Take home final.
· All questions have been answered before in the class notes. Just look at the notes and you should be able to answer all questions.
· You can take pictures of each page in your answer sheet using an iPhone or digital camera and email to me or you can scan and email me the answers
1. Give 2 examples of how Arabic script is different than Ottoman script and explain the reasons.
2. What is the meaning of بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
3. What does it mean when the President of United States says in the Name of the American People? Compare this example to saying in the name of Allah
4. What is the meaning of الحمد لله. What are the roots of the words الحمد، الله
5. Why الرحمن الرحيم was repeated twice in Surat Al-Fatiha; once in Ayah 1 and another time in Ayah 3?
6. Is Surat Al-Fatiha, the word العالمين is it single or plural? And what does it refer to?
7. What is the meaning of the word رب
8. What do you understand from the statement رب العالمين
9. What are the opposites of the following words; الحمد، الله، الشيطان، كافر، القسوة، القاسي، حامد، يعصي، العابد، يستغني، يضل، المهتدين، المرضي عنهم.
10. What is the opposite of الصراط المستقيم . Where does it start and where does it end?
11. If Allah is الحليم then how come he is angry with المغضوب عليهم، what did they do so that they make Allah so angry?
12. What are the two kinds of Hidaya الهداية?
13. Fill in the blanks in the following table
Arabic |
English |
لله |
رب العالمين |
الرحمن |
الرحيم |
مالك |
يوم الدين |
إياك نعبد |
إياك نستعين |
صراط |
المغضوب عليهم |
أنعمت عليهم |
الضالين |
آمين |
الصراط المستقيم |
Why do we say آمين
after the Imam in our prayers
What is the meaning of the word الإخلاص
What is the difference between the two names of Allah الواحد،
Give examples from life of how Allah is الصمد
What is the difference between الحسد،
What are the things that we are asking Allah’s protection from in Surat الفلق
Which Surah in the Quran that has lots of words and their opposite?
Write the opposites of the following words (شبعان،
فقير، سريع،
بعيد، قصير،
جميل، مبلول)
Each Ayah in Surat الشمس ends
with the pronoun ها.
This pronoun refers to something. Mention to what the pronoun ها
refers to in Ayat 4 to 14 in the Surah.
In Surat عبس, Ayah 3, has two
pronouns. What are they and to whom do they refer?
Translate the following to Arabic. You may use the following dictionary
or any other dictionary you have
You are too busy watching TV until you miss the Magrib
You will postpone eating your food until it spoils
You keep fasting until it is Magrib time
If you find my wallet, then call me
If you see the bus, then ride
If you have five dollars, then give them to me
All boys are busy except two
All toys are broken except this doll
I don’t like to talk to anyone except you
Indeed all good deeds will be rewarded by Allah
For sure, you will see hell fire by your own eyes
Find and circle the confirmation Lams لام
التوكيد In the following text from Surat