Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran
1. This is a fascinating site in
learning Quranic Arabic. It will help you a lot.
2. This is a site for translation of the
Holy Quran using easy English.
3. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]
Choose for yourself:
Week [1]: August 20, 2017
The Names of Allah Explain
Click here to
listen to the class.
here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need
to learn about the Names of Allah Part I.
here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need
to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio
recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers
are not accepted. You must me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Why did Allah create?
2. If he wants to create, why not
creating angels and trees that will not kill, commit crimes and spread
3. What are the names of Allah
applicable to the answers of the previous questions?
4. What are the tests of Islam?
5. You can be Muslim to Allah or
Muslim to temptations. Explain and use Ramadan as an example.
6. What happens when you make
mistakes ask Allah for forgiveness? What if you make the mistake over and over
again and then ask for forgiveness? When would Allah stop forgiving you?
7. Can we fool Allah and repent in
the last minute? Explain.
8. Give example of the guy who
killed 99 persons. What happened when he died? Explain why Allah made it happen
this way?
9. If it is not possible for
criminals to repent, then what would happen? Relate this to the guy who killed
99 and then he killed one more to make them 100.
10. Mention the story of how many
prayers should we pray every day. Why did Allah make it happen this way.
11. Mention the story of selection of
the Angel of Death. Why did Allah made it happen this way?
Week [2]: August 27, 2017
The Names of Allah
Click here to listen to the
here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need
to learn about the Names of Allah Part I.
here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need
to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-23] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer
the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must
email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Do people go to Jannah
because of their deeds or because of the mercy of Allah? Mention the story of
the slave who met Allah with lots of good deeds.
2. What are the two kinds
of names of Allah. Which kind represent the manners of
Allah? Which names that Allah want us to follow and which kind of names that we
are forbidden to follow? Give five examples of each kind with explanation of
the meaning.
3. What is the meaning of Mushrik (مشرك)? How is this meaning
related to the names of Allah?
4. Mention the sin that can
never be forgiven even with repentance.
5. Mention the sin that
Allah will never forgive unless the person repents.
6. Would Allah forgive sins
that are not repented from?
7. One of the worst major
sins is related to testimony, what is it? Explain why is it so bad.
8. What are the middle
Gods? Why did people worship them? Why is it offensive to Allah to believe in
middle Gods?
9. People are taken
advantage of if they worship middle Gods. Explain and give examples.
10. Who was the first person
who brought idols as middle Gods to Kaba'a? What is
his punishment?
Last Year's Notes:
Week [3]: September 10, 2017
The Test and the Trust.
here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22, 23 and 24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web
site repeats the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can
memorize them right. You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of
the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not
accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
What are the two
kinds of names for Allah? which kind Allah wants us to follow? Which one we are
forbidden from following? why? Explain.
Allah trusted us.
Explain what is the trust and give the example of the two slaves.
Explain the laws of
nature and compare them to the laws of Islam.
Explain the gap, and
the circle of influence. Give examples of the ones who have small circle of
influence and the one who have big ones.
How many times we
were and will be dead and alive. Explain.
Ayah 72
from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] talks about us
accepting the trust. Explain how. When and where. Hint use Ayat 172,
173 from Surat Al-Araf [7:172-173]. Do you
remember this even? Where was this oath stored?
Prove that we want
to be given the trust and tested. Hint freedom, long life. power and insanity.
Prove that we want
to be given more tests.
What happens with
slaves who don't have a way out?
created a Khalifa [representation on earth]. What does it mean?
How did the angels
know that humans are going to spread corruption and slaughter one another?
What happened to the
Jinn when they became all corrupt?
The concepts of Khalifa (خليفة),
Gap, writing your own book, Free Will, Laws of Nature, Laws of Islam, Trust,
Being Tested, Tests of Submission.
Week [4]: September 17, 2017
The Khalifa on Earth
Click here to listen to
class (Previous year)
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 21 to 24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:21-24] by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Week [5]: September 24, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Salam I
(1) The Source of Peace and Security. (2) The Flawless.
here to listen to the class.
Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the Name
of Allah Al-Salam.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-2] by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
If one greets you by the phrase
"Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم",
what is the meaning of this greeting?
When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what
do you mean?
How did the Prophet greet Allah
when he met him during the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to
this greeting?
4. When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija and why did she reply that way?
5. One of the names of Janah is related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?
One of the names of the city of
Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and
how did it change with time to Jerusalem ?
Give an example of how to
apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life. Hint: Related to dictators.
Last Year's Notes:
Week [6]: October 1, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Salam II
(1) The Source of Peace and Security. (2) The Flawless.
here to listen to the class.
Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the Name
of Allah Al-Salam.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-2] by clicking here. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the second meaning of the
name of Allah Al-Salam?
2. If someone says that Allah is too
busy to care about us. How does this statement conflict with the second meaning
of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What is the phrase you would use to reply to
this accusation to Allah?
3. How the views of Jesus are
different in Islam and Christianity? Define trinity.
4. One of the application of the
Name of Allah Al-Salam is related to tyrants. Explain.
5. What the difference between peace
offered by Allah and peace offered by tyrants?
6. Mention the story of the
magicians who were competing with Prophet Mosa SAW?
How is that related to the name Al-Salam?
7. Does the Shytan
believe in Allah? Explain why or why not.
8. Mention and explain the speech of
Iblis given in hell fire to the people of hell. Hint Quran (14:22)
9. Is people who follow orders from
tyrants in hell or in heaven? Explain the reason.
From Quran, mention and explain four arguments between tyrants and
their followers. Hint: Explain the following Ayat 2:165-167, 14:21, 40:47-49,
7:38, 38:61, 41:29, 33:67-68.
Last Year's Notes:
Week [7]: October 8, 2017
The Names of Allah Al-Ghafoor and Al-Ghafar (الغفور الغفار)
The Most Forgiving
here to listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the meaning of “Despairing the mercy of Allah”. Explain with examples.
2. What happens to the one who despairing the mercy of Allah? Why is it a low image of Allah?
3. What is the story of the one who killed. Why did he kill one more person to make them 100? Describe his ending and why did Allah choose to end it that way?
4. What would happen to the world if the door of forgiveness is always closed? Why?
5. Allah is extremely happy when one of us repents. The Prophet SAW gave a specific example to describe the happiness of Allah. What is this example?
What is The Istigfar (الإستغفار). How many Istigfar times the Prophet
SAW used to do every day?
7. What are the sins that Allah may forgive without repentance?
8. What are the sins that Allah will never forgive even with a repentance?
9. What is the sin that Allah will never forgives without repentance?
10. If you sin once and repent, Allah accepts your repentance. What happens when you repeat the sin again? At what point Allah would stop forgiving you.
11. Would Allah take back a forgiveness that he granted in the past?
12. Is Forgiveness intended for the sinners who already made sins, or to the ones who plan for sins? Is forgiveness intended to encourage people to do sins?
13. Can one trick Allah and repent in the last minute? What are the possibilities that could happen that will not make us able to repent in the last minute before death?
14. How do you reply to someone who says “I am not going to start prayers until I am old and near death”?
15. What did Allah say about the last-minute repentance. Hint Ayat 4:18
16. In
the Example of the Pharaoh. What did he tried to do and what was the response
of Allah. Hint Ayat
17. What are the time where Allah will not accept any more repentances or good deeds?
18. What is the story of the one who watered a thirsty dog? Tell the story.
19. What is the story of the one who locked a cat till it died? Tell the story.
Week [8]: October 15, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab
The One who Makes You Repent and Accepts Your Repentance
Click here to
listen to the class.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. What are the meanings of the Name of Allah Al-Tawab? Explain.
2. Allah dedicated two adults to love, serve and provide for you. Who are they?
3. What would be the reaction of the wise parents when they see their children do something wrong?
4. Is the punishment that we suffer from in this life, all the punishment we get? Is it a taste of punishment or actual punishment? Explain.
5. Is the reward that we enjoy in this life, all the reward we get? Is it a taste of reward or actual reward? Explain.
6. In the class we used an example of two teachers; one is fair and the other is Tawab. Mention both examples and compare them. Why one would be only fair while the other is not only fair, but Also Tawab? What is the difference between them?
7. If you repent from your bad deeds and follow your repentance with good deeds, what happen to the bad deeds that you did? Mention and explain the following Ayah Quran 25:70.
8. When Mosa asked Allah to see him, Allah made him repent. How? Mention and explain the following Ayat Quran 7:143-144.
9. In the battle of Tabook, people were divided into 4 groups, mention them and explain the difference.
10. Who were the three believers who missed the battle? Mention their entire story. Mention and explain the related Ayah Quran 9:118.
11. In the battle of Uhud, who disobeyed the Prophet? What were the reasons they disobeyed him? What were the results? Was everyone punished or only the disobedient individuals? Mention Ayah 3:152.
12. In the battle of Uhud, what would happen
if Allah didn’t
punish the believers for their mistake?
13. The punishment falls on everyone, not only the wrong dowers. Mention the Hadith of the example of the ship that illustrates this concept. Also mention Ayah Quran 8:25.
14. In the battle of Hunain. What was the wrongdoing that made the entire army run away? Mention the Ayah Quran 9:25.
What was the wrong doing of
Prophet Yunus committed? How did Allah make him
repent? Mention the Ayat Quran 21:87-88.
Last Year's Notes:
Week [9]: October 22, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem I
The Most Wise - Why cannot we see Allah, his angel or the life after
here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء. This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Instead of having people who deny the existence of Allah and the unseen world, why doesn't Allah allow us to see him and the unseen world? How would this impact our freedom of choice? Use the example of a police officer behind you.
2. What happened to Prophet Mosa when he asked Allah to see him? Explain what happened before and after.
3. Is Allah wearing Hijab? How many layers? What would happen if Allah would lift his Hijab?
4. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a test from Allah. Explain How?
5. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a mercy from Allah. Explain How?
6. What would happen to us if we can hear the screams of the ones who are being punished in the graves? How is this going to affect our free will or freedom of choice?
7. What happened when Allah sent Angel Gabriel to look at the Jannah and the hell? What would happen to us if we see them now? What would happen to us if we do see them?
8. Is seeing miracles is good or bad? What happen if we see miracles? How would Allah judge us then?
9. Who were the people of the dining table? What happened to them?
10. When the people of Thamud saw the miracle, what was that miracle? Did they believe after seeing the miracles?
11. The Arab Lord asked the Prophet Mohamed for miracles (see these Ayat). What were these miracles? Were they serious?
12. The problems of the world today, were they resulting from lack of Miracles or lack of Prophet, or what?
13. Allah gave Prophet Mosa nine miracles to show to the Pharaoh and his followers. What are these nine miracles (hint see this link)? How did the Pharaoh and his follower react after seeing each one of these miracles?
14. Is knowing the date of our death a good thing or a bad thing?
(Optional question) What
would happen to us if we know the date of our death or the death of our loved
Last Year's Notes:
Week [10]: October 29, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem II
The Most Wise - The Wisdom Behind Halal and Haram
Click here
to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 8 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following
questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the
homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Allah said in the Quran
that Allah sent Prophet Mohamed to teach Quran and Wisdom. What meant by the
wisdom here?
Define wisdom. What is the
difference between wisdom and knowledge? Can we make wise decisions without
having knowledge?
Allah sent us to represent
his manners on earth. Is this possible without having do's and don'ts? Explain
in details.
Halal and Haram are clear.
What do we call the area between Halal and Haram? How should we handle it?
Allah explained the wisdom
of halal and Haram in Surat Al-Araf (7:57). What is
Explain the difference
between Halal and Haram v. wise and unwise. Give three examples.
By Halal and Haram, did
Allah intend to cause us hardships? Explain the intention of Allah using Surat
Al-Maeda (5:6).
Halal and Haram, did Allah intend to cause children of Israel (Jews) hardships?
Explain the intention of Allah made using Surat Al-Nisa
sent Prophets to relief the children of Israel from the hardship imposed on
them. What are these hardships and who are these Prophet? use Ayat in Surat Al-Omran 3:50 and Surat Al-Araf (7:157).
happen to the Jewish village that was located on the coast line. Explain why
did Allah become angry with them. Use Surat Al-Araf 7:163.
Allah made Riba Haram, did he mention the wisdom? Use Surat Al-Baqara
Mention the wisdom behind
making Riba Haram . Explain
the reasons mentioned in the class. Hint Money plus time ...etc.
When Allah made Pork Haram,
did he mention the wisdom? What if someone asks you why Pork is Harm? Are we
allowed to provide your own thoughts? If you do, do you need to inform the
asking person that it is your own thoughts not Alah's
thoughts? Why it is important to do so.
Last Year's Notes:
Week [11]: November 5, 2017
Al-Ruzzaq and Al-Raziq
The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision Supplier.
The One Who Divides Shares Among People.
Click here to listen
to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 8 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to the audio recording of the class and answer the following
questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework
via email hw@zeiny.net
What is the difference
between Al-Ruzzaq and Al-Raziq.
Al-Ruzzaq was mentioned
in the Quran once . What is the Ayah and the meaning of the Ayah (51:58).
What are the two types of Rizq (sustenance )?
Is Allah responsible of
providing the Rizq to all of his creation? Mention
and explain the Ayah (11:6).
Is your Rizq
is what you have? if not, then what is your Rizq?
Which accountability is harder in the Day of Judgment, the accountability
of the rich or the poor? Explain the reason.
Regarding of accountability
of the stingy and his life standard. What is his
Use the example of the kid
who was sent to far away college and he doesn't call his father to thank him to
illustrate the source of Rizq and whom we should
thank for the Rizq.
Is Rizq
pre assigned? Can you die without finishing your Rizq? Mention the story of the man who fell into the well.
Allah has the safes of
everything but he doesn't send it all at ounce. Why? Mention and explain the
Ayah that explains it(15:21).
No board pictures but
feel free to use last year's board
Week [12]: November 12, 2017
Al-Ruzzaq and Al-Raziq. (2)
The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The
Provision Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People.
business with Allah)
Click here to listen
to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 8 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio
recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short
answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Mention the story of Prophet Suliman and the ant in
the bottle. What is the wisdom we learn from this story?
2. If you have abundant wealth, is it because of your
talent or what? What is the minimum wage of someone who lives in the US as
compared to someone who lives in the third world? How is this fact related to
the question above?
3. Allah is most accused when it comes to dividing the
shares among people. Explain?
4. Why Allah is not making everyone rich?
5. Why Allah is not making the good people rich and
the bad people poor?
6. Why Allah is not making the bad people rich and the
good people poor?
7. Are our shares pre-assigned? Explain.
8. We can get our shares the Hallal
way or the Haram way. Explain. Mention the story of the Ali Ibn
Aby Talib and the camel.
9. What is the best way of getting our shares of pain?
10. How do drugs affect the happiness? Explain the
curve that was drawn in the class.
11. Things are matters of perception. Explain. Relate
this to the story of the rich princesses and the poor merchant.
Week [13]: November 19, 2017
Al-Ruzzaq and Al-Raziq (3)
The Supplier of All, The Sustenance Provider and The Provision
Supplier. The One Who Divides Shares Among People.
How to increase your Rizq.
Click here to listen
to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 10 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio
recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short
answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
is the story of the lady that lost her husband and she had lots of kids.
is the difference between Qadar and Qada? Explain.
Dua'a and Qadar are
fighting each other between the heaven and earth. What does it means and why they are fighting.
is the story of the bird who got used to stealing meat instead of hunting for
is the story of the man who used to say to Allah, I disobey you so much and you
never punished me?
and explain 10 things that cause your shares of Rizq
to increase? Hint https://orbitislam.com/ways-to-increase-rizq/
and explain 10 things that when you do, they decrease your shares of Rizq? Hint http://www.duas.org/i_d_rizq.htm
[14]: December 3, 2017
Al-Qudoos The
Pure, The Holy
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 14 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer
Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Qudoos (The Holy)?
2. In what way the Name Al-Qudoos
is similar to the Name Al-Salam?
3. What is the meaning of Tazkia?
4. What is the difference between Taqdees
and Tazkyah? Explain in details.
5. Mention from the Quran the two Ayat that contain
the name Al-Qudos
6. Mention and explain the Ayah that talks about Taqdees. Hint Cow 2:30
7. Mention and explain one of the Ayat that talks about
8. Who can do Taqdees and
who can do Tazkyah?
9. How can Taqdees be done
and how can Tazkyah be done?
10. Who are the four perfect women?
11. Explain in details the diagram of purity, which is
located in the notes section.
12. Jannah has three things to make it perfect, what
are they? Explain them.
13. Mention the story of cleaning the heart of the
Prophet SAW. شرح الصدر
14. Why did Allah cleaned the heart of Prophet SAW and
not our hearts? How is this fair?
Week [15]: December 10, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Wasi^ الواسع - The Unlimited
Cow 2:115)
--> وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ
اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 15 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer
Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. What does the Name Al-Wasi'a
2. How could we use this name to show that Allah must
be one?
3. What are the two kinds of infinite do we know?
Which one is real and which one is fake? Which one is offered by Allah and
which one is offered by the Shytan? Explain in
4. Is Jannah infinity? Which kind of infinity is
Jannah? Explain.
5. What is the size of the second heaven relative to
the first heaven? the third relative to the second, ...etc. The seven relative
to the throne of Allah?
6. What is best pleasure in Jannah? What would happen
to the people of hell if this pleasure happens to them? Is this pleasure
available to the people in lower ranks in Jannah? Explain in details.
7. How did the Shytan used
the infinity to trick Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?
8. Adam got some kind of fake infinities by eating
from the forbidden tree. Explain.
9. If you are told that you will live in Jannah for 50
Million years only. would that cause you to worry? Can Jannah be truly Jannah
if it has a time limit?
10. Can someone who is limited provide something that
unlimited (infinity)?
11. If you mention to the simple-minded Bedouin person
that Allah is Al-Wasi'a, what would he/she be
thinking about?
12. Explain the infinity of the universe in terms of
the size of our solar system, the size of our galaxy, distances between us and
the nearest galaxy, the nearest star,, how many
galaxies are out there, how many stars in each galaxy, ...etc.
[16]: December 17, 2017
The Name of Allah Al-Hady - The Guidance
Click here to listen
to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 16 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer
Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and answer the following questions
thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via
email hw@zeiny.net
1. What is the meaning of the Name of Allah AL-HADI?
2. List the outcomes that result from the Name of Allah
AL-HADI. For example, Allah guides us by providing Quran, ..........complete
the list we mentioned in class. and explain every item and how is it related to
the Name of Allah AL-HADI.
3. How are the miracles of the Quran related to the Name of Allah
AL-HADI? Explain.
4. How punishments would be an outcome caused by the Name of Allah
AL-HADI? Compare to the punishments your parents are imposing on you if you do
something wrong.
5. Allah is also Al-Model (Misguides), which is the opposite of
Al-Hadi. Answer the following:
a. In order for Al-Hadi to exist, the opposite, which is Al-Model
must exist.
b. Can we mention the name of Allah Al-Model alone? Or it must come
in pairs? Explain why.
c. How is it fair that Allah misguides people?
d. If Allah providers misguidance, then how can we still be held
accountable to our deeds?
6. Subhaha Allah has two meanings, what are they? Explain.
7. There are two kinds of guidance. Answer the following:
a. What are they?
b. Both kinds are mentioned at the end of Surat Al-Fathia. Explain in details. Write the part of Surat Al-Fatiha where we ask Allah for guidance.
c. Give examples of both kinds.
8. Can anyone change the text of the Quran nowadays? Why?
Week [17]: January 7, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Jabar
- the Almighty
Or the Most One Who Heals the Broken Things
Click here to
listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 17 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. You may also
use the children repeating after teacher by
clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Listen to the audio
recording of the class and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short
answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Al-Jabar has two meanings. Mention them
and explain each.
(2) How did Allah destroy
the king who claimed to give life and death?
(3) Tell the parts of the
story of Prophet Musa that highlights that Allah is the Al-Jabar?
Week [18]: January 15, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Adel – The Just; The
Balance Maker; The Balance Provider – Part I.
Click here to
listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 18 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer
Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and in no less than 300 words, answer the
following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email
me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
1. Among the following Ayat, find the Ayat that talk
about the Balance and explain them: Al-Rahman (55:7-9).
2. What are the two types of balance in terms of
enforcement, i.e. who maintains each type?
3. Allah s is stating in these verses that he has
establish the balance in everything that he has created. Give five examples of
the balance created and maintained by Allah?
4. In surat Al-Hijr (15:19), Allah talks about Balance. Explain the Ayah.
5. In order to have free will, Allah gave us a space
to practice balance and justice. Give five examples of the justice (balance)
that should be maintained by us.
6. What is the difference between islam
(small i) and Islam (capital I)?
7. In Ayat Quran (83:1-6), Allah speaks about Al-Motafifeen (المطففين) who are they and explain the Ayat.
8. In "Alhadeed
(57:25)", Allah sent down to us two things to establish justice. What are
they? Whom did Allah send them with? How is Iron related to justice?
9. Why did Allah decide to maintain his part using the
laws of nature and didn’t give us the freedom to maintain everything by
Year’s Notes:
[19]: January 22, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Adel – The Just; The
Balance Maker; The Balance Provider – Part II.
Click here
to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 20 of Surat Taha سورة طه . This web site repeats the
recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
You may also use the children repeating after teacher by clicking here.
[Part 2] Tafseer
Part: Listen
to the audio recording of the class and in no less than 300 words, answer the
following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email
me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net.
1. Why when you go excessive in one aspect of your life, you fall short on the others?
We are made of two units.
What are they?
Which one is more precious?
Who is the one who’s nature is one indivisible Unit?
Use the metaphor of a gift box to describe both units.
Use the example of a car and its driver to describe both
Which unit will be there during the period of after death
and before resurrection?
What happens to both units when we get resurrected?
What is the food for each unit?
How do we care for each unit?
In Islam, is it good to seclude yourself in a cave? Why or why
The Jews quizzed the Prophet SAW by three questions. What
are the three questions? Which one of the question is related to the topic of
the class?
What happened to the three people who said that they would
worship Allah by not marrying ever, fast everyday and pray all night? What was
the response of the prophet and did he say?
What is the story of Salman Al-Farsi with Aboo Al-Darda’a and his wife Umu Al-Darda’s? Hint: Salman saw Umu Al-Darda’s in a bad shape.
The following Ayah (25:67)
teaches us the concept of the middle path, i.e. the path between two extremes.
One to the left and one to the right. Mention the Ayah and explain the concept
in the Ayah.
[20]: January 28, 2018
The Name of Allah Al-Aziz – The Most Powerful -
the Most Rare.
Click here
to listen to the class
1] Memorize Ayat
1 - 25 of Surat Taha This is the Surah for
the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the
recitation so that you can memorize them right.
Tafseer Part:
Listen to class
and in no less than 600 words answer the following:
What is the meaning of the Name
Al-Aziz. Explain in details. Hint there are three meanings.
From a language point of view,
what is the meaning of the word Izah العزة?.
What is the opposite of Izah?
Draw the pyramid of Izah inside the United States. Who is the Aziz of the
United States?
Who can give Izah
and can take it away? Hint: Imran
Why did Allah call the Quran the
Aziz Quran? Hint Fosilat 41:41.
If you want Izah,
what do you need to do? Hint Fatir 35:10.
What are the fake sources of Izah? Give examples.
The magicians of the Pharaoh
that competed with Prophet Musa. What kind of Izzah
they were seeking before the competition and then what kind of Izzah they sought after the competition? What did the
Pharaoh do to them?
Why is the Izzah
of the Pharaoh fake Izzah?
The Name Al-Aziz comes combined
with the name Al-Hakeem. Why and what is the meaning of this combination?
The Name Al-Aziz comes combined
with the name Al-Raheem (the Merciful). Why and what is the meaning of this
How many times the Name Al-Aziz
came in the Quran?
How do you prove that you
believe in the Name of Allah Al-Aziz?
What happens if you are order by
a dictator to do something Haram? What if the dictator is trying to force you
to denounce Islam?
Meaning of Al-Azeez. Pyramids of Izah
the Azeez of United States with the Azeez of Mexico, the Azeez of United States
is the highest Azeez
is the highest super duper
prove that you believe in the name of Allah Al-Azeez, you seek Izah from Allah by pleasing him. Don't seek Izah from other super powers than Allah by pleasing other
super powers and displeasing Allah. If you can please all, then good, but if
you have to please one and make all others angry then please Allah and make all
others angry.
is the heavenly Azeez. He is to be pleased and all other earthly Azeezs come next.
What would you do if an earthly super power is forcing you to disobey the
highest super duper Azeez (Allah), such as the case
in the inquisition?
First try to escape to a place where you are free to obey Al-Azeez. If you
can't (such as the case of African American slaves), then keep your heart with
Al-Azeez. In other words, set your intentions to obey Al-Azeez as much as you
can and maintain a desire to obey Al-Azeez if you can get a chance. You have full
control over your heart and no one can change your heart except Allah and you.
More Notes:
[21]: February 4, 2018
Tafsir of the beginning of Surat Taha.
Click here to listen to the class
1] Memorize Ayat
10 – 30 of Surat Taha This is the Surah for
the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the
recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2]
Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less than 600
words answer the following:
Was the
Quran a source misery and unnecessary hardships to the Prophet SAW? Explain.
Do you
agree with those who say that duties of Islam are the source of unnecessary
headache? Reply to this argument using the no pain no gain and provide
If you feel that studying and doing
homework now annoys you and hurt your feelings, what would happen to you in the
future if you ignore them?
Is worship and slavery to Allah
demanding? Compare with being a wage slave.
Compare the reward of being slave
to Allah with the reward of being slave to corporations. Give examples.
Believers wake up at Fajr time. Non-believers also wake up at Fajr time. Compare the two.
Who are the truly miserable
What are the three meanings of
Explain the meanings of Ayat 2
to 6. Don’t just provide translation. Reflect on the meanings of the Ayat, i.e.
the message being delivered by these Ayat.
[22]: February 11, 2018
Quran Competition – However, we still have a
homework for you to do. Do all of your missed HW to pass the class.
[23]: February 25, 2018
Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran.
1] Memorize Ayat
1 – 7 of Surat Al-Waqia This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat
the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them
[Part 2]
Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less than 600
words answer the following:
1. Explain the Miracles of the mountain shape and
role. Write the English translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this
and highlight the part that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape
and role. The Ayat are (13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77,
2. Explain the barrier between
the two seas and the barrier between the river and sea. Write the English
translation of the Ayat that speak about these miracles and highlight
the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran (55:19-20, 25:53,
3. Explain the positions of the
star. After how many minutes we see the position of the sun. Is it possible to
see the actual sun and stars now? Explain. Explain how is it possible that we
can still see a star that has expired or exploded millions of years
ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the positions of the stars and
highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks about the miracle Quran
4. Explain the stages of the
development of the baby inside his mother's womb. Write the English translation
of the Ayat and highlight the parts that talk about the miracle. Quran,
5. Explain the miracle about
the formation of Iron.
6. Explain the miracle about
the darkness in the deep oceans.
7. Explain the miracle about
the relationship between darkness and conception of babies. How many layers of
darkness are provide and what are they?
8. Explain the miracles about
the light of the sun and the light of the moon.
here to download the presentation
Week [24]: March 5, 2018
The Names of Allah: (Al-Fatah - The Opener or
the Reliever)
Keys of mercy, relief, provision, health,
happiness, ...etc. You name it, Allah has the keys for it.
Click here to
listen to the class.
here to listen to Dr. Qadhi Lecture about the Name of
Allah Al-Fatah.
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat
1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of
the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. |
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: |
Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less than
600 words answer the following: |
What is the keys are related to the Name of Allah Al-Fatah? |
How is the word "stuck" related to the Name of Allah
Al-Fatah? |
What are the doors that Al-Fatah can open or close? |
What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of
victory? |
What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of
judgment? |
What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of
decree? |
Allah decreed both the laws of nature and the laws of Islam.
What are the differences between them? |
8. |