Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class
This is a fascinating site in learning Quranic Arabic. It will help you a lot.
This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.
Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]
Week [32]: May 22, 2016
The Intentions.
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This is the last homework. The Deadline is Sunday May 29, 2016. After that the final grades will be sent (ISA).
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
1. How come Allah blamed the Jews who fought Prophet Mohamed SAW for the mistakes of their predecessors? How is that fair? (hints: hearts and intentions).
2. Two people, one has the intentions of doing evil and he/she did it, while the other desires and wishes to do the same thing but he/she couldn’t. Which one of them is worse?
3. Two people, one has the intentions of doing good and he/she did it, while the other desires and wishes to do the same thing but he/she couldn’t. Which one of them is better?
4. Allah reduces evil by limiting ………………………………. For example, Pharaoh and Hitler…………………
5. Who was the immigrant of Um Kayse? Mention his story related to the intentions behind the immigration.
6. Do the angels on the left and right, who write our deeds, know about our intentions? If not, then who knows the intentions?
7. Are we allowed to judge the intentions of others? Why or why not.
8. Many people have evil intentions. Would Allah allow all of them to do what they intended? Why or why not.
9. Explain the rule of combining intentions. If someone intends to go to the Masjid to pray and to buy milk on the way back, is this a sincere intention or a bad intention? Can someone intends to go to the Masjid to pray and to show off? Can we combine two good intentions in the same deed? Can we combine bad intentions with good intentions in the same deeds explain.
10. Mention and explain the two jokes mentioned in class and explain what was funny about them.
11. What are the three motivations that motivate us to do good deeds?
12. The intentions of the believers are better than their deeds. Explain.
13. Why would Allah send believer to Jannah for everlasting life when they have worshiped Allah for a limited time period?
14. Why would Allah send bad guys to hell for everlasting life when they have disobeyed Allah for a limited time period?
15. Are we judged for mistakes, for forgotten, and for innocent errors? Mention the story of Ammar Ibn Yassir, his father Yassir and his mother Sumayah as an example.
Week [31]: May 15, 2016
Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha - Part II
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Do this Multiple Choice Test (MS Word Format, PDF Format)
Week [30]: May 8, 2016
Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha - Part I
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء
[Part 2] Tafseer Part: Do this Multiple Choice Test
Week [29]: May 1, 2016
Multiple Names of Allah
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110 - 111 of Surat Al-Isra'a [17:110-111] سورة الإسراء
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. What are the meanings of each of the following names of Allah and how they are related to each other? Give illustrative examples.
الحليم، الصبور، الحفيظ، الحسيب، اللطيف، الحي، القيوم، الغني، الكريم، المبديء، المعيد،المجيب،
Mention the example of the butterflies and the Prophet SAW.
Mention the example of our lives being a peace of ice.
Week [28]: April 24, 2016
The Name of Allah - Al-Hadi (The Guidance Provider)
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
What is the meaning of the Name of Allah AL-HADI?
List the outcomes that result from the Name of Allah AL-HADI. For example, Allah guides us by providing Quran, ..........complete the list we mentioned in class. and explain every item and how is it related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI
How could punishments are an outcome caused by the Name of Allah AL-HADI? Compare to the punishments your parents are imposing on you if you do something wrong.
Subaha Allah has two meanings, what are they? Explain.
The opposite of AL-HADI is the one who misguides. If Allah misguides people, then how could this be fair? We shouldn't be responsible of our bad deeds because Allah misguided us. Explain.
Mention the story of the guy who stole and when he was caught, he blamed it on the Name of Allah The One who Misguides. Mention the reply of Khalifa Omar Ibn Al-Khatab to his argument.
How are the miracles of the Quran related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI? Explain.
Explain the story of Paul and how did he change Christianity. What are the reasons behind Naiscia council? What was achieved during this council?
Explain the logic behind the trinity and how it was appealing to Emperor Constantine and how is it related to paganism.
Give an example of what Emperor Augustine did that changed Christianity.
How did the Roman Empire forced everyone to embrace the trinity. What happened to the ones who did not want to believe in the trinity?
What was the difference between the Christianity of the Egyptian Coptic and the Roman Catholic? What did the Romans do to the Coptic beasts?
What is the message in the Surat Al-Bayinah (The Clear Signs 98:1-5) related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI.
What happened to the languages of other scriptures? Compare this to the language of the Quran. How is this related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI.
Can anyone change the text of the Quran nowadays? Why?
Week [27]: April 17, 2016
Names of Allah that come in Pairs
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
Few of the names of Allah come in pairs. Why? What is the reason?
List the names of Allah that come in pairs and explain the meanings.
One of the names of Allah is Al-Ilah "The God" (الإله), what the plural of this word and what the female gender of this word?
Allah is one of the names of God. What is the root of the names? What is the meaning of the name Allah? Can it be plural? Can it be feminine?
What is the difference between the following two names of Allah: Al-Wahid (الواحد) and Al-Ahed (الأحد)?
Explain the name of Allah Al-Shakoor (الشكور). When and how this name takes place? Who will built the Jannah for the Prophets and their followers? Who built the Janah for the people of lower ranks?
Explain the name of Allah Al-Adel (العدل). Give three examples.
What the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Wadood (الودود)?
Can we increase the wealth of Allah? Can we decrease his wealth? Then why is he seeking our love? How does he do to seek our love?
The favors of Allah can be for everyone or for specific individuals. Give two example of both.
Week [26]: April 3, 2016
Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran
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Click here to see the presentation
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
Click here to see the presentation
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
What is the name of the person who started examining Quran in the light of modern science? What was the name of his book?
The mountains have two miracles: one is related to its shape and the other is related to its function. Explain both. Relate to the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
What is the theory of tectonic plates? Explain the subduction zone? Compare this to the applicable Ayat that Allah said he is decreasing the land from its borders.
What is the miracle related to diving very deep in the oceans or the seas? Relate it to the applicable Ayat of the Quran that speaks about that miracle.
How come the two seas are not mingling with one another? Explain. Relate the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
How come the two bodies of water (one palatable and the other salty) don't intermingle together? Explain. Relate the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
How come breathing becomes difficult when we fly up? Explain and relate to the corresponding Ayah of the Quran.
Which part of the brain responsible of generating wicked plans? Explain and relate to the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
What determine the gender of the baby? Is it the man or the woman? Relate the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
The baby's formation in its mother's womb happens in stages. Mention two of them and relate to the applicable Ayat in the Quran
During the production of the fetus for tube babies, it has to happen in the darkness. What is the Ayah that speaks about this and what are the three veils of darkness?
Is the universe expanding, shrinking or the same? Relate to the applicable Ayah that speaks about this phenomenon.
Where did the iron form? How come it has to be sent down? How come it is not produced in our solar system? Relate to the applicable Ayah in the Quran.
The stars we see in heaven, are they the actual stars or what? Explain this phenomena and relate the applicable Ayah of the Quran.
Does the moon has his own light? How about the son? Relate to the applicable Ayat in the Quran.
Week [25]: March 27, 2016
The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel
Since we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do you depend on Allah in both of these tasks?
How do you reply to the one who says "If I do my part, then there is nothing left for Allah to do".
Explain the word "Tawfeeq توفيق". Who does control Tawfeeq?
Explain the probability of failure?
Mention the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?
How do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah to do"?
How do I depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses?
What did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?
The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail.
What did prevent the Pagan Arab Lords from killing the Prophet SAW? How did they get around this?
When the Prophet SAW was immigrating from Makkah to Madinah, did he make plans? If yes, then list and explain the seven items in his plan and the wisdom behind each item in the plan?
Week [24]: March 20, 2016
Surat Al-Baqara (The Cow 2:115) --> The Name of Allah Al-Wasi'a
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
What does the Name Al-Wasi'a mean?
How could we use this name to show that Allah must be one?
What are the two kinds of infinite do we know? Which one is real and which one is fake? Which one is offered by Allah and which one is offered by the Shytan? Explain in details.
Is Jannah infinity? Which kind of infinity is Jannah? Explain.
What is the size of the second heaven relative to the first heaven? the third relative to the second, ...etc. The seven relative to the throne of Allah?
What is best pleasure in Jannah? What would happen to the people of hell if this pleasure happens to them? Is this pleasure available to the people in lower ranks in Jannah? Explain in details.
Can we judge and say this person is going to hell other than what the Quran mentioned? Why?
How did the Shytan used the infinity to trick Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?
Adam got some kind of fake infinities by eating from the forbidden tree. Explain.
Was the appearance of Prophet Mohamed a sign of the day of judgment? Are we at the beginning of time or at the end? Explain.
When is our personal day of judgment going to start?
How long the life in grave feels for the good people? Would they wish that Allah starts the day of judgment?
When bad people die, what is the first thing they wish and ask Allah for?
Why are we being tested?
In this life, can someone have a good heart and a bad looks or a bad heart and good looks? How about in the day of judgment?
If you are told that you will live in Jannah for 50 Million years only. would that causes you to worry? Can Jannah be truly Jannah if it has a time limit?
Can someone who is limited provide something that unlimited (infinity)?
If you mention to the simple minded Bedouin person that Allah is Al-Wasi'a, what would he/she be thinking about?
Mention the story of the Bedouin who urinated in the Masjid?
What is the meaning of the statement that Allah is limitless in his forgiveness?
Would Allah judges people and animals together or one at a time?
Part 1: The two kinds of infinity.
Deceiving: Run around - offered by Shitan.
True: Straight Path - offered by Allah.
Part 2: How the Shitan Tricks Adam using the sweat dream of
He tricked our grandfather Adam to eat from the
tree by promising him the sweat dream of being everlasting.
He tries to trick us using the same way, by
offering us the run around infinity in this life.
Part 3: The infinity of the Universe.
The light can circle the earth 8 times in one
The moon is one and quarter light seconds away.
The sun is nine light minutes away from the
The solar system is twelve light hours in
The nearest star to the sun is Ross 248, and it
is 10 light years away.
The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our
Solar System.
The galaxy diameter is 100,000 light years. It
contains 200 billion stars. 200 Giga stars.
The galaxy moving with a speed of 400 miles per
In the 1920s observations by astronomer Edwin
Hubble showed that the Milky Way was just one of around 200 billion galaxies in
the observable universe.
The nearest galaxy to us is called Coma
Berenices is 55,000 light years away from earth.
The observable universe is 14 billion light
years because the age of the universe is about 14 billion years (10^9). 14 Giga
Because the universe is expanding, the
observable universe is now 47 billion light years.
Part 1: The two kinds of infinity.
Deceiving: Run around - offered by Shitan.
True: Straight Path - offered by Allah.
Part 2: How the Shitan Tricks Adam using the sweat dream of
He tricked our grandfather Adam to eat from the
tree by promising him the sweat dream of being everlasting.
He tries to trick us using the same way, by
offering us the run around infinity in this life.
Part 3: The infinity of the Universe.
The light can circle the earth 8 times in one
The moon is one and quarter light seconds away.
The sun is nine light minutes away from the
The solar system is twelve light hours in
The nearest star to the sun is Ross 248, and it
is 10 light years away.
The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our
Solar System.
The galaxy diameter is 100,000 light years. It
contains 200 billion stars. 200 Giga stars.
The galaxy moving with a speed of 400 miles per
In the 1920s observations by astronomer Edwin
Hubble showed that the Milky Way was just one of around 200 billion galaxies in
the observable universe.
The nearest galaxy to us is called Coma
Berenices is 55,000 light years away from earth.
The observable universe is 14 billion light
years because the age of the universe is about 14 billion years (10^9). 14 Giga
Because the universe is expanding, the
observable universe is now 47 billion light years.
Week [23]: March 13, 2016
Surat Al-Baqara (The Cow 2:246-251) --> Story of Taloot and Galoot.
قصة طالوت وجالوت من سورة البقرة
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
Mention the story where the children of Israel told to Prophet Mosa you go with your Lord and liberate the holy land from the mighty people and then invite us to enter. Quran 5:20-26.
Write the story of Taloot and Jaloot. Highlight the tests that Allah made to filter away weak soldiers and retain only good soldiers.
Why did Allah wanted to filter away the weak people?
Mention the other situation where Allah wanted to filter the bad people away from the army.
Why Allah is giving us the tests of Islam? What is his purpose of testing us?
What is the meaning of the word Fitnah in the Arabic language and what is its meaning as a Quranic term?
Sometimes Allah wants to give people a hard test to raise their ranks and give them lots of good deeds. Other times Allah is testing people as a punishment. How can you tell the difference?
After killing Taloot. Allah made Dawood a Prophet. What was the special thing about Prophet Dawood?
Mention the story of Prophets Adam and Dawood.
Would the angel of death attack the Prophets to take their soul away? What is the proper way?
How many of Prophet Mohamed's children die when he was alive? Who was the exception? How long after the Prophet did she live?
Was our share of pain reassigned in heaven before we are born? If yes, then what is left to us to decide?
Was our share of wealth reassigned in heaven before we are born? If yes, then what is left to us to decide? Mention the story of Ali Ibn Aby Talib and the guy who stole his camel. What is the lesson you learn from the story?
Was our life length decided in heaven? Can people run away from death? What can we do so that Allah grants us more life?
Week [22]: March 6, 2016
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (the Iron) --> Al-Awal (The First); Al-Akhir (The Last); Al-Zahir (The Outward); Al-Batin (The Inward).
سُوۡرَةُ الحَدید: ٱلۡأَوَّلُ وَٱلۡأَخِرُ وَٱلظَّـٰهِرُ وَٱلۡبَاطِنُۖ
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed [57:1-3]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
Is Allah inside time or outside time? Can time age Allah? Can time change Allah? Explain in details.
Does Allah need to wait to see things happening? Explain. Use the example of a story board.
What do we mean that Allah is Al-Awal and Al-Akhir? Does he has start or end?
Explain the Outside using the example of a telescope.
Explain the inside using the example of a microscope.
What is the Hadeeth that was narated in Shiat books of Hadeeth regarding the two angels who met in the middle? Explain the Hadeeth.
During travel, you make a Dua'a to Allah. What is the Dua'a that we mentioned in the class? What is so amazing about this Dua'a?
What is the size of the first heaven relative to the second? the second relative to the third? ..... etc
Is Allah located everywhere? Explain.
Can we see the entire Allah? What can we see? Does the words "Entire Allah" possible? Explain.
What would happen to the people of Hell Fire if they would get see the face of Allah?
What is the best joy for the people of Jannah?
What is the face of Allah that good guys will experience? How about the bad guys?
Would Allah judge everyone of us alone at different times? Explain.
Can Allah be pleased and displeased at the same time? Can he be angry and merciful at the same time? Explain.
Where is the mountain of Al-Araf? What is the story of the people of Al-Araf?
Is it possible that Allah would send to hell people who are Muslims? Which layer do they go?
What is the story of the last person who gets out of hell and enters Jannah?
Week [21]: February 28, 2016
Ayat of the Royal Chair of Allah --> Shafa'a
آية الكرسي --- الشفاعة
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and summarize it in no less that 600 words. Address the following:
Seven kinds of people will be enjoying the shade under the Royal Throne of Allah in the Day of Judgment. Who are they? What is so impressive about them that will qualify them for such an incredible status.
Tell the story about the special status for Prophet Mohamed in the day of judgment regarding Al-Shafaa. What is the name of this special status? At what specific time we pray to Allah to grant his Prophet Al-Shafa'a?
Explain the other kinds of Shafa'a
Tell the story of the people who said (لا إله إلا الله) who are in hell and Allah wants to get them out.
Who qualifies for Shafa'a?
Why doesn't Allah get people to what was decided from them without Shafa'a.? In other words what is the purpose of Shafa'a?
Seven kinds of people will be enjoying the shade under the Royal Throne of Allah in the Day of Judgment.
Week [20]: February 21, 2016
Quran Competition - Make sure to do all previous HW.
Week [19]: February 7, 2016
The Names of Allah -> Al-Hakeem Part II
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
Allah is most accused when it comes to dividing the shares among people.
Why Allah is not making everyone rich?
Why Allah is not making the good people rich and the bad people poor?
Why Allah is not making the bad people rich and the good people poor?
Is our shares pre assigned?
We can get our shares the Hallal way or the Haram way. Explain. Mention the
story of the Ali Ibn Aby Talib and the camel.
We can get our pre assigned shares of fun the Hallal way and the Haram way.
What is the best way of getting our shares of pain. Explain.
How do drugs affect the happiness?
Things are matters of perception. Explain.
Feeling of satisfaction is more important than the amount of wealth you have.
Week [18]: January 31, 2016
The Names of Allah -> Al-Hakeem Part I
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
Define wisdom
How would you answer a non Muslim who asks you why the pork
is Haram?
How would you answer a person who asks you why ladies have
to wear long loose long dresses that do not reveal the contours
of the body?
The test of being rich is much harder than the test of being
poor. Explain why by explaining the following points in details:
Write and explain the Ayat (41:49-51), (39:49)
one is easier to be pleased?
standard both groups are held accountable to by
Feeling of the need to Allah.
Begging Allah for needs.
story of Thailaba Quran (9:71-78)
Week [17]: January 24, 2015
Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran
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Click here to listen to an audio lecture about the Miracles of the Quran
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
(1) Explain the Miracles of the mountain shape and role. Write the English
translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this and highlight the part
that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape and role. The Ayat are
(13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7)
(2) Explain the barrier between the two seas and the barrier between the river
and sea. Write the English translation of the Ayat that speak about this
miracles and highlight the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran
(55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)
(3) Explain the positions of the star. After how many minutes we see the
position of the sun. Is it possible to see the actual sun and stars now? Explain.
Explain how is it possible that we can still see a star that has expired or
exploded millions of years ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the
positions of the stars and highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks
about the miracle
Quran 56:75-76.
(4) Explain the stages of the development of the baby inside his mother's womb.
Write the English translation of the Ayat and highlight the parts that talk
about the miracle. Quran, (23:12-14)
(Quran 13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7)
Quran (55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)
Quran, 23:12-14
Quran 56:75-76
Week [16]: January 17, 2015
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->The Names of Allah -> Al-Motakaber, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari and Al-Mosawer
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
(1) What is the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Motakabir?
(2) Is it good or bad to call a human Motakabir? Why?
(3) Explain the names of Allah Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari and Al-Mosawer.
(4) Why Surat Al-Hadeed (the Iron) is called that name?
(5) How was the surahs in the Quran named.
(6) How did the smoke atoms combine together and what did they form when they
(7) What is the secret about the Iron? Why did Allah say that he sent down Iron
instead of saying we have created iron?
Week [15]: January 10, 2015
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->The Names of Allah Al-Jabar.
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
(1) Al-Jabar has three meanings. Mention them and explain each.
(2) Tell the parts of the story of Prophet Musa that highlights that Allah is the Al-Jabar?
(3) How did Allah destroy the king who claimed to give life and death?
Week [14]: December 20, 2015
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->The Names of Allah Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem, Al-Malik, Al-Moemen, Al-Mohaymen and Al-Zeez.
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
(1) What is the difference between the Names of Allah Al-Rahman and Al-Raheem?
(2) What is the difference of Allah Al-Malik and Queen Elizabith?
(3) What is the difference between Allah owning of things and our owning of things?
(4) Explain the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Moemen. What does it mean that Allah is a believer?
(5) Explain the meaning of Name of Allah Al-Mohaymen?
If Allah is the Controller, then how come we have
free choices and we are responsible of our choices?
(7) Explain the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Azeez?
(8) Explain the meaning of Izzah. Who is Azeez of United States? What is true Izzah and fake Izzah?
(9) Why is the Izzah of the Pharaoh fake Izzah? The magicians of the Pharaoh that competed with Prophet Musa. What kind of Izzah they were seeking before the competition and then what kind of Izzah they seeked after the competition? What did the Pharaoh do to them?
(10) Allah said in the Quran that he is the owner of the true Izzah. How can we seek the Izzah of Allah?
Meaning of Al-Azeez. Pyramids
of Izah (Power)
Comparing the Azeez of United
States with the Azeez of Mexico, the Azeez of United States wins.
Allah is the highest Azeez
Allah is the highest super
duper power
To prove that you believe in
the name of Allah Al-Azeez, you seek Izah from Allah by pleasing him. Don't seek
Izah from other super powers than Allah by pleasing other super powers and
displeasing Allah. If you can please all, then good, but if you have to please
one and make all others angry then please Allah and make all others angry.
Allah is the heavenly Azeez. He
is to be pleased and all other earthly Azeezs come next.
Q. What would you do if an
earthly super power is forcing you to disobey the highest super duper Azeez
(Allah), such as the case in the inquisition?
A. First try to escape to a
place where you are free to obey Al-Azeez. If you can't (such as the case of
African American slaves), then keep your heart with Al-Azeez. In other words,
set your intentions to obey Al-Azeez as much as you can and maintain a desire to
obey Al-Azeez if you can get a chance. You have full control over your heart and
no one can change your heart except Allah and you.
Week [13]: December 13, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Qudoos
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> Al-Qudoos
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 18-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:18-24]
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
What is the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Qudoos.
What is the difference between Taqdees and
Tazkyah? Explain in details.
Who can do Taqdees and who can do Tazkyah?
How can Taqdees be done and how can Tazkyah be
Who are the four perfect women?
Who are the people of the mountain of the Al-Araf?
What did they do wrong? What will happen to them in the Day of Judgment?
(7) Complete and Explain the following Hadeeth: When Allah created Jannah, he sent Angel Jibril to take a look .................................... When Allah created hell fire, he sent Angel Jibril to take a look....................................... What is the message of the Hadeeth?
Allah is Al-Qodoos, which means the infinite purity. The more pure angels get, the closer they get to Allah.
Angles seek closeness to Allah by engaging into the so called “Taqdees”. Taqdees is the process of seeking closeness to Allah by purifying yourself. This is applicable only to the angels because they are at the level of purity. For humans, we seek closeness to Allah by doing Tazkiah, which is cleaning the heart from dirty temptations. Angles don’t have dirty temptations, so they do Taqdees but we humans are not at this level yet. We do Tazkhiah. The word Sanctify in English means to seek Holiness by purifications.
Week [12]: December 6, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> He is Allah. No God but him
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[Part 1] Quiz on all Memorize Ayat in previous classes
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
Why is the presence of Allah in our heart needed to make
life in earth better? Explain.
What are the illegal names in the followings?
جبار، الجبار، عبد الجبار، كريم، الكريم،
عبد الكريم، أمة الكريم، عبد النبي، عبد رب النبي، سعيد، السعيد، عبد السعيد.
Can we swear in the name of other than Allah? Can Allah
swear in the name other than himself? Explain.
Middle Gods. Why did bad guys make up the idea of middle
gods? What are the benefits they get?
Is it a low image to Allah to believe that he needs
middle agents? Why?
Anyone who puts him/herself between you and Allah in any
form is taking advantage of you. Explain why?
Why did the Arab Lords fought Prophet Mohamed SAW
after they have called him
الصادق الأمين.
He grew up with them. He is known to them for more than 40 years. How could he
change like this. Such a radical transformation to the opposite?
What is the conflict of interest between the Arab
Lords and
لا إله إلا الله?
Week [11]: November 22, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part II
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Quiz on all Memorize Ayat in previous classes
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:
What is the story of the bird who repelled against the nature?
Ayah 118 in Surat Al-Tawbah in
[Sura : 9, Verse : 118] regarding the battle of Tabook
battle of Extreme hardships). What is the story, who are the three people, how
many groups people were divided into with respect to the story, ....etc.
What is the story of the battle of Uhud when the archers disobeyed the Prophet
SAW? How many archers left and how many stayed? Why did they stay and why did
the others leave? Were the guilty people the only ones that got punished or
everyone (the guilty and the non guilty) were punished? What is wrong if the
Muslim army won the war after disobeying the Prophet? The Kufar did much worse
mistakes than the believers yet Allah punished the believer for their smaller
mistake and made the Kufar won the battle despite their disbelieve of Allah and
his messenger?
What is the story of the battle of Honain [9:25-26]?
What went wrong and what was the punishment of Allah?
Mention the story of Prophet Yunis (Jonah) and the whale? Why did Allah do this
to him?
Week [10]: November 15, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Tawab Part I
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Ankaboot (spider) [29:1-3] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net.
What is the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Tawab? Explain.
Is there any sin bigger than Allah's forgiveness? When does Allah stop forgiving you?
Allah dedicated two adults to love you and care for you. Who are they?
What would be the reaction of the wise parents when they see there children do something wrong?
The unwise father is the one who doesn’t punish his children for wrong doing. Why?
If Allah wants to grant you forgiveness, what would He do so that you qualify for his forgiveness?
In the class we used an example of two teachers; one is fair and the other is Tawab. Mention both examples and compare them. Why one would be Fair only and the other will not only fair, but Also Tawab?
In most of the cases, does Allah punishes the wrong doer right away or give him/her a chance to repent first? Mention the story of the bird who rebelled against the nature that Allah Has made for him.
In this life, do we get punishment and rewards? When do we get to see the real punishment and the real reward?
If a bad guy is suffering a punishment, then is it because Allah wanted to wake him up or to give him a taste of the punishment waiting for him?
What is the name of the battle called the day of hardship? It divided people into four groups, what were these groups?
Week [9]: November 8, 2015
The Spider (سورة العنكبوت)
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[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net.
1. What are the Surahs of the Quran that has a mention of insect or named after an insect?
2. When the Surah was reaveled, the Arab Lords made statements, what are these statements? What was the reply of Allah to these statements? Where in the Quran was that reply?
3. Describe the spider house in terms of strength and does it offer what the house is expected to offer?
4. Describe the spider family relationship.
5. Allah used the example of spider to describe what?
6. What is the linguistic meaning of the word Fitnah and what is the Islamic meaning of it?
7. How many Surahs start with individual letters? How many of them don’t have the mention of the Quran right after the individual letters? What are their names?
8. What is the meaning of these individual letters? Do we know for sure?
9. Scholars came up with a possible interpretations for these individual letters, what is it and how is it related to the mention of the Quran that follows? (Hint: challenge)
10. The Surah of the spider starts with the individual letters but the next Ayah was not about the Quran. Explain how is this connected to the concept of challenge.
11. At the bagging of Surat the Spider, Allah ridicules people who think what? What was the reply of Allah to their ill thinking?
Week [8]: November 1, 2015
The Name of Allah: The One who Knows the Seen and the Unseen.
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22-23 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-23] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 400 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net.
1. Things are matter of perception. Would the perception of the poor person is similar to the perception of a rich person. Explain.
2. The punishment in the grave is similar to what? Explain.
3. Instead of having people who deny the existence of Allah and the unseen world, why doesn't Allah allow us to see him and the unseen world? How would this impact our freedom of choice? Use the example of a police officer behind you.
4. What happened to Prophet Mosa when he asked Allah to see him? Explain what happened before and after.
5. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a test from Allah. Explain How?
6. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a mercy from Allah. Explain How?
6. What would happed to us if we can hear the screams of the ones who are being punished in the graves? How is this going to affect our free will or freedom of choice?
7. Is seeing miracles is good or bad? What happen if we see miracles? How would Allah judge us then?
8. Who were the people of the dining table? What happened to them?
9. When the people of Thamood saw the miracle, what was that miracle? Did they believe after seeing the micracles?
10. The Arab Lord asked the Prophet Mohamed for miracles (see these Ayat). What were these miracles? Were they serious?
11. The problems of the world today, were they resulting from lack of Miracles or lack of Prophet, or what?
12. Allah gave Prophet Mosa nine miracles to show to the Pharaoh and his followers. What are these nine miracles (hint see this link)? How did the Pharaoh and his follower react after seeing each one of these miracles?
13. How much exposure to Allah we have no?
Week [7]: October 25, 2015
The Name of Allah: The One who Knows the Seen and the Unseen.
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Quiz on All the Ayat given since the beginning of the semester.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 400 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
(1) How many worlds we have? What world that we live in now? Who lives in each world? Give examples. To which world belong the things that we can feel using any of the five senses?
(2) About the example of the people who live in 2D, can we see them? Can they see all of us? What would they see if you place your finger in their 2D plane? Use the example of the people who live in 2D to prove that we are seen and accessed from a higher dimension.
(3) Give an example of how Jinn and angels can go through walls.
(4) Complete: In order for Jinn to be seen by us, they have to ............, and they will be controlled by our laws of ....................
(5) Complete: When you were in your mother's womb, the universe to you was ...... After you are born, the universe to you is ..... After you die the universe to you will be ...................
(6) We are made of two units. They are ........ The example of the first one is ....... of the car. The example of the second is ............ of the car. After we dies, the first part goes to ................. and the second part goes to ......................... The secrete of life is the ...........part.
(7) Explain how do get rewarded or punished in the grave using the example of sleep.
(8) What is the interface between the body and the soul? How can the soul control the body? How can you split them apart so that you don't feel the pain during surgery?
(9) Complete: If Allah wants to give you pain in this life, he can give pain to the ....... If Allah wants to give you pain in this grave, he can give pain to the.....If Allah wants to give you pain in the hell fire, he can give pain to the......
(10) Complete: Things are a matter of .................. The example of this like the color of the dress.........................
(11) What is the punishment in the grave for those who don't pray? How would it feel?
(12) If you don't wait for the last drop of urine to clear before you clean your private part and walk away, what would be the punishment of this?
Week [6]: October 18, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Ghafoor
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
(1) Which sins Allah does forgive without repentance? Give examples.
(2) What are the sins that Allah will never forgives without repentance.
(3) Is repentance in the last minute accepted? Give example of one person mentioned in the Quran that Allah did not accept his repentance. What happened to him? Hint use these Ayat [10:90-91].
(4) What is the time where Allah will not accept anymore repentance or good deeds?
(5) Can one trick Allah and repent in the last minute? What are the possibilities that could happen that will not make us repent in the last minute?
(6) What is Tawheed (Monotheism) in terms of quantity and qualities? Give examples?
(7) What are the kinds of Shirk? Give examples?
(8) How did the Jews try to trick Allah? What happened?
(9) What is Zakat mean? Give two examples of people who try to evade the Zakat?
Week [5]: October 11, 2015
The Name of Allah Al-Salam
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
If one greets you by the phrase "Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم", what is the meaning of this greeting?
When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what do you mean?
How did the Prophet greet Allah when he met him during the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to this greeting? What did the angels say? Write down the first part of the Tashahud التشهد. and compare with the greetings of The Prophet, the Angels and Allah.
When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija and why did she reply that way?
One of the names of Janah is related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?
One of the names of the city of Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and how did it change with time to Jerusalem ?
Give 3 examples of how to apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life.
What is the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What does it mean?
If someone says that Allah is too busy to care about us. How does this statement conflict with the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What is the phrase you would use to reply to this accusation to Allah?
If one asked you "If Allah can do every thing, then can he creates a rock that he can't cary".
Is Allah located every where? What is the location of Allah according to the Hadeeth of the little girl who asked the prophet.
Is Allah's knowledge and wisdom everywhere?
Week [4]: October 4, 2015
The Trust
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
(1) Allah trusted us. Explain what is the trust and give the example of the two slaves.
(2) Explain the laws of nature and compare them to the laws of Islam.
(3) How many times we were and will be dead and alive. Explain.
(4) Ayah 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] talks about us accepting the trust. Explain how. When and where. Hint use Ayat 172, 173 from Surat Al-Araf [7:172-173]. Do you remember this even? Where was this oath stored?
(5) Prove that we want to be given the trust. Hint freedom, long life and insanity.
(6) What happens with slaves who don't have a way out?
Week [3]: September 20, 2015
The Khalifa on Earth
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayah 30 from Surat the cow [2:30] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] Tafseer Part:
In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Allah created a Khalifa [representation on earth]. What does it mean?
How did the angels know that humans are going to spread corruption and slaughter
one another?
What happened to the Jinn when they became all corrupt?
Why it was impressive for Ibliss to act like an angel?
Why did Ibliss worship Allah as an angel? How did Allah uncover the truth about
What was the silly ridiculous argument that Iblis gave to Allah when Allah
questioned him of why didn't he bow down to Adam?
Adam made a mistake and Ibliss made a mistake. How come Adam's mistake was
forgiven and Ibliss mistake was not?
What is the meaning of Al-Qodoos القدوس? Can humans do Taqdees? Why or why not?
What is Tazkiah? Is it for the angels? Why or why not?
Week [2]: September 13, 2015
Names of Allah and the Representation of Allah's Manners on Earth
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayah 30 from Surat the cow [2:30] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Explain what is good representation and what is bad representation.
Week [1]: August 30, 2015
The Cow [1]
Click here to listen to the class
[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 30 from Surat the cow [2:30] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.
[Part 2] In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
Why Surah 2 was called the cow?
What is the story of the cow and what are the lessons that can be learned from the story?