Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class
This is a fascinating site in learning Quranic Arabic. It will help you a lot.
This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.
Homework must be emailed to hw@zeiny.net
[30] May 17, 2015.
How did the Prophet Conduct Dawah (3)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize Ayat 1 to 15 from Surat Al-Modathir by clicking here.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in 200 words essay
[29] May 10, 2015.
How did the Prophet Conduct Dawah (3)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize Ayat 1 to 15 from Surat Al-Modathir by clicking here.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in 200 words essay
[28] May 3, 2015.
How did the Prophet Conduct Dawah (2)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize Ayat 1 to 10 from Surat Al-Modathir by clicking here.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in 200 words essay
[27] April 26, 2015.
How did the Prophet Conduct Dawah (1)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize Ayat 1 to 10 from Surat Al-Modathir by clicking here.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in 200 words essay
[26] April 19, 2015.
Let people know about Islam
1) Memorization Part
يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ (1) قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ (2) وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ (3) وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ (4) وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ (5) وَلَا تَمْنُن تَسْتَكْثِرُ (6) وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ (7)
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in 200 words essay
[25] April 5, 2015.
Let people know about Islam
يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ (1) قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ (2) وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ (3) وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ (4) وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ (5) وَلَا تَمْنُن تَسْتَكْثِرُ (6) وَلِرَبِّكَ فَاصْبِرْ (7)
1) Memorization Part
2) Tafseer Part
Explain and answer the following.
What are the two types of Dawah? Explain both with couple of examples each.
What is the best way to conduct Dawah.
What does it mean that we shouldn't give to Allah the left over?
What if someone is very busy and have no time?
Do Islam have 50 Chapter (Juza)? Give and comments on the story we mention in the class about that.
Mohamed is the son of God. Give and comments on the story we mention in the class about that.
Why would someone teach the wrong stuff about Islam?
Are the five pillars of Islam is the entire Islam? Explain and comment.
[24] March 29, 2015.
Al-Adel (3)
1) Memorization Part
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[23] March 22, 2015.
Al-Adel (2)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat 1-9 in Surat Al-Rahman in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 55, Verse : 1-9]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Talk about the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Adel.
Give examples of the spiritual food, vitamins, immunizations, viruses, medications?
Mention the Hadeeth related to Allah asking angel Gibreil to look at Jannah and Hell and comment about it.
Mention the speech of the Satan to the people of hell and comment about it.
[22] March 15, 2015.
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat 1-9 in Surat Al-Rahman in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 55, Verse : 1-9]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Talk about the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Adel.
How many parts we are made of? Use the car and driver as metaphors?
How can we implement Al-Adel in ourselves?
What are the spiritual food, vitamins, immunizations, viruses, medications?
[21] March 8, 2015.
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 118 in Surat Al-Tawbah in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 9, Verse : 118]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Tell the story about the special status for Prophet Mohamed in the day of judgment regarding Al-Shafaa. What is the name of this special status? At what specific time we pray to Allah to grant his Prophet Al-Shafa'a?
What is the special part in the Azan Fajr Prayer?
للهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة والصلاة القائمة آت سيدنا محمد الوسيلة والفضيلة والدرجة العالية الرفيعة وابعثه اللهم المقام المحمود الذى وعدته إنك لا تخلف الميعاد ...
[20] March 1, 2015.
Name of Allah, Al-Tawab
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 118 in Surat Al-Tawbah in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 9, Verse : 118]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Tell the story of the three companions of the Prophet whom Allah made them repent.
عفا الله عنك لم أذنت لهم حتى يتبين لك الذين صدقوا وتعلم الكاذبين ( 43 )
Ayah 43 in the same surah (Surat Al-Tawbah) criticizes the Prophet SAW for excusing the hypocrites. If the prophet would not excuse them then it will clear to every one that they intentionally refused to leave with the Prophet. Such a thing will make their hypocrisy so obvious to everyone.
[19] February 22, 2015.
Name of Allah, Al-Tawab
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 118 in Surat Al-Tawbah in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 9, Verse : 118]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Give the example of the father and Allah, the teacher and Allah
[18] February 8, 2015.
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (The First, the Last, the inward the outward).
الأول والآخر الظاهر والباطن
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 1-3 in Surat Al-Hadeed in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 57, Verse : 1 - 3]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[17] February 1, 2015.
Quran Competition.
Make sure you did last week's homework
[16] January 25, 2015.
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (The Most Wise (3)) (الحكيم)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 1-3 in Surat Al-Hadeed in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 57, Verse : 1 - 3]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[15] January 18, 2015.
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (The Most Wise (2)) (الحكيم)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 1-2 in Surat Al-Hadeed in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 57, Verse : 1 - 2]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[14] January 11, 2015.
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (The Most Wise (1)) (الحكيم)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 1 in Surat Al-Hadeed in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 57, Verse : 1 - 1]
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[13] January 4, 2015.
Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (The Iron) (الحَدِيِدْ)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayah 1 in Surat Al-Hadeed in Quran Explorer - [Sura : 57, Verse : 1 - 1]
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Cover the following topics:
How was the surahs in the Quran named.
How did the smoke atoms combine together and what did they form when they combine?
What is the secret about the Iron?
What are the secretes about the mountains? Hint shape and role.
[12] December 14, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->Al-Mohaymen (The Controller)
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->Al-Motakaber (The One who Puts Himself Above All)
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 to 24] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize it in no less than 200 word essay. Cover the following topics:
Meaning of the name of Allah Al-Mohaymen (The Controller)? Is it a name of beauty or a name of greatness?
How can we have a free will if Allah is The Controller of every thing?
Explain the gap and the circle of influence. Which one has a bigger gap the president or the slave? Explain with examples.
What is the manner of Allah's control as compared to the manner of people control? Explain with examples
What is the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Motakaber?
Is it acceptable for anyone to make himself Motakaber?
Can you praise yourself? Can others praise you? Explain.
[10] November 30, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir ->Al-Azeez
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 to 24] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Listen to the class and Summarize it in no less than 200 word essay.
[9] November 23, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> La Ilaha Ila Allah
هو الله الذي لاإله إلا هو
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 to 24] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in no less than 200 word essay.
[8] November 16, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> La Ilaha Ila Allah
هو الله الذي لاإله إلا هو
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 to 24] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in no less than 200 word essay.
[7] November 9, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> The Name of Allah Alim Alghaib and Shihad
مِنْ أَسْمَاءِ اللهِ الحُسْنْى عَالِمُ الغَيِبِ وَالشِهَادةَ
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 to 24] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in no less than 200 word essay.
[6] November 2, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> The Name of Allah Alim Alghaib and Shihad
مِنْ أَسْمَاءِ اللهِ الحُسْنْى عَالِمُ الغَيِبِ وَالشِهَادةَ
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22 and 23] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in no less than 300 words. Explaining the following
What are the two worlds, what are the two kinds of unseen, why did Allah hide the unseen world from us, ...etc.
[5] October 26, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> The Name of Allah Al-Gafoor الغَفُورْ
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class in no less than 300 words.
[4] October 19, 2014.
End of Surat Al-Hashir -> The Name of Allah Al-Salam السلام
1) Memorization Part
Memorize the Ayat Surat Al-Hashr [Sura : 59, Verse : 22] Or Teaching Quran with Children Repetition.
2) Tafseer Part
Summarize the class by answering the following questions in detail. No short answers are acceptable:
If one greets you by the phrase "Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم", what is the meaning of this greeting?
When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what do you mean?
How did the Prophet greet Allah when he met him during the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to this greeting? What did the angels say? Write down the first part of the Tashahud التشهد. and compare with the greetings of The Prophet, the Angels and Allah.
When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija and why did she reply that way?
One of the names of Janah is related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?
One of the names of the city of Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and how did it change with time to Jerusalem ?
Give 3 examples of how to apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life.
What is the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What does it mean?
If someone says that Allah is too busy to care about us. How does this statement conflict with the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What is the phrase you would use to reply to this accusation to Allah?
In Islam we have the choice to fight back, forgive or submit. How do you chose which one is more appropriate?
For a layman who has been a victim of injustice. Does Islam allows this person to revenge using his hands (fight back using force)?
Who can declare a war?
Who is authorized to use force to prevent crimes and corruption?
[3] September 28, 2014.
Taloot and Galoot
Memorize the following Ayat Surat Al-Baqara [Sura : 2, Verse : 246] or you can use the Teaching Quran with Children Reputations.
Write 300 words essay about the story of Taloot and Galoot. Focus on the way Allah filtered the children of Israel to get the best ones to enter the war of the giant people in Juruslim.
[2] September 21, 2014.
Angels Wondering about the Wisdom
Part 1) Memorize the following Ayat Surat Al-Baqara [Sura : 2, Verse : 30] or you can use the Teaching Quran with Children Reputations.
Part 2) Memorize the following English Translation of the Ayah: Remember when I [Allah] said to the Angels, “I am sending to Earth a Khalifa [representation, deputy or substitute].” Angels said "Why are you putting on it those who will spread corruption and slaughter each other when we make Tasbeeh [glorify your perfection] and Taqdees [purify ourselves] for your sake?". Allah replied “I know things that you don't know".
Part 3) Answer the following questions in details and send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net
(1) How did the angels know that humans are going to spread corruption and slaughter one another?
(2) What happened to the Jinn when they became all corrupt?
(3) Why it was impressive for Ibliss to act like an angel?
(4) Why did Ibliss worship Allah as an angel? How did Allah uncover the truth about him?
(5) What was the silly ridiculous argument that Iblis gave to Allah when Allah questioned him of why didn't he bow down to Adam?
(6) Adam made a mistake and Ibliss made a mistake. How come Adam's mistake was forgiven and Ibliss mistake was not?
(7) Allah created Adam and Eve to live on earth. Why did he send them to Jannah first?
(8) What is the meaning of Al-Qodoos القدوس? Can humans do Taqdees? Why or why not?
(9) What is Tazkiah? Is it for the angels? Why or why not?
(10) Mention the names of the four perfect women in the human history?
[1] September 14, 2014.
I am [Allah] going to create a Khalifa on Earth
Click here to listen to class Part I
Click here to listen to class Part II
Part 1) Memorize the following Ayat Surat Al-Baqara [Sura : 2, Verse : 30] or you can use the Teaching Quran with Children Reputations.
Part 2) Memorize the following English Translation of the Ayah: Remember when I [Allah] said to the Angels, “I am sending to Earth a Khalifa [representation, deputy or substitute].” Angels said "Why are you putting on it those who will spread corruption and slaughter each other when we make Tasbeeh [glorify your perfection] and Taqdees [purify ourselves] for your sake?". Allah replied “I know things that you don't know".
Part 3) Answer the following questions and send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net