Weekend Islamic School
May 22, 2011
Quran Level 09 Final Exam – Part I:
Written Exam
Fill in the blanks and circle all correct answers. It could
be more than one correct answer.
What happen to the ones who think that they can fool
Allah by committing sins all their life and then repent at the end of their
a. It is impossible to predict when and how is the end
b. They could die suddenly before repenting
They may get
away with their plan
The guy who killed 99+1 did it, so I can do it too
The Pharaoh tried to do it, but he died too quickly
The Pharaoh did
try to repent, but Allah rejected his repentance
The name of Allah, The Provider or The Supplier (Al-Razaq) means
He charges us for supplying our needs
Our prayers and fasting is his food
c. We can beg of him to increase our shares
d. Our shares are pre-assigned and we have no way of
manipulating our shares
e. He may increase our shares if we do good deeds
He may decrease
our shares if we do bad deeds
g. Humans usually feel angry with Allah because he didn’t
give them what they deserve. They deserve better
If I have more children, I will be more poor
Charity will decrease my wealth or my shares
Life is full of
opportunities and if Allah wants to make us rich he make us lucky (gives Barakah) and if he wants to make us poor, he can make us
unlucky (take away Barakah)
The husband he is the supplier to his wife if she
doesn’t work. If he dies, she will have no supplier
Abortion is good way to control birth so that we don’t
become poor
m. The Barakah multiplier is a
luck factor that makes our money bring us more than usual. It is given and
controlled by Allah
Charity has nothing to do with healing us from
diseases and protecting us from disasters and sudden death
Charity doesn’t affect how long do we live or how
happy or depressed we are
Allah says in Surat Al-Baqara that I am creating a representation on earth
Allah meant the Jinn kind
b. Some of us are representatives of Shitan
c. Some of us are representatives of Allah
d. We chose who to represent, Allah or Shitan
Shitan can force us to represent him
Allah offered the trust of representation to the
mountains and the skies and they said yes, but humans were more qualified so
Allah chose humans
Representing Allah means representing his greatness on
h. Representing Allah means representing his wonderful
manners on earth
The manners of
Allah come from his names of beauty, such as the most generous, the most
merciful, the most kind, the most forgiving, …etc
The angels were not surprised that Allah will create a
The angels were surprised because
is creating a creation that will spread corruption and shed blood
is the wisdom behind this
Allah was mad at the angels for questioning his wisdom
m. No one is allowed to find out or wonder about the wisdom
of Allah
Allah allows corruption to take place, and he created
his own enemies and provided them with powers and freedom because
He is out there to set traps for us
b. He wants us to prove ourselves worthy of his mercy
c. He is testing us
d. He wants to give us the opportunity to have ever lasting
infinite royal life in Jannah
He wants to trick us into hell fire
He wants every
one of us to demonstrate the truth about him or herself
He wants blood to be shed and corruption to spread
h. He doesn’t stop
criminals because Hel allows the freedom
of choice.
Among the miracles of the Quran are
a. The secrets of nature that were discovered recently and
no one knew about at that time
b. They are intended to highlight the greatness of Allah
c. They are intended to be a living and everlasting miracles
that everyone can see at any time and at any place to verify that the source of
Quran is Allah
Quran is an academic book of science
Allah is telling the future of modern science
Prophet Mohamed SAW was trying to impress the Bedouin
Arabs living at his time with these secrets of nature that they didn’t know
The secrets of nature about the role of mountains are
miraculous because
Quran was the only ancient book that described
mountains as a pile of rocks at the earth surface
Quran was the only ancient book that described
mountains as a high place for us to stand on
Quran was the only ancient book that talked about
d. Quran was the only ancient book that described mountain
shape as begs and their role is to stabilize the earth crust
The Izzah of the presidents
and kings are
True Izzah that we should
b. Temporary Izzah that is granted
by Allah
c. Among the laws of nature that Allah wants us to use but
not to believe in them
We shouldn’t use such Izzah
at all because it is against our faith
Greeting Allah using the standard Muslim greeting Al-Salamo Alykom is
The right way to great Allah
b. Is not acceptable because it means that we are securing
Allah from our harm
Is good because it means we are offering Allah peace
Is the way Khadija replied
the Salam of Allah sent to her through the angel Jibril
Is the way we give Salam to Allah during our prayer
Explain the difference between Al-Rahman
and Al-Raheem
Al-Rahman in this world means he gives benefits and mercy to
both good guys and bad guys. In other words, it means excessively merciful
because he gives mercy to those who deserve it and those who don’t.
Al-Raheem in the next life because he gives his mercy to the
ones who deserve it only.
Explain the difference beween
Al-Wahid and Al-Ahad
Explain monotheism
Allah is ONLY ONEwho is infinite in his wisdom, infinite in his beauty,
infinite in his mercy, infinite in his ability, infinite in his powers,
infinite in his glory, infinite in his justice, infinite in his rewards,
infinite in his punishment, infinite in his purity, infinite in his perfection,
infinite in his might, infinite in his number of creation, ..etc.
He created because he is the creator and this is his nature, which is to
create. He is testing us to show the truth about us, for he is the infinite
truth and he loves to show the truth about every and
each one of us. He created this testing environment that we live in. He created
his own enemies; the Satan who manipulates our temptations and who is the
source of every evil thing around, who is trying to recruit human brains and
muscles to spread his ways in earth. His ways are to base our decisions and
business on selfishness, greed, hate, envy, jealousy, ..etc.
He also created the lust to life and its pleasure as well as the lower desires.
On the other hand, He created our brains and conscience, and sent down his
books and messengers to make us able to establish his beauty on earth by basing
our decisions and business on his nature, which is generosity, kindness,
forgiveness, justice, ..etc. He gave us the freedom to
chose as individuals, as families, as groups, as
communities, as nations and as humans. Levels of
responsibility, starting from the individual level to the entire humanity in
general. In such away, we will show who are we
and what do we deserve.
Explain why would Allah care to know and write in his
book the very little details of a tree leave falling in the middle of jungle in
a very dark night
He is the one
that made it happen. He has to know what he did
If it is not
written, then it will not happen
If something
doesn’t exist in the knowledge of Allah, it will not exist in the land of
reality. For something to exist in reality, it has to exist in the knowledge of
Allah first.
13. What happens to the student who
doesn’t do his homework and doesn’t study for his big exam?
14. What were some of Rasulallah’s questions?
a. Why are people put down because of
their traits and religion?
b. Why is there crime in the world?
What is the purpose of our
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
15. What was the prophet’s logic by
going to a cave?
a. To learn about the maker by
observing his product, which is the nature
b. The pagan culture was confusing
his brain
c. To get away from corruption
All of the above
e. None of the above
16. What was the purpose of Angel Jibril greeting the Prophet (S) with the word “Read”?
a. To read between the lines
b. To use the name of Allah to read
and explain life
c. To read the Qura’an
All of the above
e. None of the above
17. How do the names of Allah compare
to life?
a. They have nothing to do with life
b. They have little to do with Islam
c. They don’t matter
d. All of the above
None of the above
18. According to Surat
Al-Alaq, what did Allah (SWT) create man from?
a. A large clot of blood
b. Fire
An insignificant clot of blood
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
19. What topics do deep minds think
Fair mix between little and big
b. Only little matters
c. Only big matters
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
20. What was the purpose of the hug
between the Prophet (S) and Angel Jibril?
a. To greet the Prophet
b. Because Angel Jibril
loved the Prophet so much
It was the start of
communication between the Heavens and Earth
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
21. Why was the hug painful?
a. Because Angel Jibril
was extremely strong since he was an angel
b. To prepare the Prophet (S) for
the future
c. To start the lifting process
between Heaven and Earth
To let us know that no pain no
e. All of the above
None of the above
22. What does Part B Ayat 6-8 in Surat Al-Alaq talk about in general?
a. The one that fights righteousness
b. The basic names of Allah (SWT)
Humans that feel too rich and
too powerful to have need to Allah
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
23. What does Part C Ayat 9-19 in Surat Al-Alaq talk about in general?
The one that fights Islam
because he feels threatened by righteousness
b. The basics of Islam
c. Humans that feel too rich or
powerful for Allah
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
24. Why did the Arab Lords (the ones
with all the power) hate Muhammad (S) so much after he revealed Islam?
a. They thought he was a liar
They were afraid of him having
more followers that make him able to seize power from them and rule them by
c. They thought he was power hungry
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
25. What did the Pagans assume was
the purpose of life?
To compete over power and wealth
b. To do nothing all day
c. To worship Allah
d. All of the above
26. Why didn’t the Prophet (S) just
accept the pagan religion right away?
a. The answers their religion
provided didn’t make sense
b. They thought too lowly of God
c. More than one God doesn’t make
d. They use statues and pictures as
middle Gods that are small enough to listen to them and big enough to get the
attention of Allah
All of the above
None of the above
27. How many times did Angel Jibril hug the Prophet (S)?
a. One
b. Two
d. Four
e. Five
28. What is the purpose of
communications between heaven and earth
a. Bring rain down
b. Put Satellites in orbits
c. Broadcast radio channels
Allah brings down revelations to
guide people out of the darkness of corruption into his light
e. All of the above
29. Why would the bad guy in Surat Al-Alaq wants to stop the
Prophet SAW from praying
a. He thinks that the Prophet SAW is
advertizing his religion to gain more followers
b. He hates Islam and doesn’t want
to see any one praying
Both a and b
d. None of the above
30. What are the fake reasons the Kufar of Mecca claimed they fight Islam for
a. Mohamed is a witch who turns
close relatives into enemies
b. Allah should select a better
elite to use as a Prophet
c. Mohamed is Psycho
d. Mohamed claims that our fathers
were wrong
All of the above
31. Why did the unfair person hate
a. Because Islam promotes justice
b. Because Islam will take away from
him what he took unfairly
c. Because he will be equal to
everyone else
All of the above
e. None of the above
32. Why did the Arab leaders hate
a. Because they don’t like to pray
b. Because Islam makes them make Wudu and they don’t like to wash
Because they want to be treated
like Gods on earth and Islam will not allow them to put themselves above others
d. Because of the Prophet’s
33. The Purpose of life is
a. To do our earthly business using
the heavenly values
b. To get closer to Allah by
cleaning ourselves from the Shitan business
c. To worship Allah and follow his
d. To prove that we will not treat
anybody the way we treat Allah
e. To be submissive to Allah
All of the above
Make four suggestions to improve this class and make
it more interesting