

Scientific Miracles of The Quran and The Sunnah

The Evidence that Proves that Muhammad is a True Prophet and the Quran is a True Book of Guidance

The Quran, revealed 1400 years ago in seventh-century Arabia, contains references to natural phenomena and scientific facts that were unknown at the time. The Arabs of that era showed no interest in science, leading many to believe that these verses were intended for future generations with enough scientific knowledge to discover them.

v   Important Notes about the Sub ject.

v   Dr. Maurice Bucaille, the Pioneer and Illuminator. The First Person to Examine the Quran and the Bible in the Light of Modern Science and Published Several Books About it.

v   MuhammadSAW cannot be the One Who Authored Quran (4:06 min Video Watch on YouTube or Download)

v   Review of the book “The 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in the history” Ranking MuhammadSAW as number one in the list. Book by Michael Hart (12:28 min YouTube Video OR Download) Click here for the book in pdf. Click here for the reasons for the author to select Prophet MuhammadSAW to lead the list.

The Quran predicted the following 1400 years ago.

v   The Shape and Role of Mountains Miraculously Resembles the Quranic Descriptions.

v   Modern Discoveries of the Development of the Human Embryo Miraculously Resembles the Quranic Descriptions.

v   Indication that the Gender of the Baby is Determined by the Male. Warning to Minors: Requires Parent Guidance.

v   Indication that the Artificial Fertilization of the Egg and Sperm Must be done in Complete Darkness to be Successful. Warning to Minors: Requires Parent Guidance.

v   Prediction of the Existence of the Pulsars.

v   Breathing Gets More Difficult as You Fly Higher.

v   Marine Barriers. The Seas not Mingling with One Another and What Happens When Fresh Water Meets Sea Water.

v   Darkness in the Oceans and Seas.

v   The Region of the Brain Believed to be the Functional Center for Aggression.

v   Correct Description of the Early Universe - Big Bang Theory.

v   The Universe is Expanding

v   Indication that Iron came From Giant Stars in the Outer Space.

v   We Can See the Positions of the Stars in the Past but not the Actual Stars.

v   Indication that the Sun has its Own Light but not the Moon.

v   The Fingerprints are Unique.

v   Saying of the Prophet Muhammad about the Fly.

Exploring Potential Scientific Correlations in Quranic Verses: Interpretations May Vary.

v   Possible Prediction of the Existence of Volcanoes at The Bottom of the Deep Oceans.

v   Possible Indication that the Food Snatched by the Fly cannot be Recovered.

v   Will the Day of Judgment Happen at Nighttime or at Daytime - Possible Consideration of the Time Differences in Different Locations on Earth, i.e., Time Zones.

v   Possible Prediction of Space travel.

v   Possible Indication of the Decrease of the Land from its Outlaying Boundaries.

Related Material:

·       The Bible, The Quran and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (Recommended Book).

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