to do every day?
8. What are the sins that Allah will never forgive even with a repentance?
9. What is the sin that Allah will never forgives unless the sinner repents?
10. Regarding the situation that if you sin once and repent, and Allah accepts your repentance and erases your sins.
a. What happens when you repeat the sin again and seek forgiveness?
b. At what point Allah would stop forgiving you?
c. If you repeat a sin again after you repent, would Allah take back the forgiveness that he granted in the past, i.e. would Allah un erase the previous repentance?
11. Regarding trying to abuse Allah’s forgiveness.
a. Is forgiveness intended to encourage people to do sins?
b. Is forgiveness intended for the sinners who already made sins, or to the ones who plan for sins?
c. Can one trick Allah and repent in the last minute?
d. What are the possible scenarios that could happen that will prevent a person from repenting in the last-minute, i.e. right before death?
e. What did Allah say about the last-minute repentance. Hint Ayat 4:18
f. How do you reply to someone who says “I am not going to start prayers until I am old and near death”?
12. In
the Example of the Pharaoh. What did he tried to do and what was the response
of Allah? Hint Ayat [10:90-91]
13. What are the two times where Allah will not accept any further repentances or good deeds, i.e. door of repentance and good deeds would be completely closed?
14. What is the story of the one who watered a thirsty dog? Tell the story and explain why is it linked to the forgiveness of Allah.
15. What is the story of the one who locked a cat till it died? Tell the story.
16. What is the meaning of Al-Afoo and how is it different from Al-Ghafoor
Week [9]: November 4, 2018
The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy)
Click here to listen to the class.
(Optional) Click here to
listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related
to Rahma Part 1.
(Optional) Click here to
listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-7 from Surat Al-Waqia by
clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation
so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating
after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below and
answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You
must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
About Rahma:
and explain Rahma
many names derived from the root mercy (Rahma)? Mention them.
Allah follow rules? Who have made these rules?
3 rules that Allah has been following.
the Hadith of the woman who was looking for her child.
One person made a statement after he compared the mercy of his
mother to the mercy of Allah. What is that statement.
called his Prophet Mohamed Rahma in the Quran. Why? Mention the Ayah that says
that (Prophets:107).
Allah called the Quran Rahma in the Quran.
Why? Mention the Ayat that says that. (Night Journey:82, Smoke:6).
About the Name Al-Rahman:
1) How many times Allah mention the Name
Al-Rahman in the Quran? How many times out of them the Name Al-Rahman was
mentioned alone without being combined with any other name?
2) What is the other Name of Allah that is
mentioned alone without being combined with any other name?
3) What is the significance of the Alif-Noon at the end of the Name Al-Rahman?
4) Allah mentioned in the Quran that “Al-Rahman
rose over the throne” seven times. What is significance of these Ayat?
5) What are the most beloved male names to
6) What are the two primary names to Allah?
Mention the Ayah (Night Journey:110).
About the Name Al-Rahim:
1) How many times the Name Al-Rahim was
mentioned in the Quran?
2) Why did Allah combine the Name Al-Rahim with
the Name Al-Azeez?
3) Why did Allah combine the Name Al-Rahim with
the Name Al-Ghafor?
4) Mention two differences in the meaning of
Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim.
here for the written notes:
Last Year’s Notes:
Week [10]: November 11, 2018
The Names of Allah Related to Rahma (Mercy)
Click here to listen to the class.
(Optional) Click here to
listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 1.
(Optional) Click here to
listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 2.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-9 from Surat Al-Waqia by
clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation
so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating
after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.
You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. The two Al-Rahman and
Al-Rahim. Which one represents the actions of Allah and which one represents
the nature of Allah?
2. What is the meaning that
Allah is Rahman in this life and Rahim in the next life? Explain.
3. What is the most
magnificent creation of Allah? In seven times Allah associated his name
Al-Rahman with that creation. What are these statements and their meaning?
Note: All seven mentions are the same. So, just answer the question for one of
4. How is punishment being
a kind of Rahma? Do parents have Rahma to their children? Why do they punish them? What
if they don’t punish them?
5. Complete the following
Hadith Qodsy regarding having good hopes in the mercy
of Allah. I am what my slave assumes of me …………………….
6. What is the difference
between having good hopes in the mercy of Allah and being deceived by the mercy
of Allah?
7. There are three main
ways to get the Rahma from Allah. Mention them.
8. How does your belief in
Al-Rahim reflect on your prayers and actions?
9. Tell the story of the
one who forgave people from paying his due rent and how is the story related to
10. What would Allah say on
the people who gather to remember Allah (for example, doing Quran, Hadith,
learn about Islam like us here in the class room)? How is this related to Rahma?
11. Allah divided his Rahma to how many pieces? How many of them is being used in
this life and how many are dedicated to the next life?
12. What happened when a
Bedouin peed in the Madjid of the Prophet saw? How is
that related to Rahma?
13. What is the story of the
two sinful men that Allah ordered them to go to hell? How is this related to Rahma?
14. What is the story of the
one who was in short of one Hasanah to enter Jannah.
How is this related to Rahma?
here for the written notes:
Week [11]: December 2, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part I
The One Whom You Repent To, The One Who Makes
You Repent and The One Who Accepts Repentance
Click here to listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-12 from Surat Al-Waqia by
clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation
so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating
after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.
You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Allah
dedicated two adults to love you and care for you. Who are they and how they
are related to the Name of Allah Al-Tawab?
2. What
would the wise parent do if the child makes mistakes, and how this related to
the Name of Allah Al-Tawab?
3. What
would happen if the parents did not punish the child for mistakes? Is this good
for the child? How this related to the Name of Allah Al-Tawab?
4. How
does Allah make you repent? Write the Ayah in the Quran in Surat Sajda [32:21] that proves your answer.
5. Is
the punishment by Allah in this life really a punishment? What is it?
6. Is
the reward by Allah in this life really a reward? What is it? What is the
purpose of it?
7. Using
the example of the teachers we used in class. Compare both kinds and what is
good and bad about them.
8. How
come Allah punishes the ones whom he loves?
9. If
someone is making mistakes and Allah is not punching him/her to stop, does this
mean that they are good people? How come Allah lets them get away with their
bad deeds?
something bad happens to you, how do you know if it is a punishment from Allah
or a mercy to make you repent?
Does Allah
give you time to repent on your own before punishing you? Mention the story of
the bird who stole meat.
seven examples of how Allah can punish you. Hint diseases, …
Tell the
story of the disobedient man from the children of Israel who said to Allah how
many times I disobeyed you and you are not punishing me. How did Allah send him
the answer and what was it?
How does
Allah encourage you for doing good deeds?
the story of the Prophet who quit doing his job and left his people without the
permission of Allah. What was his punishment? Did Allah accept his repentance?
What was the relief he got?
Week [12]: December 9, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II
The One Whom You Repent
To, The One Who Makes You Repent and The One Who Accepts Repentance
Click here to listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-15 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted.
You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
(Fill the blank) A
believer would be deprived of …… due to signs he/she commits.
Allah may give bad
people a taste of punishment in this life to deter them from doing evil. Is
this true? Why? Explain.
Allah may choose to
let bad people get away with doing evil and not give them the taste of
punishment. Is this true? Why? Explain.
Allah may give good
people a taste of reward in this life to encourage them do good deeds. Is this
true? Why? Explain.
Allah may give good
people a taste of punishment in this life. Is this true? Why? Explain.
Write the story of
Prophet Yunus (Jonah). What did he do wrong? How was
he saved. Why Allah covered him with a Squash tree?
Write the story of
the battle of Uhud. When was it? How were the arrangements? The importance of
the role of the archers, results of round one, the reason of defeat in round 2?
You may use this link
for more information about the battle of Uhud. You can also watch this on YouTube.
The Arab Lords who
were fighting in the battle of Uhud were really bad people. The believers were
the good people. How come Allah punished the believers and gave victory to the
non-believers? What would have happened if the Muslims would have won the
Does the punishment
fall down on the wrong doers alone or does it cover everyone? Write the Hadith
about the ship example. Explain Ayah Anfal
10. Tell the story of the battle of Tabuk (the battle of hardship). Reasons of hardships, the battle divided people to how many types? What happened with every type? Use the following Ayat Tawba [9:92], . Tawba [9:93-96], Tawbah [9:118]. Who was Kaab Bin Malik? Two which type he belonged to? How was he punished? Did he receive a letter from the enemies of the Prophet saw? Did Allah forgive him and his other two partners? You may use the following resources if you wish Youtube or This link.
Week [13]: December 16, 2018
The Name of Allah
Al-Hakeem. Part I
The Most Wise - The Wisdom Behind Halal and Haram
Click here to listen to the
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1-17 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the
class, read the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly.
Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
If something already
happened and you believe someone can come up with a better scenario, then
Allah sent the Prophet
to us to teach us the book and the wisdom. He book is Quran, but what is the
Allah didn’t send us
the Quran to be written by cheap ink on cheap paper. What was the purpose of
sending the Quran.
4) Define wisdom. What is the difference between wisdom and
knowledge? Do we need knowledge to achieve wisdom? Give examples.
5) If you don’t have enough knowledge, then your choices would be
6) If you don’t have any knowledge, then your choices would be ……………..
7) What are the reasons for which Haram and Hallal? Could we have Hallal without Haram? Give examples.
In the case of
Muslims, Allah explain the wisdom of Halal and Haram in the following:
9) What is the basis for which Allah decides Haram and Halal for the
Muslims? Did he intended to cause us hardships? Explain the relevant part of
Ayat 7:157 and 5:6.
10) What is the basis for which Allah decides Haram and Halal for the
Jews? Did he intended to cause us hardships? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 4:160.
11) Allah made working on
Saturday Haram for the Jews. Did they obey? Tell the story of the fishing on
Saturday. Explain the relevant part of Ayat 7:163
12) Allah sent a Prophet to
relief the children of Israel from the hardships imposed on them. Who was this
Prophet? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 3:45-50
If someone asked you
why eating pork is Haram, what is the ideal answer?
14) Allah gave a royal answer when the bad guys said that Riba is just like business. What was this answer? Explain the relevant part of Ayat 2:275.
15) Is it appropriate for Allah to include the Riba
and business equations in the Quran? Explain how is that related to his royal
16) Explain the difference between wise and unwise versus Haram and Hallal? Give few examples.
Week [14]: January 6, 2019
was sick. I Missed the class. You are probably saying “Yahoo, no Homework”.
Sorry to disappoint you. There is still a homework for you to do. See below.
Write a no less than 600 words essay about why do we need to
learn about the Names of Allah. Use the following link for Dr. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi
Week [15]: January 13, 2019
The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem II
The Most Wise - Why cannot we see Allah, his
angel or the life after death.
here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1-19 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class, read the notes below
and answer the following questions thoroughly.
1. Instead of having people who deny the existence of Allah and the unseen world, why doesn't Allah allow us to see him and the unseen world? How would this impact our freedom of choice? Use the example of a police officer behind you.
2. What happened to
Prophet Mosa when he asked Allah to see
him? Explain what happened before and after.
3. Is Allah wearing Hijab?
How many layers? What would happen if Allah would lift his Hijab?
4. Not being able to see
the world of unseen is a test from Allah. Explain How?
5. Not being able to see
the world of unseen is a mercy from Allah. Explain How?
6. What would happen to us
if we can hear the screams of the ones who are being punished in the graves?
How is this going to affect our free will or freedom of choice?
7. What happened when Allah
sent Angel Gabriel to look at the Jannah and the hell? What would happen to us
if we see them now? What would happen to us if we do see them?
8. Is seeing miracles is
good or bad? What happen if we see miracles? How would Allah judge us then?
9. Who were the people of
the dining table? What happened to them?
10. When the people of
Thamud saw the miracle, what was that miracle? Did they believe after seeing
the miracles?
11. The Arab Lord asked the
Prophet Mohamed for miracles (see these Ayat). What were these miracles? Were
they serious?
12. The problems of the
world today, were they resulting from lack of Miracles or lack of Prophet, or
13. Allah gave Prophet Mosa nine miracles to show to the Pharaoh and his
followers. What are these nine miracles (hint see this link)? How did the Pharaoh and
his follower react after seeing each one of these miracles?
14. Is knowing the date of
our death a good thing or a bad thing?
15. What would happen to us
if we know the date of our death or the death of our loved ones?
Last Year's Notes:
Week [16]: January 20, 2019
The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part I:
Our needs
Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo^ti
الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي
The Supplier of All,
The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares
Among People. The one who supplies us with our needs. The One Who gives.
Click here
to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1-21 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation
so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating
after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make
up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the
class, read the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly.
What is the
difference between I need and I want? Give examples.
Explain Maslow's Hierarchy
of Needs. What is it? What does it
contain? Why is it big at the lowest level and small at the higher level? Give
To what level
belongs a rich, young, powerful prince or king?
To what level
belongs the starving people?
Which level belongs
to love and to be loved? Can every one achieves this?
What is the meaning
of the word “secular”?
What is the fatal
deficiency in Maslow’s pyramid? Why is it called a secular pyramid?
Is our nation
secular? Why or why not? Give reasons and examples.
What is the
spiritual food or food for the soul? How is it related to the relationship with
What kind of needs
do we prefer?
What do we mean that
things are a matter of perception? Give examples of the Saudi princess and the
poor lady.
Who was the richest
girl in the world that committed suicide? What was the reason?
Mention the story
about the color of a dress. How is it related to our subject?
What is the
difference between the name Al-Raziq and Al-Razzaq?
What is the difference between Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo^ti?
Hierarchy of Needs. (Abraham Maslow) (1908–1970) (the pyramid was proposed in
Week [17]: January 27, 2019
The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – PartII
Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo^ti
الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي
The Supplier of All,
The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares
Among People. The one who supplies us with our needs. The One Who gives.
Click here
to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1-23 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so
that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after
teacher by
clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed
memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the
class, read the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly.
1) What is the spiritual food? Mention the three kinds.
Which do we prefer, our spiritual needs
or out physical needs? Why?
What is the real share of money that we
really get? Is it the entire wealth? Why?
What the money that remains with us
after our death?
Which one has easier judgment in the
day of judgment, the poor or the rich? Why?
How many pillars of Islam for the poor?
List them and explain why the other pillars are not applicable.
The stingy rich will live the life of ….. and will be judged in the day of judgment as ………
Give the example of the child who is
sent to a far away college and his father sends him a check every month as a
metaphor to explain that Allah is not hand us our shares by himself but he does
through the laws of nature. Use the same example to relate to the theory of
Do Muslims agree with the theory of
evolution? Explain.
Does your share depend on how smart and
hard working only? Give the example of minimum wages.
Are people happy about their share of Rizq from Allah? Explain.
Week [18]: February 3, 2019
The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – PartIII
Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo^ti
الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي
The Supplier of All,
The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares
Among People. The one who supplies us with our needs. The One Who gives.
Click here
to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
15-25 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] You must turn on your flash player so that you can listen to the Quranic recitation.
[Part 3] Listen to the audio recording of the
class, read the notes below and answer the following questions thoroughly.
Why would people worship trees or the
There are four spiritual viruses.
What are they and explain each one?
It is okay that we love money, food,
children, desires of the body…etc. But if it is too much love, then it is a
sin. Where do you draw the line? How do we know that it is too much love or
good Halal love?
About pain and pleasure. What are the
things in Islam that causes pain?
Is it okay to stay away from painful
acts even if it is required by Islam? Give three examples.
Is it okay to do pleasurable acts
even if it is forbidden by Islam? Give three examples.
What are the three spiritual
medications? Give examples for each?
Why is Allah scaring us from hell?
Explain the punishment of climbing and the level of hell it happens
What is the size of the tooth of the
human inside hell? Why do Allah increase the size of the body for the bad guys
so much?
What would happen if the flesh of the
bad guys completely burns? How would they feel the heat of the hell fire after
Why would Allah describe his
greatness and generosity in the Quran? How is this a spiritual medication?
How is Allah seeking our love to him?
Why does Allah describe Jannah in the
How many galaxies do we have? How
many humans live now? What if each human gets a galaxy, would we have galaxies
Does the Jannah keep the same look
every day?
Why do Allah call the sinners as the
people who did injustice to themselves or the enemies of themselves? Can we do
injustice to Allah?
Why does the Shytan
try to convince you that Allah would forgive you it does not matter what you
do? Is this statement true?
Why wouldn’t Allah forgive the Shytan? Why wouldn’t the Shytan
What is the cloth inside the pillows
in Jannah? Why did Allah mention the inside cloth and not the outside cloth?
What is the best pleasure in Jannah?
Do everyone get it?
Why would some people unable to bow
down to Allah in the day of judgment? Explain.
Why would some people resurrected
blind even though they could see in the past life?
What is the food and drinks of the
people in hell? What is the name and the look of the tree that feeds the bad
guys in hell?
The hell will be dragged in the day
of judgment by how many angels and how many leaches? What is the significance
of the number seventy or seventy thousand? What is the behavior of the hell
while it is being dragged?
How many times the heat of hell as
compared to the fire of this world? What is the difference in color and fuel?
Week [19]: February 10, 2019
The Names of Allah Related to Providing us with our Needs – Part IV
Al-Raziq, Al-Razzaq and Al-Mo^ti
الرزاق، الرازق، المعطي
The Supplier of All,
The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares
Among People. The one who supplies us with our needs. The One Who gives.
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
15-27 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
Why doesn’t Allah just hand us our
provisions? Relate to the example of kid who has gone to a far from home
Would anyone die without finishing
all pre-assigned provision? Give the example of the guy who fell in the well
and he still have a cup of milk left in his pre-assigned provisions.
Allah has initial book and final
book. Why are they different? Why don’t Allah make everything according to the
initial book? Give the example of assigning the 50 prayers.
Give the story of the righteous
farmer and how did Allah reward him?
How can we increase our provision?
What makes our provisions decrease?
Tell the story of the widow with five
children when her husband died.
You have two ways to get your
pre-assigned provision. What are these two ways? Who decides about the way to
get the provision? Relate to the story of Ali raa and
the camel.
What is the good way of getting our
pre-assigned shares of pain? Is it possible to run away from our pre-assigned
shares of pain? Explain.
Why does Allah want us to know about
him? Who benefits in this relationship? Can anyone make Allah lose?
How does drugs affect our pre-assigned
shares of happiness?
Why do people overdose themselves and
die from drugs? How many people die due to drug overdose?
Tell the story of the ant that was
put in a bottle by Prophet Suliman.
Why is Allah most accused when it
comes to the distribution of provisions among people?
Why didn’t Allah make everyone rich?
Why didn’t Allah make non-believers
rich and believers poor?
Why didn’t Allah make believers rich
and non-believers poor?
Week [20]: February 24, 2019
Quran Competition.
your missed HW and memorization.
Week [21]: March 3, 2019
The Name of Allah Al-Wasi^ الْوَاسِعْ
The Unlimited, the
(The Cow 2:115) --> وَلِلَّهِ
الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ إِنَّ
اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
Click here to
listen to the class
Click here to listen to Friday Khotbah about The Name
of Allah Al-Wasi^
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
15-28 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class, read the notes below and answer the following questions
1. What does the Name Al-Wasi'a mean?
2. How could we use this name to show that Allah
must be one?
3. What are the two kinds of infinite do we know?
Which one is real and which one is fake? Which one is offered by Allah and
which one is offered by the Shytan? Explain in
4. Is Jannah infinity? Which kind of infinity is
Jannah? Explain.
5. What is the size of the second heaven relative
to the first heaven? the third relative to the second, ...etc. The seventh
relative to the throne of Allah?
6. What is best pleasure in Jannah? What would
happen to the people of hell if this pleasure happens to them? Is this pleasure
available to the people in lower ranks in Jannah? Explain in details.
7. How did the Shytan used
the infinity to trick Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?
8. Adam got some kind of fake infinities by eating
from the forbidden tree. Explain.
9. If you are told that you will live in Jannah for
50 Million years only. would that cause you to worry? Can Jannah be truly
Jannah if it has a time limit?
10. Can someone who is limited provide something
that unlimited (infinity)?
11. If you mention to the simple-minded Bedouin
person that Allah is Al-Wasi'a, what would he/she be
thinking about?
12. Explain the infinity of the universe in terms of
the size of our solar system, the size of our galaxy, distances between us and
the nearest galaxy, the nearest star, how many galaxies are out
there, how many stars in each galaxy, ...etc.
Week [22]: March 10, 2019
The Name of Allah Al-Qudos. The Pure, The Holy
Click here to
listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
15-29 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
What is the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Qudos (The
What is the meaning of Tazkia?
What is the difference between Taqdees and Tazkyah? Explain in details.
Mention and explain the Ayah that talks about Taqdees. Hint Cow
2:30. Why were the angels surprised and what question did they ask Allah?
What was the response?
How did the angels know that humans will shed blood and spread
What happened when Allah sent Angel Gibriel
to see heaven and to see hell? Tell the story.
Mention and explain one of the Ayat that talks about Tazkiah. Hint Al-Shams
7 to 10.
Who can do Taqdees and who can
do Tazkyah?
How can Taqdees be done and
how can Tazkyah be done?
10)Tell the story of the angel who wanted to do Taqdis to Allah. What did he ask Allah for? What did Allah
grant him? What was the result.
11)Who are the four perfect women?
12)Explain in details the diagram of purity, which
is located below in the notes section.
13) Jannah has three things
to make it perfect, what are they? Explain them.
14) What is the mountain Al-Araf? Where is it located? Who are the people who stay on
it? How long they stay on it? Where would they end up?
15)(Optional) In what way the Name Al-Qudos is similar to the Name Al-Salam?
· Allah is Al-Qodoos, which means the
infinite purity. The more pure angels get, the closer
they get to Allah.
· Angles seek closeness to Allah by engaging into the so called “Taqdees”. Taqdees is
the process of seeking closeness to Allah by purifying yourself. This is
applicable only to the angels because they are at the level of purity. For
humans, we seek closeness to Allah by doing Tazkiah,
which is cleaning the heart from dirty temptations. Angles don’t have dirty
temptations, so they do Taqdees but we
humans are not at this level yet. We do Tazkhiah.
The word Sanctify in English means to seek Holiness by purifications.
Week [23]: March 17, 2019
The Name of Allah Al-Hady - The Guidance Provider
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
15-30 from Surat Al-Waqia by clicking here.
The above web site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here. Note that you can still make up for the missed memorizations in the past weeks.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of
the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not
accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What
is the meaning of the Name of Allah AL-HADI?