Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Islamic Studies Class

1.     This is  a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.

2.     This is a site for Meaning of Quran in Pictures.

3.   Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1[Book 2[Brief Meanings]

Choose for yourself. Where would you like to live?




Table of Contents

Lesson [1]: Our Enemies. 1

Lesson [2]: The Knowledge of Allah. 1

Lesson [3]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part 1. 1

Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part II 1

Lesson [5]: Sweet and Sour Mercy. 1

Lesson [6]: Believe in The Unseen World. 1

Lesson [7]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Allah. 1

Lesson [8]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in Angels. 1

Lesson [9]: Pillars of Faith - Believe in the Books, the Prophets the Day of Judgment and the Qadar. 1

Lesson [10]: Pillars of Islam – After Faith, there is No Deity Except Allah and Mohamed is His Messenger Must be Established First Before any Thing else. Establishing prayers. 1

Lesson [11]: Pillars of Islam – Zakah, Fasting and Haj. 1

Lesson [12]: Reply to "Quran Says: Kill them where ever you find them". Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against 'Unbelievers'?. 1

Lesson [13]: Reply to "Muslims are terrorists and Islam is the religion of terror". 1

Lesson [14]: Reply to “Islam Spread by the Sword”. 1

Lesson [15]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too Harsh”. 1

Lesson [16]: Reply to “Sharia (Islamic Law) is too old”. 1

Lesson [17] Reply to Hijab Issues. 1

Lesson [18]: Reply to “Women are not Equal to Men - Islam allows girls to marry young - Islam does not allow boys and girls to date before marriage. 1

Lesson [19]: Reply to “Islam Allows Men to have four wives - Women can’t be leaders”. 1

Lesson [20]: Reply to “Islam Allows Slavery”. 1

Lesson [21]: Reply to “Islam is not an American Religion and Mohamed is not an American Name”. 1

Lesson [22]: Reply to: “Islam is not civilized religion. Muslims are not civilized people” - [Part I] Analysis of the World’s Modern Civilization – The Book Out of Control – Global Turmoil. 1

Lesson [23]: Reply to: Islam Is Not Civilized Religion - Muslims Are Not Civilized People - [Part II] Criteria to Measure Civilization. 1

Lesson [24]: Why We are being Tested - The Wisdom of Fitnah and Trials for The Believer. 1

Lesson [25]: Hadeeth of Intentions. 1

Lesson [26]: Sunah and Bida’a (Innovations) - Legal and Illegal Changes. 1

Lesson [27]: Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil - Speaking Truth to Power. 1

Lesson []: The Hadeeth Collections:  Hadeeth of Intentions Part I: 1

Lesson []: Doing Business with Allah. 1

Lesson [] Lessons from COVID-19 Crisis – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson [] The American Dream – By Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson [] Surat Al-Baqara 1. 1

Lesson [] Surat Al-Baqara 2. 1

Lesson []: Modern Challenges – Speech to the Muslim Youth by Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 1

Lesson []: 7 Wisdoms of pain and suffering – Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1

Lesson []: – The Day of Judgment [1] (Lecture No. 1). By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1

Lesson []: – The Day of Judgment [2] (Lecture No. 5). The Plains of Judgment Day. By Shaikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 1


Lesson [1]: Our Enemies.

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part I]: If you have not done this already, send me an email to hw@zeiny.net telling me about yourself. What you want me to know about you. It is very confidential. I will not share it with anyone. If you are using your parent’s email, you may print it out and give to me in person. Please include a picture of yourself in the email. You can take a selfie picture of yourself and email it to me.

[Part II]: Listen to the audio recording of the class or watch the video, read the notes and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.      Why did Allah create?

2.     Why didn’t he create just angels and trees that will cause no corruption?

3.     Who are our four enemies (evil motives)? Give examples.

4.     Why did Allah create the Shytan and his other enemies?

5.     If there is no meanness, would kindness exist? Explain why?

6.     Can we have a free will if we don’t have evil motives? Give an example of a creation of Allah that has no evil motives at all. Are they being tested?

7.     What are the tests of submission? Explain and give examples.

8.     Temptations are evil motives. Give five examples of evil temptations.

9.     After the Shytan starts the temptations, would he be able to make it grow? Explain.

10.If no one can avoid the startup of temptations in his/her heart, how can we fight temptations then?

11.Mention the story of the man who was transformed to a monster due to temptations.

12.What are the good motives? Give couple of illustrative examples of each.

13.Why does Allah allow evil, pain and suffering?

14.Why did people worship middle Gods? Explain how worshiping middle Gods would cause you to be taking disadvantage of.

15.When Allah said to the bad guys to pay charity, what did they say? How can you respond?

16.When bad people are asked to give charity to the poor and needy, they reply and say that we are not going to feed them. Allah is the one that should feed them not us.  How would you reply to this argument?








Lesson [2]: The Knowledge of Allah.



Click here to watch the video recording of the class

Or Click here to listen to the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes below, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net


Allah knows everything that happen and would happen in the future. Allah guides whom so ever he wills and misguides whom so ever he wills. Allah seals the ears of the bad guys so that they can’t hear the truth. Allah blinds their eyes so that they can’t see the truth. Allah locked their hearts from understanding the truth. Allah already wrote everything that will happen in a book.

1.     What is the ridiculous understanding of these statements?

2.     How can I know your answer ahead of time without forcing you to follow my answer? Explain using the example of cows who fly on their own.

3.     What is the opposite of the statement "Allah guides whom so ever he wants and misguides whomsoever he wants”? Prove that the opposite is impossible.

4.     Can good exist without evil? Explain why?

5.     Can good deeds exist without bad deeds? Explain why?

6.     Why does’t the Shytan repent knowing that he will be burning in hell without end?

7.     Is it possible for us to have a free will if bad deeds don’t exist?

8.     If it is already written, then how come we have freedom of choice?

9.     He already wrote our deeds. We have no choice. How come he is punishing the wrong doers?

10. Allah doesn’t want to guide me. It is not my fault. How do you reply to that ridiculous argument?

11. Why did Allah create people knowing that they will end up in hell?

12. Explain how Allah is helping out the believers for closing to believe in him and submit to him. Give examples.

13. Explain how Allah would misguide the people who chose evil.

14. The names of Allah (الأول) means the first without start and the twin name of this name is (الآخر) which means the last without end. Explain this in terms of time. Use the example of the story board.

15. Explain how Allah controls the time and he does not change or age with time.

16. On the other hand, he made the time able to age everything else. Elaborate on the previous statement and use that to explain how Allah contains time and everything else is contained in time.

17. Mention the story of Omer RA with the guy who was arguing that he stole because it is the decree of Allah and it is not his fault. What was the reply of Omer RA?

18. Is our will superior to Allah's will? Mention the relevant Ayat from Surat Takweer [29:28-29] and from Surat Al-Insan. Explain them.

19. The knowledge of Allah is surrounding knowledge. What does that mean?

20. How many books Allah has? What are they and what is the difference between them?

21. Why did Allah prescribed 50 prayers initially knowing that it would be five at the end?

22. How do you increase your wealth and life?

23. What is the story of the person who used to say “O Allah I disobeyed you so many times and you never punished me”? Explain

24. What was the story of the bird who stole meat?

25. Believers are always thinking about their deeds and link them to the events happening. How about the nonbelievers? Why did the Prophet saw said that they are like camels?










Lesson [3]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part 1



Click here to watch the video recording of the class.

Or Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes below, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.      What is the meaning of the name Al-Wakeel?

2.     Explain the word "Tawfeeq توفيق".  Who does control Tawfeeq?

3.     Since we cannot expect Allah to vacuum your carpet and wash your dishes, then how do you depend on Allah in both of these tasks?

4.     How do you reply to the one who says "If I do my part, then there is nothing left for Allah to do".

5.     Depending on Allah is the job of the heart. Doing your part is the job of the brain and muscles. Explain this sentence with examples.

6.     In the case of a Muslim student who did not study because he is claiming that he “depends” on Allah and non-Muslim student who studied who doesn’t know Allah. Who would pass the test and why?

7.     Explain the probability of failure?

8.     Mention the story of tying the camel and how did Prophet Mohamed comment on this?

9.     How do you reply to the ones who say "I tied the camel, what is left for Allah to do"?

10. How do I depend on Allah to heal my sicknesses? What are the two extremes regarding this issue? Explain how is Islam in the middle?

11.What did Omar Ibn Al-khatab say regarding the people who stayed in the Masjid claiming that they depend on Allah to bring them sustenance? Explain?

12.The engineer who built Titanic said "Even God cannot sink it". What happened and how did Allah make him fail?

13.Explain how was the arrogance of the captain in terms of speed and life boat.

14.Explain in details the plan of immigration of the Prophet SAW from Macca to Medina.

a.     Direction of travel.

b.     Asma’a flock of sheep.

c.      Food and water supplies.

d.     Spying.

e.     Sleep in bed.

f.       Returning the trusted things.

g.     Hiding for the first few days.

h.     Routing.

i.        Who was the companion of the Prophet during his immigration?

j.        Who was the woman of the two belts? How did she get this name? What was her relationship to the Prophet and Abo Bakr? What was her role during the Prophet migration to Madina?

k.      Who was the person who was spying on the Arab Lords? How? What was his relationship to Abo Baker Al-Sidiq?

15.The plan of the Prophet saw failed three time? Explain the three times and how did Allah save him?

16.Why Allah swt saved the Prophet saw three times.

a.     What is the meaning of the concept of being desperate? How is it related to this subject?

b.     What was the first miracle that Allah saved his Prophet with? What happened to the 40 guys that were surrounding the house of the Prophet SAW? What did the Prophet do to them before he leaves? Why?

c.      What was the second miracle that Allah saved his Prophet with?

d.     Who was the guy that was trying to capture the Prophet SAW for a prize? What was his name? And what was the prize? The Prophet promised his something. What was it? Why did the Prophet promise him? When did this promise become true, i.e. after what battle?

17.Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Explain this statement and how is it related to the subject of how to depend on Allah?








Notes from prior years (1):




Lesson [4]: The Name of Allah Al-Wakeel (The One we depend on) Part II


Click here to watch the video recording of the class

OR Click here to listen to the audio recording of the class.



Listen to the audio recording or watch the video recording of the class, read the notes below, and answer the following questions thoroughly. Short answers are not accepted. You must email me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.     Explain the law of “be and its”? Hint: (36:82)

2.     Did Allah create and has been governing the universe using the laws of “be and its”? Explain in details.

3.     For anything to exist in reality, it had to exist in the knowledge of Allah first. Why?

4.     If Allah will excuse anyone from using the laws of nature, who would be exempted?

5.     Regarding the unseen soldiers sent from Allah to save you.

a.     Mention the three times