Total Verses: 19
Revealed At: MAKKA
Teacher-Children Quran MP3 Audio File
96.001 |
Read in the name of your Lord Who
created |
96.002 |
Created man from a clot |
96.003 |
Read and your Lord is the Most
Honorable |
96.004 |
Who taught with the Pen |
96.005 |
Taught man what he didn’t know |
96.006 |
No! indeed man is rebellious |
96.007 |
Because when he looks to what he
has, he sees himself with no needs to Lord |
96.008 |
Surely to your Lord is the return |
96.009 |
Have you seen the one who forbids |
96.010 |
A slave when he prays? |
96.011 |
Have you considered if he was on
the right way, |
96.012 |
Or if he was preaching piety |
96.013 |
Have you considered if he were
denying the truth and turning his back? |
96.014 |
Doesn’t he know that Allah does
see? |
96.015 |
No! if he doesn’t stop, We would
certainly grab him by the forehead |
96.016 |
A lying, sinful forehead |
96.017 |
Then let him call for help his
buddies |
96.018 |
We will call the guards of hell |
96.019 |
No! Don’t obey him and prostrate
yourself and get closer to me |